Blogs are a funny thing in that you usually never really know who’s reading your blog.
I’d like to break that by asking for anyone reading my blog to add a comment with a little bit about yourself. You can even post a link to your company.
I’ll even start this out.
Hi, I’m Jim Boykin.
I consider myself an Internet Marketing Specialist, specializing in obtaining links for Search Engine Optimization. I’m also the CEO of We Build Pages –
I’m Rand Fishkin. I’m also in the Internet marketing game, with a focus on organic SEO. I’ve got a background in usability and web design and I’m the owner and operator of
Ok, I’ll go second. (Why does this feel like an AA meeting?) I’m a software/systems consultant in the field of Fibre Channel, SCSI, and Linux Device Drivers. Just about anything real-time embedded.
I’m really fascinated by the SEO process and dabble in writing stupid little utilities that nobody will use because they’re buried six feet deep on the last page of Google.
Ok, how about third?
Me 4th!
My name is Lea {hi Lea!} and I’m an Australian-based web developer.
I support the internet presence of small-to-medium businesses, which means I’m a jack of all trades for anything to do with the web and I wish they would stop asking me questions about their email clients 🙁
Anyway, SEO (for want of a better name) is probably the most fun part of What I Do for people, so your blog is of interest. Why I even had a rant here a week or so ago! {blush}
I’ve been in the web stats tracking business over 6 years now. While my business has matured well over the years there are still massive improvements I’d like to make in nearly every aspect of the service. My focus has been bouncing between keeping the server network alive, building/improving the service, maintaining support and running day to day business. Quite a delicate balance! Do I ever loose sleep over it at night? Don’t we all?
My name is Scott… I started my Internet marketing company in 1997, and developed it throughout high school and college… having graduated a few years ago. We’re a small firm in Boston… 10 people now.
I consider myself an online marketing specialist with expertise in search engine marketing and expressing brands online. We have a diversity of clients in our “active client†roster, including a Fortune 100, mid-sized public companies, and small businesses (Yahoo Store E-commerce owners, high-tech companies, etc).
I’m Dave Child (a.k.a. ILoveJackDaniels) and I’m an internet marketing consultant with Propellernet ( in the UK. I’m also a web developer.
Like the site, Jim – you’ve got some great information here.
I’m an IT consultant with a quite broad background. I’m focused on SE friendly Web development and Web outlets of ERP systems. I fulfill the architect role best, so I prefer to get involved in an early stage, but nowadays it seems that I’m mostly hired when the engines have banned, ignored or penalized a site already. I’m working as subcontractor and for my own clients across the globe as well. When I’ve the time I write pamphlets on linking, crawlability, database design and related topics. Oups, Jim may I link out that much?
My name is Alex, i work for a SEM company in Spain as Webmaster/SEO. We work for small/medium businesses, and also for damn-big-companies.
Hi Jim. Enjoy your blog. I’m Mark Sceatsf rom New Zealand & run a web marketing called Viz Marketing. Focus is on search engine optimisation & PPC management. Always fid your thoughts on link building useful. Happy New Year.
I am a software developer with a stack of ideas for products that keep piling up. Quite varied languages – my favourites are PostgreSQL and PHP.
I am a novice with SEO, however am good at coming up with things that are impossible. (very simple – start with “how do I make this possible” instead of “this cannot be done”)
A year ago I wrote some unusual web tracking software purely because I was told it could not happen. (I am about to release this month finally – other work keeps getting in the way)
Something else I have on my design list is a system by which you can find out all the links Google knows about for a site (well 99.9%), instead of just what they tell you. Jim you have convinced me this should be freely available when I build it – your free tools here are AWESOME.
PS – thanks for turning off the nofollow, Jim! I hate how SPAM caused us to ditch part of what makes blogging so great…
Hi, I’m Brian, and I’ve been full-time in SEO since March 2004 – so I’m pretty recent to the party.
My company is, which is run with a sole-trader mentality, and targets small business and start-ups, who have small budgets and need help online.
First ambition is to save the world; second is to be a traditionally published fiction writer. 🙂
Well Jim went first, but Howard went twice, so I guess this is 6th? but whos counting….
My name is Jason, and I’m a software developer from Australia. I’m working on starting a blog type site (, and I follow Jim’s posts to keep an eye and ear on the SEO world.
Happy 2006 everyone!
hi everyone
my name is Rustum and i am doing company registration services from Malaysia and my website is
Well, I am from Bulgaria. I am in the internet marketing field for 2 years now. My main focus is on Organic SEO and Link Building (50/50). I am currently working for one of the leading Bulgarian internet companies. Before that I had about 4 years of experience as a freelance web developer and designer. I also have some background in software development, server administration and networking.
I consider SEO to be one of the most difficult things in the web (if done right). For me a good SEO-er/SEM manager should have:
1. Excellent knowedge in Web Design, Internet marketing and SEO/SEM specific stuff (things that you do not learn in any other area listed here);
2. Very good knowedge in Linguistics, Psyhology, Web development, Server Administration, Network Tehcnologies;
3. Good knowedge in Statistics.
Very good level of general education is also important, I think it gives you a way of seeing the “big picture”.
I still do not consider myself a SEO Expert (although I have some pretty good results in my portfolio) but I try to never stop improving my knowedge in the areas listed above.
Jim’s Blog is on my list of 30 or so carefully chosen blogs that cover SEO, SEM and Internet Marketing. And yes, I read them on a daily basis, when possible.
I am also a regional editor in the Multilingual Search blog (I cover Bulgaria, of course).
my is Johannes, but i prefer my nickname “Jojo”. I am from a little town in Germany. Mostly I am working on my own web projects, blogs and such stuff. I am also working on an german SEO ebook and I am planning on distributing it at the “Aaron Wall”-way. At the moment I have 20 pages and I plan to publish the first version with 30 pages somewhere later this month.
I am although thinking about taking 1 or 2 clients for a little variety of my life later this year.
I’m currently the Director of Search Marketing for a rapidly growing software company. But over the course of my career, I have held a lot of different positions under the auspices of “Internet Marketing.”
I write a blog on “Improving Customer Experience (ICE).” It’s been a little neglected as of late but my New Year’s resolution is to get it rolling again.
My background is in usability/user experience and Internet marketing.
Last year, I was very interested in tagging and RSS as a potent combo for improving search engine visibility. I even wrote a tag generator that allows you to create tags for Technorati,, Flickr, and Furl. Since my blog is an open-source app, I need to build that into my blog as well this year. But for now, it is free for all to use and enjoy.
My other New Year’s resolution is to try to quit being such a lurker in the SE community. I’m going to do my best to contribute more this year. Perhaps this is a small first step. 🙂
Keep up the good work Jim.
Who am I? How did I get here?
My name is Josh and I manage all organic SEO for a Boston-based B2B site. We have a similar model to LendingTree – submit one form and be connected to many suppliers on business products and services, like Copiers for example.
I’ve been trying to figure best practices for SEO for about 3.5 years now. Thanks for all the great thoughts you’ve shared so far, Jim.
My name is Andy Pull, and I just started working as an Internet Marketing Specialist for The Step2 Company last September. I’m definitely new to the game, and learning every day.
I also love to create sites with notepad and GIMP. My latest scheme is to get on the Amazing Race with an online petition at I’d love every bit of word-of-mouth advertising I can get!
Jim, I love your blog.
I am a web designer/programmer from Canton, Ohio also SEO novice. Been deep for a few months now but still sitting back and watching before jumping in. You, Jim, have the esteemed privilege of hosting my first SEO blog comment. Congrats!
Hey there Jim,
My name’s Peter, and I’m down here in Atlanta Georgia. Currently juggling a few gigs. During 9-5, I’m a principal at SearchIgnite, which is a Centralized PPC Keyword Management application for Google, Yahoo, MIVA, Kanoodle, and soon to be MSN AdCenter. Outside of that, I play around with several SEO sites like Atlanta Walkabout, and Planet BnB. Love this blog though. One of the few I visit on a daily basis.
Hi, I’m Dan Kramer. I’m the author of the cloaking software program “KloakIt”, as well as owner of a couple of e-commerce ventures. I’ve been your client since just after the Orlando WMW conference. I’ve been in “the business” since around 1996, and learned SEO the old fashioned way — by making it up as I went along. Remember the good old days when InfoSeek was the SEO’s best friend?
Love your blog, Jim. I think it’s one of the best SEO blogs out there, and if you read carefully, there are some real gems in here.
Programmer (about 10 languages), Web Designer (all kinds of combinations), Silicon Valley dot commer, Startup Entrepreneur, net coding since early ’95. prior to that Electronics Technician in US Navy out of Yokosuka, Japan (traveled Asia).
Current things include my main blog at Diggers Realm and it’s counterpart Inside Online Advertising, where I analyze how changes on Diggers Realm directly affect revenue.
Love your info Jim!
greg hartnett here. i am the president of BOTW, an activist, husband and father of two, and general dissident.
I’m a fellow internet marketing specialist focusing on organic SEO.
I own a marketing/advertising company based out of Las Vegas (but living in Tennessee)
I’ve been developing websites professionally for 6 years and have been doing SEO for 2.
Hi, my name in Martin Muller and I come from Prague, Czech Republic.
I work for travel agency which offers accommodation in Prague hotels and hostels at .
I also write Prague photo blog .
Hi, I’m Bill Hartzer. I’ve been doing SEO since 1996. I live outside of Dallas, Texas and and the search engine marketing manager at MarketNet, a Dallas, Texas based interactive full-service web design, development, and SEM firm.
Glenn here, from New Hamburg, Ontario Canada, which BTW has North America’s largest operational waterwheel (thus my online ID of ‘wheel’). The waterwheel is completely useless, it just spins around and around. Doesn’t power anything or generate electricity. And I don’t think it draws any tourists either – I mean who’d go even 2 minutes out of their way to see that?
