Monthly Payment SEO Scams

I was listening to the Jupiter Webinar "How to Select a Search Marketing Partner" by Chris Sherman today and during the end Q & A someone asked about Monthly fees for SEO. Chris did say that for pages which don’t change, optimizing once is probably all they need…..but he also said something like "as search engines […]


SEOmoz 93 ranking factors

I don’t want my blog to ever turn into a regurgitated news blog, but today I came accross such a good article on factors which effect search engine rankings that I just have to post a link to it here too. 93 factors which effect search engine rankings from Rand Fishkin with the help of some […]


Yahoo Email Broke?

I used to get about 100 emails a day in my Yahoo Bulk Email Folder. I now get about 5 a day in my bulk folder. The other 95 are going right in my inbox. What’s up with that Yahoo? Are your bulk email filters broken? I mean like how does stuff like this get […]


Picture of Link Neighborhoods

What’s the best order in the Chaos of Linking? I’m often asked these questions: How does Google order websites? How do Yahoo, and MSN order websites. Why don’t they give the same results? What does it take to be #1? Why did my rankings change? I’m going to attempt to answer all these questions with […]


I’ve got SEM.Jobs

I played around some today looking at the new .job domain name extentions. These domains are still available I passed on the above…but I ended up buying for $160.15 ($119.95/year + $39.95 application fee (yea, don’t ask me why math doesn’t add up)) from Godaddy. PS. Darn….I see is available….but I don’t […]


Before I got to #1

Today I ran a search in Google for "what time zone is ohio" It answered my question…but it gave me a few new questions. Before I got to the #1 Result, I see 2 areas Google’s put on top. 1. how did this page: above the "Book results"? (and hey…another type site!) I see in the […]


Pass that joint over here!

I just got an email lead for services. I’m not sure what this guy is smoking, but I’d appreciate if he’d pass some over here. Here’s some of his email: "….What we would like to do of course is achieve number one positions on all search engines for those words which are:  Horse, Horses, Sports, Software, […]


New Age of Website SEO Tools

2 new SEO Tools by We Build Pages – Age and Links Analysis Tools Every day I get calls with people saying "I want to be #1 for "Green Widgets""My first question to them is "How old is your site?"Followed by my quickly running Yahoo’s linkdomain searches for the top sites to get an idea […]