Tons of sites going “Supplemental Results”.
Don’t really see anyone chatting about it….not sure why…. but tons of sites have gone Supplemental in Google…all pages except the homepages. Is this a BigDaddy Fluke? Anyone with ideas? **update..found thread on webmasterworld discussing.
SES NYC Crazy Pictures – SESNYC2006
Sunday Night: Kim Krause of Cre8pc and Cre8asite forums Rand Fishkin (SEO Moz) DaveN & Matt Cutts…Darth Vadar and Obi-Wan? ———————– Monday Morning Barry Diller of IAC and Danny Me and Barry Diller Monday Night Party Jango Fett, Jeeves frozen in carbonite, and Stormtroopers Brian of BOTW and Chicks Brett Tabke and Neuron […]