(Whew! Got my blog spamming duties out of the way early today!).
Been knocking around the web since 1998, beats working for a living.
Into blogs at the moment, bouncing around the niches, amazing what happens when you start a blog a day.
At the moment Model Trains are my thing. model trains
I really think a blog on Blu Tac is the next big thing.
Dear Jim,
I am Murugan Ranganathan, CEO of Square Brothers Information Technologies, Chennai, India.
Our main business is Web Hosting and planning to start SEO services shortly.
I visit this site to hear about your crazy ideas 🙂
I’m a directory developer and operator. I own WoW Directory and WoW Yellow Pages and I’m the business manager and partner in Skaffe and Sporge Directory. I read your blog daily. It’s important to us to keep up with the latest SEO news so we can better facilitate our users and submitters.
I’m a voice-over actor, juggler, and SEO lackey. Nice combination, eh? I try to use my website to get more clients for voice over.
I blog. I SEO. I CEO TopRank.
I’m a web developer/internet entrepreneur, currently focusing on developing premium domain names. I’m working hard trying to make up for all the lost time I was a user and not a creator.
I also own and run a blog (click my name) covering (I hope this doesn’t set off any duplicate content filters — same list I posted on another blog):
– Contextual Advertising
– Search Engine Optimization
– The Domain name market
– Online Community building
– E-commerce & conversions
– E-mail Newsletters
– Laws pertaining to online publishers
– The online industry in general, sales, acquisitions, and mergers.
The blog is primarily a way for me to remember all the important things I’ve read while giving me some public recognition (which leads to the occasional consulting job.) I’ve also been called an “internet expert” by Brendon Sinclair who wrote Sitepoint’s Web Design Business kit, which I certainly appreciate.
I market property all over the world and have been reading your blog from the start. Your SEO tips and techniques are great and you have a very REAL thought process….from this
I have decided to start my own blog, as people are so full of crap in my industry and I want to give my perspective on it all.
BTW Nice to meet you in Vegas!
Hi! I’m Max from Moscow (Russia). I started SEO in 2002 promoting only one online gambling site. Now I’m a black hat SEO thanks to all russian spammers mentor GreenWood.
Hi Jim,
I’m what Todd would call SEO3.0 (3 for being a latecomer and 3 for being based in the third world) but I’ve been dabbling on all things Web since 1998.
Been focused on SEO for the past 2 years and have been evangelizing this part of the world on the beauty and wonders of SEM via my blog and the SEO Philippines blog and mailing list.
Your blog and Todd’s are daily destinations. Same goes with the toolsets you’re sharing with the rest of the community.
PS: with a little link peddling, this could be the next milliondollarpost…everyone will then be fighting to be on it 😉
Hey, Jim. Great idea for an entry!
I’m Brian, founder of Scoreboard Media Group, an SEO consulting firm to the corporate environment. Wasn’t originally the niche I had my heart set on, but I had enumerable contacts within Fortune 1000 businesses from a previous life and those became SEO/SEM clients as I donned my search engine marketing hat.
Recently, I took a hiatus from new clients at Scoreboard, to assume a gig as a Marketing Director for a Bay Area media start-up. Gotta wet my beak on the 2.0 money! In doing so, I’ve also found myself directing prospective clients to the SEO biz to the Webuildpages crew as you guys are probably the only firm I feel comfortable doing so.
Great blog and perspective over here. Good luck in 2006!
Hi Jim,
My name is Carl. I’m from Montreal, QC. I sometimes describe myself as an SEO specialist but mostly I do all the webmastery stuff most webguys won’t touch with a ten foot pole. People often say “oh, just ask Carl, he’ll fix it”. This is the cause of my intermittent ulcer. That and clients that ask “Pourrais-tu nous concevoir un site bilingue?”
I started reading your blog one day in October and I haven’t missed a day since. Great insight into the subtleties of SEO, a down to earth attitude and news-you-can-use is what keeps me reading.
Hi Jim,
I am a web analytics and SEO consultant in Cleveland. I focus more on the web measurement side of things, but I enjoy SEO and appreciate the community has formed around it.
Trying to get my employer to pay for a trip to SES in Feb. so hopefully I can meet some folks.
Hello Jim,
I’m an Affiliate Marketer :slash: Professional Internet Junkie :slash: Wannabe Successful SEO and Google Train Derailer. All that and a blog or two too! 😉
I’m a big fan of Todd’s so that automatically transferred to you (guilt by association kinda thing).
Love your blog!
Hi Jim,
Am based in London and have been doing seo/web dev since late 90s. Can normally be found in the bar at most pubcons. 🙂
Tony Spencer here in Raleigh, NC. Programmer turned SEO back in the good old Viagra days of the late 90’s. Can usually be found sharing a pint with Mike Nott at the bars at the pubcons. 🙂
Hi, I think I’m #40 or something…If anyone gets down this far i’m George Zlatin and i’m pretty new to this wild and exciting SEO game. I started about a year ago working on my own e-commerce store and now I work at a professional SEO firm in downtown Chicago learning from some of the best in the biz. Ain’t life grand.
Hi All—
I work for the same aforementioned Chicago firm, and have been in the game in one way or another for about as long as there has been a game to be in. I have also just launched a new blog and site, Paperclip Marketing (get it— it’s funny, right?). I’m still working out the kinks, so please don’t hold it against me– I’m not a real programmer, and have done the whole thing by hand. I certainly welcome your comments and suggestions on it.
Hi I’m Spencer Hoyt and I manage a team of SEO professionals in Louisiana. I like Jim’s blog and his insight into the SEO field. It is a must read on a weekly basis for me. Keep up the good work!
I am the CTO of an excellent SEO and Internet Advertising Company.
Jim is one of the best SEO experts in the world, that is why I like reading what he has to say.
You certainly attract some interesting folk here, Jim. I’m an Internet Marketing Consultant based in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. I’m also a moderator on the Cre8asite Forums.
My name is Ammon Johns, I live in Brighton, UK, and I’ve been into web promotions since 1995, taking the title of “Internet Marketing Consultant” back in ’97 to show that while I am well known for SEO, its only a tool in the bag, not the whole bag.
I was recently labelled as an ‘original gangster’ (!) of SEO by Rand, which actually made me laugh aloud when I read it. I’ve certainly been called worse things. At the first ever Pub Conference in 2001, London, I was referred to as a “grandfather of SEOs” by a couple of folks who said they’d learned the trade from someone who claimed to have learnt it from me in turn… Made me feel ancient.
Hi! I’m Gradiva Couzin and I’m writing a book about SEO… a down-to-earth approach for busy types. Uh-oh, I hope my co-author doesn’t read this, I’m supposed to be working on the outline for Chapter 8. Anyway, our companion site is Your SEO Plan (does your comment take HTML? I hope so). There’s not much on the site right now but more to come (we’re way too busy writing – ahhh deadlines)! Your blog, of course, has been a great resource. Maybe there’s even a free signed book for you here somewhere! Thanks,
Hey Jim,
I feel like a loser here, everyeone seems to have done something cool or is on their way to an achievement while I’m a just turned 17 year old who is currently scouting out SEO news at 3:30 am hoping his parents won’t wake up.
Well I’m proud to say I just began SEO a few months back while still studying in high school. I currently run one main site (the website I put in) while trying to open up as many as 20-30 new sites in the coming few months.
I hope to make a reasonable income before I graduated high school. 🙂
I’m John Scott. Best known as the sultry voice of Bugs Bunny, I’ve recently been moonlighting as a cigarette smoking coffee drinker.
OR, I’m the guy that runs v7n, offending the pompous and preaching anchor text and links, and marketing before SEO.
I’m also a fan of Jim’s. He’s a cool guy to hang out with. 🙂
Im James Duggan. Im jack of all trades and master of none…..yet – doing a bit of everything search engine related PPC and basic SEO.
Howdy! My name is Brian Gilley & I started an SEO company about 4 years ago called Our main business has not (until the new site launch expected this month) been in the signing SEO clients area, with the exception of just a handful.
We’re looking to change all that soon and are adding a host of SEO services including newer LSI methods, content writing, ‘real’ link development with authority hubs, and even some web design using virtually all CSS.
Enjoy your daily findings and thoughts Jim. Very intuitive and insightful.
I’m Jarrod Hunt; Internet Marketer and Web Developer for the past 9-10 years.
I also run a few websites, one of them being
I’ve always been impressed with Jim’s focus on quality when it comes to his link building techniques, and his blog is one of the most interesting in the industry.
Keep up the great writing and link building Jim. I hope to see you at a conference someday. We’ll have a few drinks and discuss links 😉
I’m Nick Wilsdon, MD of e3internet. I started SEO back in 2000 but now only consult in-house on our own web production projects. I’m a big fan of your work Jim/Todd and will hopefully be catching up for a beer this year at one of the shows.
I manage the online advertising for a major airline.
I’m an info junkie when it comes to learning SEO, online marketing and branding.
I’ve been working online for just over 2 years now. Started out with no html knowledge or anything. I love it all, love my job!
I love poker, play about 3 hours a day and am presently working on Poker Baron (If anyone wants to write about poker, I’m willing to pay for articles!)
I learned all I know about SEO because I once hired a lame SEO company that didn’t do their job – didn’t even mention linking.
Lucky for me I know how to read and surf the net and found out what I needed to know to get started.
This blog great, Jim. It’s a daily read for me.
Ever make a post only to go back and read it and turn bright red when you see the typos?
This blog GREAT! 🙂
I’m an SEO blog ‘lurker’. I own a SEM company called Search Sandbox specializing mainly in paid search. I continue to practice and refine my natural SEO skills and am slowly seeing better results. While I’m pretty late to the SEO game, I believe there is always room for quality people who perform quality work.
Hi I am rather new to SEO with only 1-2 years of part time work under my belt. Currently focusing on helping some Non Profits (yep for free) It feels good and frankly chasing clients for fees is something that really sucks. Jim great blog Thank you for the insite and information.
