Try Not to Be Awkward: 5 Tips for Writing Seamlessly Optimized Content
My first lesson in creating SEO content: Try not to be awkward. The inclusion of well-researched keyword phrases in your content is crucial. But it’s just as important to include these words and phrases in a way that flows, reads well, and doesn’t alert the reader to your attempts to sneak in these phrases. I […]
Productivity Fun
There are some days when trying to be productive sounds about as appealing as repeatedly slamming your face into your desk. Other times you would love to be productive, but you just can’t wrangle your mind into submission. Your minds seem to have a mind of their own as you type “cats with sunglasses” into […]
Data Hacks: 4 Rapid Visualization Tricks for Keyword Rankings
By Ninja Dan I love spreadsheets and I’m always looking for new ways to approach the data – sometimes you analyze spreadsheets the same old way and it’s hard to figure out what they’re telling you. The data just isn’t as forthcoming. That’s when a new way to manipulate them might be the trick needed […]
Zen and the Art of the SEO’d Browser: Awesome Non-Obvious Plugins for SEO
People make fun of me: I’m obsessed with browser plugins! My browser has been compared to the cock pit of a 747 plane. I’ll admit it, I deal with slightly slower performance because of my love for plugins: I have two toolbars and 11 other permanent add-ons and 3 more that I’m testing out. I […]
Revisiting Web Standards and Your Website: Opportunities & Challenges
A colleague recently lent me an awesome book about web standards, a fairly famous one, called Designing with Web Standards By Jeffery Zeldman and Ethan Marcotte. It is not your usual techy read, it makes a good case for the importance of web standards generally, addressing important counterpoints such as why are web standards still […]
Getting Scannable: Practical QR Code Marketing Ideas
No one will deny, QR Code Marketing is the new mobile marketing trend for both large brands and small businesses alike. QR codes have a unique ability to break the barrier between offline campaigns and online marketing efforts in real time. They’re also appealing because of their low cost of implementation. It also seems like your imagination is the limit when it […]
Online Video Optimization
Written By, Usability Ninja Karina As the technology of the web advances, online videos are growing in popularity, thus an increased importance is placed on video optimization. Getting your videos to rank well in a search engine will bring your website more visibility. You should think of video as content. We all know that “Content […]
The SEO Mirror Test – Is Your Website Really Breathing??
A while ago, while on a flight somewhere, I forget where now, I picked up a book titled The Mirror Test: Is Your Business Really Breathing by Jeffery W. Hayzlett. You know those little airport micro bookstores where you try to kill part of your 3 hour layover, yeah, one of those. This particular book […]