Jim Boykin Headshot
Jim Boykin
Founder and CEO

Jim Boykin has been actively involved in SEO and Internet marketing since 1999. Jim’s knowledge and experience have made him one of the most respected and referenced SEO’s in the industry and his passion for innovation and growth has led his company, Internet Marketing Ninjas, to become one of the world’s leading online marketing firms.

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A brief biography of Jim Boykin

Jim Boykin is the founder and CEO of Internet Marketing Ninjas (formerly We Build Pages). Born and raised in Upstate NY, he has built a reputation as an expert and thought leader in the SEO industry. In the last few years Jim has been recognized by the Business Review as one the Top 40 Leaders Under 40, and listed as one of GSINC’s Top 40 Most Influential People of Search in 2007. Jim has also been featured in local and national publications like Examiner.com and Forbes. He is a member of the American Marketing Association, the Better Business Bureau and the Saratoga Chamber of Commerce.

Jim’s blog was nominated for a SEMMY in 2008 and was named as the “Best Link Building Blog” by Search Engine Journal in 2006 and 2007. Recently though, blogging has taken a back seat as he spends more time traveling and speaking on SEO.

Through the course of his career, Jim has presented at over 100 conferences in over 15 countries. His conference credits include SESSMXPubConAffiliate Summit, ExpOn, Hostingcon, and WebMasterWorld among others. He has also served as a PubCon Advisor and is a member of Internet Marketers of New York (IMNY). Jim’s areas of expertise include, SEO, Tools, Link Building and The Panda Updates.

Jim first launched We Build Pages in 1999 as a one-man, web design company. However his natural inclination toward Search Engines led the business to develop into one of the world’s most well-known link building agencies. In 2011, the business re-branded to become Internet Marketing Ninjas and began offering several new services and enhanced versions of existing services.

Now, with a staff of nearly 50 Ninjas, the CEO spends his time training, consulting, speaking with clients, and traveling the world speaking and networking. Before becoming an entrepreneur, Jim travelled the country working in National Parks, where he discovered a deep admiration for the natural beauty of the world. He also developed a love of talking to people and a profound appreciation for great customer service.

When Jim isn’t staying at the office until 2:00am he enjoys spending time with his two sons and seeing live concerts. His eclectic musical tastes range from Barry Manilow to Iron Maiden. Jim also enjoys giving back to the community by getting actively involved in supporting local causes.

Internet Marketing Ninjas has also won the Business Reviews award for Best Places to Work in the Capital Region for 2011 and 2012.

Conferences & Speaking Events

Jim also is a regular speaker at search engine marketing conferences, having spoken at over 170 industry conferences, often speaking on topics such as SEO, link building, internet marketing tools, Google updates, and the future of online marketing.

Industry Testimonials

I have known Jim Boykin for 5 years. His techniques during any given year are literally 5 years or more ahead of what anyone else is doing. I have also found him to be brilliant, reliable and generous. In the online world where we have all found many people to be untrustworthy, he is one guy who I really trust, and call my friend. FYI, Nobody asked me to write this. Much Love,
dk from Purpose Inc (& a San Diego Chiropractic)

I gained some insight into the practices of our industry’s foremost link development consultants. I was able to see for myself that these guys are for real and they’ve done a good job of consolidating theory with evidence and thereupon manifesting best practices for link development.
AbhilashSEO Blogger and Link Ninja

Aaron Wall (SEO Book) say’s the following on WBP Alexa rating for webuildpages.com: I write a popular blog and book about search engine optimization. I spend most of my time tracking the latest news and have little time to work on client work. Having said that, I get a ton of leads from people wanting me to work on their site. I don’t have enough time to do that though. Not wanting to risk the brand I worked so hard to build, it took me a while to find someone trustworthy enough to send leads at. At a recent SEO conference not 1 but 2 people came up to me and thanked me for referring them to Jim Boykin. It is pretty rare in the SEO field to get thanked in person by strangers that you only met via email, and that shows what a great job Jim does.
Aaron Wall of SEO Book and Threadwatch

WeBuildPages Review of WeBuildPages’ link building services.
Michael Gray (Graywolf)Graywolf’s SEO Blog

From Jim's Linkedin profile, Industry Testimonials

“I’ve known Jim for close to 10 years, and during that time I’ve seen him grow his company, attracting some of the best in the industry to come work with / for him. He has vast experience in the industry, and always keeps an audience engaged (he’s typically swamped by attendees asking for his advice and thoughts during breaks at conferences) during his, heavily in-demand, presentations, where he delivers actionable strategies and tactics. Through my interactions with him, I’ve seen that he’s a hard working visionary who gives back to the industry and who also encourages the industry to give back to local communities through sponsoring events for charities at conferences.”
Simon Heseltine, VP of Search at CoStar Group, Inc.