I am Nadir, SEO for as a Project Manager, I also blog here I have been doing SEO for less than 1 year now and I try to read as many blogs as I can, including yours. Thank you!
Hi Jim,
my name is also Jim 🙂
I am an SEO and Web Developer from Sweden. I own and operate My speciality is link building but I also do the rest of the SEO, but not PPC.
Hi Jim,
My, what long thread you have!
I’ve been in SEO for a few years now, although it was originally under a pseudonym since I started as a sales rep for a premium content development company. No one knew my name was really “Abhilash”, they just thought I was the brown guy with an extraordinarily westernized name…
I’m now OUT of the SEO consulting game (for the most part) and doing in-house work full time for a great cause (albeit competitive space)–Substance Abuse Treatment for people with addictions/alcoholism (like plenty in this industry! :).
I recently went to see Jim for a link training (and pub crawl) over at his NY headquarters. Was very impressed. Great work, Jim, I want to wish you all the success in the world (except mine ;)!
Enjoyed your story and your articles. Good luck in the future.
Hi Jim
I’m Vinnie to my friends and run a new media company named Southbourne Internet Ltd. We have been building full scale portals and smaller sites for many years even long before Southbourne Internet started.
Our current project is SearchandGo ( which is a special features portal still in its beta stage and will roll out live in the next few weeks with a mobile web ready directory and some new services never before seen in portal and directory authoring.
My main role for our company is SEO and project authoring. Why am I here? keeping up with the industry news…
Hi Jim,
I’m George, I’m based in Manchester, UK and I’ve been doing organic SEO since late ’98 – with nearly the whole last year out on sabbatical. I was two years into a Law degree before that, but the first SEO thing I did went straight to #1…yeah, I was hooked instantly. I became SEO manager for a web design and marketing company with overall responsibility for UK clients, and for European SEO strategy (well, Germany and France, but European sounds better) when there were co-ordinated campaigns to orchestrate.
But I’ve only been back in the game a couple of months, so I’m somewhat rusty and chasing SERPs so I can have something to bang on about.
Anyway, you have some very good ranks there, good luck to you…
Hey Jim, how are you? It’s nice to meet you online. Funny, I knew the name and was sent this blog from a good friend and partner Tom and then immediatly realized that I have done alot of talking with people from webuildpages in the past, and it is nice to finally put a face with the company.
I’m sure you have seen me around, and we may have even spoken in the forums around the web. I was a very long time user of seochat. Not there much any more really since the main members are gone, but I do still pop on there once in a while… I’ve gone off to try and build my own community ( so that has kept me pretty busy as seo forums are difficult to build a quality following. Stop in once in a while, it would be great to have you on there!
I’ve been doing seo for years now and it’s funny because when you really know what to do, you wind up creating your own projects that work and get lost in a shuffle of do I really want to do seo for others, or do I just want to do it for myself… Especially when projects grow.. But seo is an exciting business and it’s alot of fun to watch and learn. SO I continue to help others as much as possible without taking awy too much time from my own passions.
Well, just wanted to say hello since I saw your introduction post…. Congradulations on the new addition to the family. Children change so much in your life, so you are headed for a whole lot of fun with that… See you around the web!
Hey I am Christoph from good old Europe – Vienna / Austria – that’s where you get Schnitzel – no Kangaroos here 🙂
Working with SEOs, Marketing folks, studying marketing at night and all kinds of crap… still pretty good programmer and database guy – built 1 TB databases 10 years ago 🙂 … a few years pure software project management where enough to return back to real work 🙂
I am Bob A Smith, and I come from meery old england, got into this internet marketing game about a year ago and just can’t stop, have found it very adictive and enjoyable to say the least.
Currently studing at Uni, software enginnering and marketing as an optional module.
Where I am currently adding products to help other internet marketers, and I am currently trying to get as many as possible in one useful place, with free offers for people who make an account and signup to the newsletter.
i am bachodi, writing about the things happening around. newly started, want to write about books, music, movies. and also want to publish photographs i shot.
Hi, I am SmallFry. I have had this problem… no no thats not what I wanted to say. Well I chose the nickname because when I decided to quit avoiding blogs like the plague(old fear of the unknown) I felt like a small fry in an ocean of big fish. I have 30 pages open all from jumping from blog puddle to blog puddle.
When I got laid off from MCI/Worldcom(I used to maintain the fiber backbone(including uunet) that we all depend on) I thought I would start my business online. Well the results of that are 5 websites of my own in various states of being updated or abandoned. Jack of all trades, BSN degree inventor and ideas person but not a salesman and oh so weak at marketing. I think my latest idea could really be a big thing with the right marketing and if the concept was maybe rewritten better(grammer and conciseness not a strongpoint). You said I could plug it just not sure how. Either way if one of you gets bored and wants to critique it, its at LOL if nothing else it will end up as a website of my favorite sites after all who can find anything in their favorites lists anymore? :):)
I am the presellpageman – and I am doing pre sell pages! A lot of them…
Apart from reading Jim’s great blog I just created a reference site on presell pages. This site is dedicated to providing in-depth information about the pros and cons of presell pages, bringing together search engine experts and a great inventory of sites to host advertorial content on.
I currently have 300+ sites to do placements on – and there are some real gems within – having 100s of .edu backlinking domains… yummy yummy…
So if you wonder why text link won’t work anymore
(because your ad hosting sites were note below the radar?!?), then I encourage you to checkout articles and recommendations from fellow SEOs at the presellpageman site.
I am a webmaster of, I wanna to work at home.
But I think there are many need to study.
I’m a little embarrassed it’s taken me so long to introduce myself since I visit this blog so often (sorry Jim), but here it goes.
I’m Jason Hendricks, and I’ve been marketing websites as long as I’ve been designing/operating them, which is a little over eight years. I became narrowly focused on SEO about five years ago, and haven’t looked back since.
I currently own and operate a few dozen sites, offering products and services ranging from DVD duplication to personalized children’s books. I also offer marketing and e-commerce consulting services to local clients, but consulting definitely doesn’t occupy the majority of my work day.
I met Jim about a year and a half ago at SES Chicago, and have trained with Jim and his team a couple of times when I felt like I was in a link building rut. They really opened my eyes to some creative concepts for link building, and I highly recommend their services to anyone feeling frustrated as I did.
OMG I feel like a fish out of water………..I am a middle-aged retired mom trying to make a living at internet marketing. I’m an average pc user with no formal training and I’ve been working for the last 6 months building my site. (I am about ready to go out and play in traffic !!!) Can anyone direct me to free information that will help me make sense of all this? I salute you, Jim!
Happy greetings everyone from Music City, USA. Running a new Yahoo Store, trying to learn the e-commerce, seo, internet advertising biz.
Hey Mike, given that Matt Cutts is the big google guy , I like your web sites name “cutting mats” 🙂 first thought about a fun name 🙂
I’m me, a legend in my own mind, potentially sub-optimal open mindedness at it’s finest.
Been in computers since ’75, my uncle was a computer designer dealing with bit slice processors that worked on the TVA siesmic gear, Alaskan Pipeline sensors and then some, so I picked up some interesting intel early on.
Done many a software startup including one that the dark overlords of Lotus (now IBM) purchased in the early 90s.
I’ve coded everything from microcode using hex and octal keypards, eproms, OS drivers and plug-ins, application software, ecommerce products, telephony and then some.
I’m often considered a jack-of-all-trades with a computer or a journeyman, your pick.
If if can be done, I’m here 😉
Obviously my quest for knowledge building ecommerce software in ’96 led to SEM/SEO and one of the first ecommerce products that incorporated those concepts into the core code to make it easy for customers.
To sum it up, been there, done that, been idle a couple of years and looking for a new challenge.
I know it exists!
I’m just a missionary in Thailand who does some pro-bono web design on the side for non-profits. Very new to this whole web marketing game.
I have spent probably 30 mins browsing through your blog & enjoyed the posts in it. It’s somewhat along similar lines to what I have planned for my own blog/website ( so it’s nice to see a picture of the future, if you know what I mean. 🙂
I work for one of Australia’s top SEO/SEM firms, based in Perth, the capital city of Western Australia. My favorite internet marketing activity is setting up and managing Google AdWords PPC campaigns for clients. BUT, I also do hands-on SEO, write content for client websites, dream up ways to make money from their web traffic and generally try my hardest to persuade them that having a 5 page website full of Flash is gonna make it tough to reach #1 on Google for any significant keywords!!! 🙂
Just to fill in my “spare time” 😉 I also have 15+ personal websites up and running, where I experiment with all sorts of fun net technology and marketing ideas. I make money from Google Adsense, affiliate programs and other such fun things as well. All-in-all, a great practise ground for my day job! 🙂
Keep up the good work.
Eran M.
Yes , Ive dived into the deep end of Internet marketing. Well I think I have! It makes me angry to see all the cr*p websites out there trying to sell you hens teeth.
I had the notion one day that I would try and promote a site , any site… Get it up on the web and see where it would go…
Well its getting there.. Im trying not to spend any money ( apart from hosting ) and perhaps , maybe perhaps and possibly , I might make some $$$ at it.
Ive signed up for Google Adsense and any number of “FREE” Search Engine Submission sites..
Im learning all at PR ( not the 90’s idea of PR obviously…. Yaw! Mawn !) and how many websites get Higher in Googles Rank , and how some people would kill their own pet Labrador to get up higher and all about SEO and Scraper Sites and Links and Link and Links and more links…..And then some more Links….
Ive setup a site called Sparks Flying.. and I want people to “Catch that Spark while it flys”…. ( Its all I could think of… !)
Im trying to see if I can drive some people ( I might hire a big bus and get people there..) to the site using various methods…
Thinking that paying $10 for 10,000 visitors of traffic a few weeks ago was the best thing since sliced bread has since left a tang of disdain in my mouth… I mean HELLO? What was I thinking.. Ive found lots of sites that let you sign up and run a web page in the background.. but really.. its not doing you any favours..
