Internet Marketing Ninjas Blog

Email Bots that Stroke your Ego and get you Reading.

I just got a piece of spam that might have suckered me…if they hadn’t made 1 mistake…

Here’s the introduction and first paragraph of the email:

Subject line: Thanks for your blog at

Hey mr Boykin,

First thanks for your site which I frequently visit, at {url}. Your articles, stories and tips have helped me a lot, which has resulted in more profits at the bottom line. So an incredible thanks for you great site, keep up the good work!

the introduction of "Hey mr Boykin" had me thinking it might be a typo by a human…

Notice the "{url}"…..I didn’t edit that…that’s how it came….if only they had entered in instead of "{url}" they might have suckered me into reading whatever he was writing below that first paragraph. Kinda nice "sucker" email to send to thousands of bloggers…hey, what blogger doesn’t enjoy reading things like that??, which then leads them to see what else this person is saying…..I’ll never know what he was going to push on me because I never got past the first paragraph.

Hey, Humans do it better.


8 Responses

  1. I find that any email or comment that mentions my site by the URL rather than the name is almost always spam. Real people just don’t usually write that way.

  2. I’m not surprised, the spammers aren’t really that smart. After all, they’re spammers, right? LOL

    I’m amazed by the inattention to detail by spammers, anyway. I get some pretty funny ones. Even see {insert name here} sometimes in the subject of the email.

    I once got a spam email from someone selling SEO services, it made me mad, so I posted the email on my blog a while back, telling people that the guy was a big email spammer. Turns out that he had put his cell phone number in the email, was getting a lot of nasty calls, and wanted me to remove my post about him on my blog because it was ranking well for his name!

  3. I did receive this type of spam before, and I was stupid enough to read till the end of the mail before I realized I was spammed.

  4. It’s funny because I usually get the same spam from multiple spammers. Sometimes it will have my name and/or url, and others will have %name% or whatever. I guess it just depends on if the spam templates works well with their email program – whether it uses %, {}, or # for their variables! 🙂

  5. If your email supports html, the scripts will work, otherwise, you will keep seeing tat %name% and other shitty stuff. Humans are best, I completely agree. Bots only spoil all the fun…..

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