“Jim has been a leading voice in the digital marketing industry for over a decade. His experience, wisdom and intelligent ideas are the basis for success. he has a genuine interest in supporting others and takes active steps to make the right things happen.”
Duane Forrester, VP of Industry Insights with Yext

“Jim and the WeBuildPages are the best (and only) organic SEO firm to which I recommend people. Go with Jim if you want top rankings, otherwise, good luck!”
Andy HagansAndy Hagans Link Building

“Jim Boykin is a great example of a determined entrepreneur and a true “live and breathe” SEO. From the free tools to the conference photos on the WeBuildPages site and his excellent blog, Jim has been a generous supporter and advocate of the search marketing industry. He’s also one of the few people that “get” SEO.
Lee Odden, President, TopRank Online Marketing and Online Marketing Blog

If you’ve ever heard Jim speak at a conference there’s no doubt he’s on the leading edge of the Search Marketing arena. He delivers top notch advice, ideas, and strategies, without needing to resort to trickery or selling “snake oil”. He should be on every company’s short list of people to talk to.
Michael Gray, Owner, Atlas Web Group Inc. and SEO Blogger Graywolf

Jim is one of the brightest minds in search marketing. He is always at the top of the industry with ideas to get clients top search rankings. I highly recommend him and have enjoyed working with him over the last 4 years.
Patrick Gavin, President, Text Link Ads Inc. and Blogger on Link Building Blog

Jim is a well established member of the SEO community and is highly respected. He has offered his knowledge on numerous occasions and I would recommend him to anyone in need of bettering their search presence.
Truman J. Hedding , Vice President Search Marketing at Boulevards New Media

Well known in the industry, long time link builder, and good guy.
Barry Schwartz, President, RustyBrick, Inc. and Search Engine Roundtable and Search Engine Watch.

WeBuildPages Review of WeBuildPages’ link building services.
Michael Gray (Graywolf)Graywolf’s SEO Blog

Jim is one smart, reliable and very down-to-earth guy – although being hell busy (as you can imagine for such a top SEO) he always gets back to my e-mails in time, so working together was very smooth so far. I appreciate all his insights and posts on his weblog – having a beer or two with Jim exceeds what you would learn in a 15 days conference IMHO . This guy knows his stuff! kudos!
Christoph Cemper, Owner, CEMPER.COM

Jim and WeBuildPages are a firm I consistently refer people to for great link building and targeted SEO campaigns in a wide variety of markets. Always professional, always reliable and very friendly – great to work with all around.
Rand Fishkin of SEOMoz

As one of the most knowledgeable guys in the SEO community, Jim is an asset for your organization. Couple his knowledge with his ethical practices, attention to detail, creative thinking, and SEO tools, and Jim and the entire WBP team are a force to be reckoned with. We had very positive results with Jim and his team, and would highly recommend him for work in the online marketing industry.
Greg Hartnett, President, Best of the Web

Jim has exceptional dedication to his work and to the people that he works with. That unique work ethic becomes abundantly clear in the form of solid, consistent results. I thoroughly recommend Jim and his team to anyone seeking optimal performance for their website, since Jim’s prodigious experience encompasses practically every facet of internet marketing.
Darrin J. Ward Founder, SEO Chat / Google Dance

Jim has a well earned reputation as an online marketing consultant. Aside from his personal ability he has successfully built his company to be one of the most sought-after agencies in the industry. I would have no hesitation in giving my full recommendation for Jim or the WBP team
Nick Wilsdon, Owner, e3internet

Interviews with Jim

Check Out Jim's World Famous Picture Gallery

Meet more of the Ninjas

Pubcon Vegas Nov 15-17

If you haven’t made your reservations yet, what are you waiting for? WebmasterWorld Pubcon Las Vegas Nov 15-17 I’m stoked to be speaking on the Link Building Campaigns panel again. I’m also stoked to be on a panel with Bill Hartzer (third time we’ve been on same panel), Eric Ward (the link building legend man), […]


SEO – Then, Now, and Tomorrow.

SEO history based on my experience – a very late at night post. 1999 SEO – Creating 18 doorway pages for 18 major search engines. Looking at the sites in the top results and analyzing keyword density of each area of the pages, and repeating it with just a little more keyword density. Regularly submitting pages to the Search […]


Will the real link request please stand up?

A common conversation: Client:”What do I do with all these link requests I get in my emails”.Jim:”Delete them – 99.9% of them are worthless”.Client: “But Jim, some of them look good, don’t you even want to review them?”Jim: “No, it’s not worth my time to find 1 real request out of 1000 emails” Clients: “maybe I’ll go […]


GoDaddy and .Jobs issue fixed.

Due to my previous post about my problems trying to purchase SEM.Jobs at Godaddy,I was contacted yesterday by Ray Fassett of Employ Media LLC  (the company which operates the .Jobs domains) and we had a walk through the purchase process at Godaddy for buying a .Jobs domain name. Ray agreed that the process was misleading. Today he […]


WBP SEO Tools Updated

I just finished updating our SEO Tools Page on webuildpages.com. I added some of the newer tools to that page which had been missing and gave better explanations of what each tool does. We’ve got another 7 tools in the works right now, so if you like these, check back often for more new tools. […]


Kill Spyware Before it Kills You

Spyware –  most of you have some and don’t even know it. Spyware can slow your computer down, can give you annoying pop ups, can destroy your computer, can record every keystroke you make (including your passwords), which can destroy your identity and your bank account if you’re not careful. I use a 4 pronged approach to […]


GoDaddy Jobs Problem

* 10-6-05 Update- This issue has been resolved. See this post Original post:You may recall my post from last week where I thought I had purchased SEM.jobs at Godaddy. Well a few days ago I was given a refund for $120 (the cost of the domain, but not the $39.95 application fee). My refund email […]


Neat-O Backlink Tool – V1 Live

The tool I spoke about in my last post has been fixed (with some fancy code and hosting changes). I’ve been accused of naming our tools corny names, so in the spirit of that, I’ve named this one The Neat-O Backlink Tool Checks URL’s linking in and Link Text This tool finds the first backlink from each domain […]