In fact I found out through distance learning ( me reclined back in my chair in shock) that Google Adsense makes some form of calculation for CPC ( Cost per click i believe? – correct me if im wrong please!). Lets do it like at school:
So these sites offering traffic ( unless they can prove they have someone interested in your site and not sitting there with lots of browsers open caring less ) are actually quite useless ( Unless you can convince me otherwise!)
Right , Im off to see if Ive made my first million , I’ll be in touch..
Feel free to visit me anytime – You might need to knock hard on the door 🙂
So Jim , sorry about that crazyness but i just thought I should let you know 🙂
Great Site , keep up the good work!
Hi Jim,
Just discovering this blog… Wanted to go fishing today… I think that I will instead spend my sunday devouring as most of your posts and tips as I can !
So I’m Pierre, and I work almost full time on this passion of mine which are the USA. The rest of my working time being dedicated to Venice, Italy.
All the best.
Hi Jim. I’m glad I heard of your site through SEO Book…Guys like you make guys like me look smart.
– Rob
Hey Jim. Adding myself as the 81st post. Wow- I hope to have such a following someday.
Hi Jim – I’m just happy to have made the Top 100 of “introducees” to your site. I look forward to the banquet in 2020 when all of us pioneers are honored for the foresight to jump on your bandwagon early. 😉
I’m like Lea de Groot (#4 with a bullet) in that I, “I support the internet presence of small-to-medium businesses”; with a focus on how to use this fantastic tool to leverage their presence either through their site or the effective use of email marketing. With the help of guys like you and Aaron Wall I’m slowly building my knowledge of SEO marketing and link building. Thanks for this great resource.
Hi Jim, my name is Karl Ribas and I’m a search engine marketer at All Web Promotion, a Chicago based SEM company. In addition to the many hours I spend at work each day, I also maintain my own SEM related website / blog. I spend most days working on client projects and most nights working on my own project… if you want to call it ‘work’.
I’ve been a reader of your blog for months now and enjoy it very much… sorry that I’m just now getting around to introducing myself. I’ve also had the privilege of catching a few of your speaking gigs at past SES conferences, and enjoyed them as well.
When I’m not working, I enjoy gaming (consoles, not PC), reading (usually marketing or scripting related), and poker (both playing and watching). However… not working is a rarity.
Thank for making this such a great resource. Keep up the great work!
Hey Jim,
I sat next to you (on your left) at dinner in Beantown at that fancy restaurant (I forget the name) where we played “price is right” and the Polish guy won.
Hi, this is May and I live in Malaysia.
Your blog is listed in the top 5 blogs on internet marketing and that was where I found you. I am a starter in this arena so you can say I am a newbie and so have alot to learn.
I like your blog as its content rich and interesting. I will continue to login frequently. I don’t have any area of specialization but I would like to ‘coach’ and teach in the future.
I have the rights to a Mastermind recording from East (orient perspective) and West (western perspective) contributors from all over the world on the philosophy from the book ‘Think and Grow Rich’ by Napoleon Hill. You can get your Free book from my site.
This website will go live from June 2006 onwards, as we are still working on it.
I’m a soon to be attorney who is interested in internet legal issues and small business development. Found your site while working on a relative’s website and I’m addicted.
I am Chris, I spent 7 years in the eBay, refurbished computer business and made good money but found doing blogs, aff programs and ppc stuff paid me just as much with fewer headachs!
Sorry Jim, you can delete that comment… my computer’s acting pretty wonky right now 🙁
Anways, I don’t remember for sure how I found your blog (perhaps via the SEO Book blog,) but I’ve bee reading it for the last month or so, as I attempt to educate myself more about internet marketing.
My wife is a stage-IV cancer patient, and most of last year was spent blogging about our plight as newlyweds fighting cancer, plus general cancer news etc… I am still amazed at the incredible people I’ve met through blogging – it’s the best support group a person could ever find.
At the turn of this year, after deciding that cancer was already eating up enough of my life, I reluctantly gave up my web site, and moved to more commerical/fun endeavors… these days I write at Church of the iPod, and also at Electric Guitar Review.
I have found that as far as blogs are concerned, really enjoying what you write about makes all the difference. Anyways, I’ve learned a lot about SEO from your blog, and like you, I’ve decided it’s time to remove NoFollow from my WP blogs…
Perhaps this is the cancer caregiver in me talking, but I think NoFollow actually puts MORE power into the hands of spammers – by allowing them to dictate how we link-out from our own web sites.
I’m not playing that game anymore.
Hi, I’m Marius from Lithuania, Internet marketing and SEO start-up.
I found this blog through the “Deck” network.
It is already long time ago I started reading Alistapart blog, as a very good source for webmaster related info, and hopefully this blog will become a good source for SEO news and updates.
Good luck!
Hi im SEOidiot (Or Paul both are good) I like to farm adsense and doodle…. thats pretty much me !
Erik from Los Angeles
I recently bought an e-book about doing business online I went to a blog site and found yours
I am in the health and wellness business marketing products that can improve your health and make you allot of money along with meetinginteresting people along the way
I also manage the website of the Asian Art Museum in San Francisco.
Hi Jim,
I’m Marco Neves (or theMage), a Portuguese Blogger, I’m here learning from you, as well as I’m doing from more than a Hundred more (pro)bloggers and Internet profissionals whose feeds I subscribe.
I started, almost a month ago, a blog in Portuguese on SEO, Web Devel and related stuff.
Keep the good work you do here.
Hi Jim,
I’m a Web Developer and SEO from Lancashire in the UK. I have almost 10 years web development experience and have recently (last couple of years) started to actively ‘skill up’ on the SEO/SEM side of things. Its suprising how many SEO skills are inherent in good web development practices. Build good, well structured pages using standards compliant code and half the battle is already won!
I run a site called highly-visible which documents my endevours on the web, it contains blog posts and articles (coming soon) on all things web and SEO.
Hi Jim,
In the process of leveling to 200 on Anarchy Online (sci-fi mmorpg), I been using the nick Halfdeck all over the place just to keep my arrogant self in line. I started two years ago promoting adult sites, and ever since my site got wacked by Google, I’ve been reading SEO blogs to remedy the situation (which will hopefully happen.. one of these days). Your blog happens to be one of my favorites. Thanks for all the insights.
I’m Jonny – in Saigon but from the UK originally. I run a price comparison service that donates all its profits to charity, and have done for the last 3 years – but on a *very* part time basis!
I am Joe aka Mr SEO. I do a podcast that teaches others SEO. I am also a published writer. My site is full of articles and information. I enjoy meeting and talking to people. If you guys have any SEO question feel free to come by an ask. 🙂
Hi Jim,
I saw you speak at Boston’s PubCon and thought you were great. I’m and Internet Strategist for Sitening. Besides doing SEO, SEM, web development, and information architecture, we also have some great, free SEO Tools –
David Saunders from Huntersville, NC via San Francisco CA and native England.
I’ve been doing SEO since 1997 – probably for the same reason as almost everyone else – fascination and the thrill of CHANGE!
I’m Adam Christie. I’m based in Scotland. I do freelance SEO work and also consult for a company called Netpromote Ltd. I’ve been doing it since the dominance of Infoseek and Excite. Things have changed a bit since then and I just hope I’ve managed to change with them.
Today I’m searching for a meta keywords tag that I dropped under my desk – I copied it from a competitor’s site and I figure if I just tweak it a little it might just help my client’s ranking. 😉
I’m Nickie, a Home Stager in Los Angeles. I really don’t know diddly about SEO or anything technical, but the only marketing I use for my business, other than word of mouth is the internet. Somehow I stumbled across your blog and have found it extremely helpful, fun and a bit addictive.
So I’m here daily checking it out, grateful for the tips and info you and others share. Thanks to blogs like yours and others like it, I’m learning what a great tool it is and how I can also use one to share info with others.
And besides that, you guys share some pretty good recipes and take some nice photos to boot… Great pix of your last trip!
I’m Bruno from small country in Europe, Croatia. I do everything, from web design, PHP/MYSQL CMS aplications to SEO for croatian market.
Hi, I’m Tony Wright, one of the founders of Kinetic Results, LLC, an interactive marketing company. I’ve been in the SEO and SEM game for more than 7 years now, working with everyone from Fortune 5 companies to small start-ups. I met Jim at SES in New York last year and have intermittently been reading this blog since before then when we were scheduled to be on a panel at PubCon together (I didn’t make it…go Google Zunch and read about the shakeup to understand why). I enjoyed Jim’s company at SES New York (that Irish Pub almost did me in) and look forward to more events (I’m speaking in San Jose…and drinking there as well). Keep up the Blog, Jim!
Howdy! The names Eric and I’ve been studying various internet marketing concepts in depth for over two years now. We are currently re–branding our internet marketing site to focus more on marketing and brand incorporation as well as introducing all the wondeful internet marketing concepts to the little guys. The internet is changing how business eveywhere operate and it’s time for us all to “evolve”!
Yo! Kid Disco comin’ at ya from the OC. I am currently the in-house Internet Marketing Specialist for a multi-billion dollar, worldwide, information conglomerate. I also have my own projects in the works and hope to be able to retire with them by the time I turn 30.
Aim high, shoot higher! 😛
My name is David Wallace and I own SearchRank, a full service search marketing firm. I have been designing and marketing sites since 1997 (wow almost a decade now).
A bit late to this because I didn’t read Jim’s blog back in January when this was originally posted but I do now! 😉
Hi all
Been interested in SEO for quite a while now, but still a novice! I have, however, used the skills I have learned to start an online health and nutrition store specialising in the alkaline acid balance. specialising in the alkaline acid balance – and things are looking good!
Cheers Jim and all the others out there who are sharing their knowledge!
Hi Jim. I’m Jason Murphy, working out of Las Vegas. I suffer from information overload and may start a non-profit group to support fellow sufferers. I think out all things SEM, I enjoy link building the most and PPC the least. Mostly I like to produce websites and make them work.
This thread is a great idea. It’s a great snap-shot of the audience and their specializations.
Most of my experience and ongoing efforts with SEM has been, and is, dedicated to the growth of Wholesale Furniture Brokers. Wholesale Furniture Brokers is one of those companies that most people dismissed before it even began. “Who’s going to buy furniture online anyway?” Luckily, a few thousand customers and 4 years later, persistence has triumphed over doubt.
SEO is a lot of work! Our team has grown to include a dedicated PPC specialist and a dedicated organic specialist.
Best of luck to everyone & keep up the great blog Jim!
PPC Analyst. Chicago. Frustrated Cub Fan.
Igor M. …….. President, CEO, COO, CIO, CIA, KGB …. oh wrong way. 🙂
Internet & Traditional Marketing Director for a NYC company. When I have time I consult and write in my blog (
I enhance how people find and transact with your online business through analysis.
Stayz is a business my company bought four months ago, based in Dural (outside of Sydney – kind of) – well it’s a farm, and there’s goats and everything. I’m on The Farm one day each week, but the rest work in an office on a wharf overlooking Darling Harbour in Sydney… Noice! 🙂
Love your blog big fella.
My name is Michael Kanehl and I am operating a retail website for Picnic Baskets for almost a year now. Enjoy your blog
Hello – I’m an interactive marketing manager, Web micro-prenuer and Editor of Website Services Magazine. I really
enjoy the blog and look forward to more great posts!
Quick Introduction, I’m Peter Young, one of the directors of E-Gain New Media, a full service web agency specialising in Search Engine Marketing.
Keep up the good work
I am a dietitian/nutritionist from Greece. I started my first website about 7 months ago for fun and now I own about 20 of them. The funny thing is that none of them is about nutrition. I visit here from time to time and I must say there are some really good advices to be found in this blog.
I’m one of the directors of Cue Blocks Technologies, an Indian company specializing in Assistive Business Expansion services and Internet Marketing.
I’m from Malaysia, just started out in Web biz part time.
Hi Jim,
This is Manish from India. I am an Engineering Student, Web designer and SEO. I have been practicing SEO for quite some time now!!
My name is Jim too. I have a computer science degree, but i’m now spending most of my time managing website design projects and seo projects. i work for
Hey Jim,
great blog. I have a Internet marketing website, It pretty much covers make money online stuff.
Come and check it out if you get time 🙂
Hello Jim. My name is Dale King. I’m the owner of, a new Internet Marketing website that caters to newbies and intermediates. By the way, great blog! Keep up the good work!
I am a business builder and team leader in a growing international marketing company. I market and sell my products and recruit online as well as in my local community. I’m always looking for new people interested in making positive changes in their lives.
From my about me page…
So, who am I? I’m Jon Anderson, just a regular guy trying to get ahead in life. I’m a husband, father and son. I was born near the end of the baby boomer generation. I’ll be turning 50 this year.
I was high school dropout at the age of 17 that graduated college within 18 months with a degree in business 10 years later. I’ll post details in my “education experiences†post. A military man that was nearly kicked out of the Navy during my first enlistment for disciplinary problems that went on to a successful career, ultimately retiring as a Senior Chief Petty Officer. Details will be in the “military experiences†post. A failed salesman in the 70’s, now currently a top sales producer for Schwan’s Sales Enterprises. Details on these will be in the “sales experiences†and “Schwan’s experiences†posts.
I’m James Silvester, I’m a young Website owner and Entrepreneur from the United Kingdom and I am interested in SEO and Internet marketing. Came accross this blog through google and it looks very usefull.
I love SEO, text linking, and everything around it – always up to chat.
Hello to all I am nameete working in I am interested in SEO and Internet marketing. I came accross this blog through google and found it to be very interesting.
Hi, my name is Mike Dammann, many of you know me from somewhree. I kinda know Jim from v7n and love the “/cool-tool” – his other ones are not too shabby either. Anyways, my new seo forum is one of the projects I’m working on … still stuck with clients ….
Hello everyone, My name is William, I just found this place and love reading everyones inroductions. I have spent the last year creating and starting my own business. I have been in the insurance industry for about ten years and finally saved a little cash and took the big step and branched out on my own. The name of my company is Inc. I have spentso much money on start up cost that I cant really afford to drop hundreds of thousands in advertising. I was wondering if anyone had any ideas for me and my start up???? I would like to know where I can link my page to and other pages that would except a link of my site on theirs. Please visit my website at and I am open to all suggestions and comments. Thanks William
Hi Jim, I’m Jon Payne. I’m the owner of Ephricon Web Marketing – – an internet marketing firm that focuses on SEO for Lead Generation sites (mostly professional services – i.e. lawyers, accountants, etc.) especially those in or around the state of Maryland (we’re in Baltimore). Full-time its pretty much myself at the moment, and I have a few part-time and contract people as well. I like to keep things small so I can make sure I am able to keep tabs on everything myself.
I have a drastically neglected blog at and like most I have a few ventures of my own.
I used to be relatively active on some forums – High Rankings, DigitalPoint, SEW, others but lately have decided that I’d rather spend more time “doing” and less time blogging and posting in forums – I have difficulty maintaining a balance between the two!
I’m searching and learning how to improve my website visitors and increase revenue and I found your blog from link on blog from link on blog. (You know how that happen)
Very informative and I’m going to follow it more closely.
Aloha, Erik here. I am relatively new to the whole blogging scene and internet entrepreneur. I have been blogging for 7 months and started a blog network that is currently without a name. Some may say I’m a little late to the party and blog networks are on the way out but you never know until you try. Right?
I’m also working on a couple of break out site ideas that may or may not formulate themselves within the next year.
I live in Hawaii, work for a bio-tech company here on island, and love hanging out in the waves.
Great idea to allow introductions. I’ve met some new bloggers and learned things about bloggers I have ben following for a while now.
My name is Tonii, and I am working on a fun experiment to drive the value of my website ( from $1 to $4,194,304. To do this, people’s perceived value of this website needs to double 22 times, hence the name 2^22, or “2 to the 22”. How do I do that? I need to create buzz & traffic to the site! Essentially, this is an experiment to prove empirically that buzz does worth a quantifiable value!
I love the content of Jim’s blog – I think it will help me tremendously to reach my goal.
Live from Austin, Texas! I’m a realtor, Craigslist furniture sales guy, and am just getting ready to get a site up for my “Start Your Own Housecleaning Business” guy.
I know there’s money to be made on the web AND deliver good product/service. I’m just trying to figure out HOW.
Hi Jim, this is David from Melbourne Australia, marketing consultant to medium sized business, specialising in b2b marketing. Trying madly to keep up with the pace of change in marketing, in consumer behaviour, in the technology that has such an impact on it.
Also fascinated with the whole new breed of snakeoil salesmen that this new environment has given birth to…your blog is a great read.
Hi, I’m just an other guy looking on tips from gurus on how to improve my site and to make a difference the coming months. Found Jim’s site to be very interesting.
Hi Jim,
I’m Patrick. I work as an Affiliate Manager at I just took a quick look at your recent posts and I think I’m gonna give your blog a try for a while as it seems quite interesting!
Hi – my name’s Jonathan Kirk; I run a language translation services / technology company called Elanex, and if you’re interested you can read more about me in my profile. I’m just starting out in the internet marketing space, having focused on offline marketing for the most part so far. Thanks for a great website – I’m learning a lot from your posts!
Hi, I am George Anderson. I a the first global provider of anger management facilitator certification, DVDs, books, and training material. I am a novice relative to the internet. However, given the niche market which I represent, I have been able to use the internet to increase my presence worldwide.
In the next two weeks, I will be featured in the London Sunday Times.
Hey I’m Mike, I got a forum search engine and I blog sometimes. Also I like reading your blog :p
– Mike
I’m Gordon and I am an SEO in the loans and life insurance sectors, managing a group of websites for a UK finance organisation.
I specialise in link building, ethical SEO and conversion analysis. If it’s right for the customer it’s right for me. Plus a bit of SEO tweaking…
I am Kedar started my presence on web with Job sites around 7 years back and very recently I have started Cool Gadgets. I do SEO and web marketing from last few years. Its really unique thing to start this section Introduce You to blogging world. I am from India and dont know much about USA, but I know if there is any unique thing people Patent it. Why don’t you patent this idea?
i’m nick pang, principal partner at CE Buys, LLC. specializes in search engine marketing, global strategies, organic and paid search strategies.
I just started a brand new on-line service with AI expert system for medical diagnostics on-line
Hi, I’m Tim Nash, I work for a University in the UK both providing technical support for a large department and as a part time lecturer in Internet technology and in paticular IR, Knowledge management and SEO.
btw, are you coming out with some new tools, Jim? 🙂
– Mike
I am Abhishek Tripathi, a young SEO enthusiast from India. 🙂
Specialise in Link-Building and xhtml/css development. And also work on other prospects of SEO.
Started off with working on SEO for my own sites, slowly gained the market’s flow and went ahead.
I run – a web-based SEO Company specialising in all kinds of Internet Markerting and SEO services.
I’m Lee, from Melbourne Australia, study at the moment but still looking for part time job, my blog:
Hello Jim,
My name is Anthony st.angelo. I am From USA
I sell things on ebay, I design flash logo’s and webpages, I just started My own web hosting company, and I got to your website by learning about SEO’ing My website.
I started off SEO my website by submitting my site to Jim westergren list of 500 directories, I’ve got 300 links so far all free.
And by reading everything I can find about SEO, ie this blog, which by the way is a very good resource, thanks.
I sell web hosting at Decent11HosING for $3.99/mo – 15000MB space, 300GB bandwidth /mo, domains $5/yr:
Hi Jim,
I’m D.
Specialize in building social communities (content side). Never had anything to do with seo…. Trying to learn a bit now…
If you’re good at building communities, you may achieve seo wise what others are trying thru link building, naturally. and not even know how you did it 😉
– Mike Dammann
Greeting all Boykinites! 🙂
Laurence Flynn chiming in here. I am the CEO (for want of a better word) of web hosting company HostNexus ( We have been around for 5 years now and used to do well in the serps (when it was easier to fool Google, lol) but lately finding it tough in our competitive industry. Theres around 20 of us now, 3,000 clients and over 100 servers and want to make the push into the big league.
Which is why we are Jim’s latest customer. 😉
Hi Jim and all,
I have been into seo since 96. I consult and do seo for a few clients in addition to my own sites.
It’s lonely over here in Brisbane Australia and I need some seo friends badly.
Thanks Jim for the ideas over the years, hope to meet you someday (if your ever in Oz please look me up).
Ben Wilks
Associated purely with SEO, SEM & email marketing since 2001, I work as an IT & Internet Marketing Consultant in Pakistan. Catering mostly to small & medium sized business, I also offer off-shore services to foreign clients.
I just came across Jim’s blog and found it very valuable.
Looking forward to keeping in touch with other SEO & Internet Marketing specialists:
Best regards,
I remember archie and veronica, muds and such. Been working on / off the web since Geocites was known as Beverly Hills Internet.
I’ve been focusing on SEO for the last 2 years and both love and hate the complexity. It’s sad that it is not something more understandable to the general public since the engines have some major commonalities that perhaps all should know about. Ultimately their own largely unpublished ‘personalities’ (algos) will perhaps never be publicly known in great depth. So you’ll never have a true licensing program the way you might have for building a house, electricians, etc.
Well, here’s the real post of introducing myself. If you have read the above post, that’s the kind of aricles I write at my blog website at where I discuss those websites that have the potential to be worth BILIONS or at least hundreds of MILLIONS in the future.
I would like to form a community of like thinking groups/individuals whos interest or work evolves around this topic.
Those with REAL PRACTICAL ideas on how to make a website popular so it can earn tons of MONEY are welcome to submit their stories to me on my submit stories or submit links link at the TOP of my blog page.
Croatian web promotor and designer …lives in Zagreb, Croatia ..loves dogs and old cars
Hi Jim – I am Allen 🙂 and represent OrganicStats. We specialize in helping small businesses optimize their web sites to gain a better ROI. Focused on optimization, usability and analytics.
I went to school at U of Albany so I know your area quite well and look forward to meeting you at an event soon.
I´m a german web promotor and programmer …i´m living near Düsseldorf …my favorites: girls and cars
Since the job market here is depressed, I am trying to start my own business online and finding it very tough going. I could probably build more links if I quit searching the internet for tips to rank better in Google and finding cool sites like this one. I am also wondering why searching for “shaved door handles” brings up results that have nothing to do with cars.
Oh I live in Vancouver WA
Hi Jim,
I am CJCM, new kid on the blog and the whole internet marketing stuff.
An IT project manager, I just got involved into this blogging stuff and have been enjoying it.
My site ( just barely a month old, but if you are still around (and if I am still around too :)) say by 2010, by then it would have tons of linkbacks (i hope) so dont forget to bookmark my site so you dont have to spend all those nights looking for vintage site 🙂
Joke aside, I really like your idea…TQ for sharing.
Hey Jim.
Jeese it has been a few years since I have seen you (in person anyway). I have always loved learning from you and try to read up on your blog at least once a week. That said, I can’t believe I haven’t left a post in “Introduce Yourself” until now. Seems I am much more a reader/learner than a poster.
You know (I think you do!) that Mike and I have been big fans of yours for YEARS. What impresses me most is: your willingness to learn EVERYTHING possible, to sometimes MAKE MISTAKES – and acutally adimit that you did =), your willingness to ASK OTHERS their opinions on things, and finally your willingness to share your knowledge (at least to a point). So thanks for all that and just keep being you and KEEP UP THE AWESOME work!!
Leann =) – Increase Ranking, Leanns Designs
I’ve been running several small commercial websites for years now, so I’m involved in everything related to design, advertising, and SEO. I actually found your blog because I was looking at successfull blogs to see see how they are set up. I’ll be starting my own blog soon (in fact it’s the url I’ve left here), and I have a very clear idea on my content but I’m completely new to everything else blog, i.e. trackbacks, ping, rss feeds, etc. I’m sure I’ll have fun figuring all those ubiquities as I go along.
I’m Cecilia. I’m from Brazil. I have just started building websites. I am realy interested in SEO, although I know nothing about it yet.
My site is
I’m Michael, born and raised in the northwest, right now living in Missouri. I’ve been a student of SEO for several years, working mostly with my own startup companies. I run, a Do-It-Yourself SEO solution. I am a programmer, golfer, runner, and above all a family man.
I´m Robert Toth and I offer search engine optimization, search engine submission and link building for top placement in search engines.
Also offer free SEO tools:
Website analysis,
meta tag generator,
search engine submission,
search engine position checker
SEO books,
link popularity checker.
That’s name the name my parents gave me … just the name I use with my website and blog. I am a full-time SEO by day, and an SEO educator for Austin, Texas companies by night (under the cover of anonymity).
I’m Christian Arno from, a translation services company in the UK. I’m very interested in how online marketing practices change in different countries, and enjoy your blog.
Hi Jim et al,
I’m Will Scott, my company is Search Influence I’ve only been dedicated to small business website promotion since the turn of the year, but I’ve been in the industry since 1995 mass-producing small business website and internet yellow pages.
We offer packaged SEO and promotion to small businesses – it ain’t art and we don’t promise to make them rich, but for most small business web sites a little bit goes a long way.
Jim – I enjoy your writings, and admire your reputation in the industry (Rand Fishkin always says such nice things in his writing and speaking).
If anyone wants to send a little love my way, link to Search Influence with the text “website revenue” – I’ll happily return the favor.
I am reading absolutely everything you write Jim, keep up the good work. I’m CEO for my own webbased business.
Therefore I am very interested in things like SEO, AdWords, Split Testing and so forth. Besides having my own retail online business, I also do some consultacy work for others.
My name is Ryan and Im a slave to a pizzeria. I have a fascination with learning computer networking but with a baby boy and college costing a fortune Im left reading about other’s success stories. Damn you all!! …..just kidding
Im also an Upstate New Yorker as well…..Saratoga Springs.
Hi Jim,
I am a real estate broker in Florida. I work on my website and was referred to your post regarding link quality over link quantity. Sure was eye-opening. Happily married for 36 years, Father of 2, plus a son-in-law and grandfather of 2 super little guys.
Hello Jim,
My name is John Rodriguez from I am 24 years old and a business owner, a husband and a father (yes I started young… don’t wory my daughter is only 3 months old). Any who I have local online marketing business where I do SEO and pay per click management for small businesses. I enjoy reading your blog and using the free tools on
John M Rodriguez
Hi Jim
My name is Joe Thompson and I’ve recently started up a small business by myself and am interested in anyones opinions out there and thoughts on it! and yours Jim!
Its hard work getting the word out and some good feedback on a low budget so wondered as your a web marketing guy Jim if you had any thoughts?
This is interesting reading. I have worked on large ecommerce projects and video streaming to mobile phone on the infrastructure and service wrap side for large telcos. I have started my own company whose website is and have had a go with a local website for Norwich England which provides ecommerce online shops, directories and blogs amongst other things. I don’t want to pay google adwords and have been busy creating links just like these all over the place. My error of judgement was trying one of these link exchange schemes, but luckily I caught on in time.Â
Hi Jim,
I have hve my own website all about Ireland called I have managed to get it to a PR4 and have struggled to get above this. I have found your info on linking strategies very informative and will try these out in the next few months.
I run that provide manual directory submission,article submission,link building, web market research service
The information here helps me a lot
I like this strategy of asking and get this type of feedback. I am able to tell where blogs come from but rarely get feedback.
This is an effective way of getting e-mail addresses and other data for your own marketing.
Thanks for your site.
FYI, I don’t ever plan to use this info for marketing…it’s just nice to have a thread where people can say “Hi” and tell us a bit about themselves.
Hi! I’m Jonathan Casuncad and I’m from the Philippines. I own SEM Pros and have been in the SEO/SEM game for a little over 6 years now. 🙂
Hi Jim and all his fans,
Just recently came across the site and a great read it is – congrats 🙂
I’m a UK guy living downunder in Oz at the moment and spreading the word of SEO and SEM to queenslanders. I have been working on web sites since the mid 90’s and now taking in as much as possible on SEO. I can be contacted on
Keep up the great blog Jim.
Hello! I’m Neo. I’m from Brazil. I have been around for a while, but I I haven’t learned much about Search Engine Optimization yet.
My site is . Come and visit it!
Since I have been reading and enjoying your blog for a while, I thought it might be an idea to let you know who is behind the “Bjorn Solstad aka basicus” comments.
I am currently the “tech-guy” in Devenia Internet Marketing, witch is a 2 persons firm located in Poland. We run a variety of websites, and also work for clients – mostly in Norway. I am norwegian by the way, but my wife forced me to move here with her (kidding).
I am a pretty lazy guy, so I have just gotten a fully automatic keyword/serps-checking system up and running that actually gives pretty accurate (plus/minus 3 positions results). That system makes it possible for us to take on pretty heavy link-building projects without having to employ people.
Anyways, I find your blog both interesting and funny to read Jim 🙂
How do you always find theses great ideas?
As a junior SEO/IM consultant, I can only dream of having in the future the same kind of prestige that is associated with your name.
Tell me next time your in town, I’ll invite you for a drink 😉
Since the days of AOHELL, I’ve been playing around on the Internet, developing websites and programming for companies big and small.
Most recently, I’ve started a web design / development company catering to US and European design and marketing firms wanting to offshore some production.
Just teamed up with an SEO expert and all my sites are now developed with SEO, as well as W3C, as forefront considerations.
Im Justin, and Ive been making websites for about a year now. Im really interested in SEO and plan on doing online marketing as my job when I graduate college this year. I’d like to snag a job working at a SEO company right out of school so I can learn more about white hat as well as black hat SEO. I live in Ohio and Im a diehard Buckeyes, Browns and Cavs fan.
Hiya All!
I am Prashant, from Pune, India. I currently work as a SEO/SEM Manager. I am intrested in Internet Reserach & Web Strategies.
Jim, if your planning an India visit anytime, please do let me know.
I’m Rob from Albany NY. Long time reader, first time poster. I run a non-traditional real estate company here in the Capital District. My website can be found at I built the site from the ground up and continue to be both fascinated and frustrated by the SEO game.
Hi Jim,
I own two companies both focused on Internet marketing. One competes a little with you — it’s called Vertical Measures and is an Internet marketing company helping companies get higher search engine rankings by providing affordable search engine optimization consulting and quality link building.
hey Jim and gang- We just opened up our meta search community at – our idea is that it’s better to “search with many”
We’re focusing on the community, learning fast, and would love to recruit your insights, hard criticism, and soft support! Come say hello.
Hi Jim,
I don’t know much about blogs except for the fact that I’m just experimenting around to see if putting a blog on my site at would be a good thing. For what I do know about blogs, I think yours is pretty. I spent alot of time checking things out.
I’m a pretty new blogger at: It’s only a hobby, but I wouldn’t mind learning a few tricks to make a little money.
I have beem reading your blog for a while now, and thought that now is the time for me to introduce my self.
I run a small Internet Marketing firm in Norway. And work for small clients in Norway.
Anyways if you have any other questions please let me know, otherwise i see you on the blog Jim.
Hi Jim,
Very good reading here. I’m enjoying it, and implementing your ideas into my business blog, Very competetive field, but I believe an independent blog can beat big Adwords & SEO spending.
Thanks again for the information,
I am reading your blog now. 😉
Hello, here to read you blog and find out a way to promote my own uk shopping site that is eshop600 and I hope to lean from your site, going to take me ages to read thu all your posts but its a fantastic site.
Keep on doing what you are doing.
Hi Jim
Very recently I came to know about your blog, and found it very important for me to learn and increase the relevant knowledge in the field of SEO.
Its a great chance to know about you. I am a Jr. Business analyst and I found it to improve my career knowledge.
Thanks and Regards,
Hi, Jim
I’m a new blogger. I’d like to learn some tips about SEO, and I think your blog is a very good source for that.
Keep doing the great job you’ve been doing.
9 Nov 2006…Hello…I’m a 71 year old author with 2 very good books; judging by reviews and emails from some of the readers who bought 1000 of each. DARK CARIBBEAN–DEADLY MEN is my true story in a 500+ word book…THE McKANNAHS is a historical western novel in a 350+ page book.
My Aussie webmaster is upgrading my website now.
How can I get traffic to my website and with little money…since I have little?
I hope to accomplish this by early 2007…I’m having a new hip put in on Dec 5, so will be down a few weeks, but in spring I will be touring in my small ‘modified’ Toyota Dolphin motorhome doing book signings.
I’m leaving from North Georgia for Florida on Monday to attend a few book signings, but will be back in 10 days for pre-op…I hope you have some suggestions for me by then.
Hey Jim,
my name is Christian and I am a german SEO blogger. I subscribed to your feed when I found those nice linkbuilding articles.
Nice work and thanks for everything I´ve learned from your articles so far,
I’m Tock from Malaysia. Currently doing internet marketing and website design in a webdesign company,
Hi Jim
I am reader of this blog from last few months. And have read & like your articles about link building & link baiting. I am SEO Expert from India. And recently launched a seo blog to provide SEO Ebooks related information. If you have know about good seo books then just inform me.
Hi, I’m Dan
Owner/Director of, I basically help small business owners stay in business by making sure they’re not missing out on lost sales because of poor website design and online marketing.
Just had to drop a line to say what a great blog – and what an even better photo of Jim! Spot on!
Hi, I’m a looser but try to do something with computing stuff for some time.
Hi Jim, I’ve done some search stuff, you know adding metatags and making sure I had the right keyword density. I’m also always trying to improve my Page Rank and I check it everyday. I only get site wide links from good Page Rank pages. I bold, italicize and underline my keywords, all 20 per page. I’ve really done some good linking in farms and web rings. I think I’ve got this down pretty good so I’d be willing to help you out. Let me know.
Hi Jim,
I’m Dave at, East Sussex in the UK. Been doing Search Engine Opimisation inhouse for a year or so. Started with onsite stuff, but have got much more into social networks now.
Made loads of money for my bosses through targetted traffic, so I thought it was about time to make some money for myself by setting up on my own. Best they don’t find out just yet though! Thanks for all of the advice on your site. It makes life a lot easier for us newbies!
Hi Jim,
I’m an intermediate Internet marketer and all about free internet marketing. I’m currently optimizing my website:
After all, optimization is an on going endeavor. I’m also branching into other streams of income. I’ll let you know how it goes.
Hi Jim, my name is Paul Bruemmer. I began performing web and search related activities in the mid-1980’s and by the late ’90’s was writing ClickZ’s first search engine optimization articles. Since then I’ve been addicted to search marketing and I’m afraid it has rubbed off on the entire family (in a good way). I love your passion for search and willingness to share with the search community; in my opinion, you have some of the best tools available for performing the granular analytical aspects of SEO. I’ve had the opportunity of providing search marketing services for some of America’s biggest such as NASDAQ and some of the smallest too. What I’ve learned is that there are fundamentals in our profession that apply to big and small alike; the fundamentals you appear to be teaching and helping others with are right on target and represent authentic and professional SEO skills. Thank you for giving me the opportunity of introducing myself and best regards. – Paul
Hello Jim
I am GR Rajesh Kumar, from Chennai India. I call myself as you do – an internet marketing, usability, SEO and people enthusiast. Besides my own site –, I also own a web design and development company named – UsableDesign (
I am a great fan of Johny Depp. How about you?
Hi jim,
I am Hiren tanna From Hyderabad, India. A seo and a web designer since last 2 years . mostly i visit your site through search engines only . while searching for some seo tips etc… my site is
And i think its time now to subscribe your feed.
Hi –
My name is Tim from Michigan. I started doing websites part-time about a 1.5 years ago at the suggestion of a friend who had some long established sites and discovered Adsense. I’m about 5 years from retiring from my regular job and hope to develop my main sites – and – into a small business that can provide a decent supplemental income source.
Came upon your site by chance and have to say your tools are among the most useful I’ve found. Wish I’d found your site prior to buying an “SEO tool” that doesn’t do have as much as your free tools. Thanks
Hey Jim,
I work for More Mobile Internet and we are working on getting our website on the top rankings in Google. Your blogs help us out, thanks. If you ever need High-Speed Internet Anywhere, check us out.
Maybe I should wait a couple of weeks to commnt on the year mark of this post.
We have clients of all size and specialize in Local Search both Organic and Vertical.
hey Jim,
This is Krunal (Seoindiaweb DP ID), of 21 studyin in last year of commerce program and into seo since 3 years. i regularly come on your blog and seofaq as well..
Hi. My name is Nuno. I’m a SEO consultant in Portugal, and the name of my company is precisely Search Marketing –
I enjoy reading your blog, and I come here very often. Very good quality posts and always entertaining. Thanks.
I am in northern NH in the USA. I run Survival Topics
a website about wilderness survival.
I have learned alot from your blog and look forward to every new post!
Hi and thanks for the useful posts (some of which I agree with, some I never knew and some I’m not so in agreement with!).
We are a small technology company based in Ireland and look forward to your future posts.
Hi Jim
I’m Susan Hallam, and I provide internet marketing strategy consulting and training in the UK, and am managing director of Hallam Communications Ltd.
I own a small business that get’s most of it’s business online. I got tired of paying for poor web results and figured I could do better on my own. SEO blogs are all I have for breakfast lunch and dinner now! Thanks for the tips!
Love reading your blog. You’ve been super helpful in my plans for the launch of my own blog.
I decided it was time for someone to put together an authoritative resource to track the buzz around the re-introduction of Silicone Breast Implants.
You would be amazed how many women do this each year.
I’m also prone to comment on other women’s issues, but the posts so far have been purely related to the Silicone buzz.
BTW, congratulations on the birth of your son!
Very best,
I’m into seo/sem stuff, i also like to design web sites and i’m studying to become a programmer. I have an org. set up for my brother who was in a bad car accident 5-20-06. I’m toying around with a new website atm…. … i produce music and do a bit of djing… i work for a fantastic company
Cheers everyone!!
From San Diego CA
Best Regards,
Tim R
I am Nikitin Nikolay and all I want to do is work. i am doing company from Russia.
hi Jim
My name is Krish Purnawarman, from Bali, I love SEO and Analytics, its an addition…
I am a hawk on the internet, reading and implementing, testing and analyzing. I totally agree about your posts in Supplemental results, which is how I got here in the first place. Youre the first to post some brilliant anwers on this topic…you said it..its all about quality content. More about me, can be access on my site Thanks for making this Blog…
rumblepup here. I walk around from room to room asking dumb questions from very smart people. Other than that, I’m a web enthusiast, web marketer, and web entrepreneur who does not sell SEO services, but I play and SEO expert on tv.
I swear my comedy is getting weirder everyday.
Hello Jim. I won’t lurk anymore.
Hi Jim & Friends! I’m interested in SEO, a game where the rules are forever changing. I’m getting better at the on-page optimization but am now concentrating on the off-page links that make the big difference. It’s frustrating to have a better written, more relevant page being out-ranked by a site with a better page rank.
Jim, I have been a consultant for a couple of years. Live in Syracuse. Been designing websites off and on for 10 years, database stuff, started doing some ASP programming 5 or 6 years ago. I was an IT Manager most of the time – all Windows.
Anyway, I had always ended up writing for the companies I worked for (b/c it seems like nobody can write). I started doing hard marketing for a company I worked for a few years back. Had a knack for it. Went the consultant route, opened my own biz, all the hours I can handle but only a few clients…ended up doing a bit of everything. Been dabbling with SEO, Analytics, and Internet Marketing for the last year but primarily for one or two companies.
I actually met you at the SESNY conference outside the party…believe I smoked a cigarette with you (only do so when I’ve had a few drinks)…details hazy.
I’m bored with my clients and diverse duties (especially the things I don’t like doing), so I’m dropping over half my billable hours to start up a couple of websites and blogs. Finally going to develop my own business’s website and go about getting some business focused on a few areas of Internet Marketing.
Getting back into serious research mode, so I’m reading your site. Excellent. I especially appreciate the web hosting post I just read. I’ve struggled to find good hosting. I have come to the painful conclusion that it is because I need Windows – I can’t function without it. I do have some basic sites on Linux, and they have been fine – even though the same hosting companies were absolutely horrible on the Windows side. I am going to research the hosts that you approved.
In getting websites, blogs, and other content-based websites going…I would like to ask a few questions to you and the forum since I am researching tools of the trade to get going. I am looking for an assortment of tools to do websites/apps, content managment, articles, directories, blogs, e-commerce, etc. Priorities: search engine friendly, easy as possible, cheap or free (unless they are awesome). I see you use WordPress for your blog – I plan on doing the same.
Since I need to move away from Windows and ASP – do you have any recommendations on alternatives? Ruby, Joomla, PHP, anything else? Any all-in-one solutions???…anything requiring no/little knowledge of programming???…would be willing to part with some money if I could find something easy. I can hand-code HTML and CSS no problem – but I’d like an easy visual tool to build and manage sites (along with dynamic functions and database interaction), so that I can concentrate on marketing, writing, and business rather than programming.
Also-since I may not be smart enough to ever figure out linux….what is the best way to take advantage and manage linux hosting w/o knowledge of linux.???….heard cPanel mentioned.
My name is Razvan Rovinaru, I’m from Bucharest, Romania and I am an Internet Marketer for a little over a year now.
I am a big fan of your blog, and want to congratulate you on your success as you are a true inspiration.
I love niche marketing and affiliate marketing and I’m working hard to get my blogs as up as I can in Google’s Rankings.
Take Care !
Hi Jim!
I am Aleksey from Ukraine. I lead my blog for russian speaking part of Internet population. There are many interesting articles from our foreign comrades. And I am trying to deliver their profit to our people translating these articles. All copyrights are reserved.
Hi Jim!.
You are a wise guru, and a guiding light in the murky world of SEO. I’ve just set up my own business , and information like yours helps me sleep better at night.
I’m doing website design at the moment but really want to get into SEo and marketing.
Thanks for helping out the little men out there.
My name is Tim Linden and I run (free traffic exchange). I heard this was the “place to be” to learn about link building, so I’ll be subscribing!
Hello Jim,
I operates online news portal Elres Magazin and can you topic over WordPress and SEO.
Hi Jim,
I’m Shannon your friendly neighborhood anger management teacher. I actually own 5 anger managment education centers in Los Angeles.
Great blog, and I really love your tools.
Keep it up.
I guess I should had also introduced myself Duh!
Well Giorgos Kontopoulos from Chios Greece.
Web developer/designer trying to get into the web marketing arena.
Hi everyone. Love the site. Just stumbled on it yesterday. I am part of a team that is trying to promote an online shopping mall which is more like a video game than anything. People who shop there can walk into and out of stores and pick up items within the store, as well as play video games in the arcade. The link is I hope you all can come and check it out.
Again, great site and I have already learned a lot!
Hi, my name is Andy Redfern
I have background in all aspects of new media for around seven years and hail from the UK.
Its nice to read well thought out blog like yours which has fresh content on a wide variety of subjects. Keep up the good work Jim!
Andy Redfern
Why can’t things be easy, I wish there was a really simple guide to SEO without getting into too much detail. Anyway I’m a web designer, here is my web site . Im from Scotland and the SEO industry has really started to kick off here. I’ll be keeping a good eye on it
Hi, my name is Jaswanth Jain
I have good experience in web hosting, domain registration, web designing, and seo business my website is
I would really like to get some promotional ideas prospective which can help my business model get on going.
I started out in IT a good while ago working on all manner of RDBMSs. But after 15 or 16 years they went from being fun to being tedious and I decided to “jump tracks” to Web development. Well, HTML tags kept me entertained for a spell but then I got interested in design, and from design, to me at least, the natural progression was search engine optimisation and marketing. So right now I’m trying to absorb as much about SEO and SEM as I can. Unfortunately, standing on the outside looking in it didn’t seem all that complex… WRONG!!! My Web site and my SEO knowledge are both very much in their infancy and I am keen to improve both so anything anyone can tell me will be greatly appreciated.
Hello my name is Arif, I live in sunshine state. I work for the largest database company as a Database admin. I am 35 and finally have realized what I want to do in life. I want to be a internet marketing guru like Jim :). that expalins why i m here.
Now only if i could find a mentor. I would appreciate if anyone can point me to the path i should take. I want to build template based/out of box websites and market them using tools provided by Jim. (I work from home office, have lots of time to play on web)
Hi my name is Jeff I run a small web hosting / design business in Italy, I moved here from the UK about 5 years ago, used to work for a marketing company and decided to “free” lance. Ive been lurking about for about 2 years and still hav’nt written a comment, habits will change!. I believe that in the right neighborhood and 20 good links you can get on the 1st page of (go*gle) for “most” key phases.
Hi Jim
Just subscribed
About me? I am an internet marketer and am also in the process of putting together my own related startup in the monetization niche
Hello, I’m Mel (23)
Internet marketer, future medical student, business owner, graphic designer, basketball player, human behavior researcher (informal), snowboarder (very amateur), American-Idol watcher, (wanna be) signer, capitalist, seminar presenter, student, writer, movie goer, above 21, below 30, Starbucks addict, Californian, etc etc.
Thank you for insights.
~ mel
Melvin Ram
Volcanic Internet Marketing Company
(916) 743 9369
My name is Jonathan, I am actually interested in working for you! I love your philosophies, and I must say I agree with them. I am a firm believer in “Quality” not “Quantity”. You seem to have a fresh outlook on the internet as a whole, and its productive uses. I am an artist first and foremost, an alternate thinker of sorts, I went to college for fine arts, but don’t really want to be a “starving artist”. But honestly the whole “ART” thing has given me the opportunity to take a step to the side and see things clearly from a different angle. I sent all the necessaries via email already, but just wanted to introduce myself personally to “the man himself”.
Hey Jim, your blog is awesome. Brand new to this SEO stuff and boy is it mind boggling. I am a web developer who has worked extensively in PHP for about 8 years. The past 3 years I have worked full time as an ASP.NET developer while working on part time PHP stuff.
Here recently, Xmas Eve of 2006, I launched an experimental site called Its a result of my frustration with people who park like poo. It gives good parkers the ability to expose bad parkers and an attept to initiate communication with them using some clever homemade parking tickets. I think its going to be a lot of fun.
I am using a book called SEO: An Hour a Day to try and build a good size community. I am blogging my progress as I go chapter by chapter through the book. Tonight I will be covering chapter 3 of the book which can be viewed here:
Keep up the good work!!
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
ps. I found your site through and am glad I did. Your stuff rocks and is quite easy to read.
Hi, Jim, love your work, and nice picture too.
I’m really looking forward to putting some of your insights into practice. I’ve recently launched a site that to my surprise and delight has received some very gracious and enthusiastic responses. A few folks (one a book publisher) have even gone so far as to say it’s among the funniest things they’ve ever read. I’m not sure it’s worthy of such acclaim, but appreciate it nonetheless.
In any event, the problem I’m facing is that traffic is pretty much being generated entirely from word of mouth at this point. I’d love to get the site better status on search engines in the event there are others out there who might enjoy it.
For what it’s worth, it can be found at The concept is pretty simple. I send postcards to people I don’t know. (Yes, I know it’s crazy, my apologies).
Thanks again, and best regards.
Jim…I like your work as well. Maybe we can add some value to your visitors as well.
The purpose of is to provide entrepreneurs, small business and individuals with an in depth review of tools for success. visitors can report back their experience with the programs and provide a ranking on how they feel the specific program worked for them. Users provide the actual rankings and placement of the different programs.
Beginner SEO.
I’ve lived on this blog for the last 24hours!
Thanks so much…
I’ve been a reader for months. Great work, views on SEO and other things in life. I love your outlook and opinions. We reference your work at – Dave
Hi, I just discovered this site. I have been doing SEO for years and work for a search marketing firm in Atlanta. I am also the owner and operator of
Hello Jim. I’m working as a link builder/webmaster staff in an outsource company here in the Philippines. I find your site through my boss who suggest to me that if I want to learn more about link building I should read what you are posting in here. And honestly, it helps!
My name is Mom Chan. I have been doing SEO for the last 6 years. Normally, I’m a reader than a writer.
Jim, I read your blogs/articles a lot and thanks for keep sharing all the good things.
Glad to see everyone here. 🙂
All the best,
Hi Jim
We specialise in search engine optimisation in Nottingham, UK . We also teach Google AdWords and advise on internet marketing by concentrating on keyphrases that convert.
Hi, My name is Al Augustin and I’m new to the SEO game. Currently I’m a new Link Ninja for a web publishing company out of Guelph ON, Canada named Geosign Corporation. I came across your page while reading blogs to obtain info in the world of SEO.
Hi Jim
Just started investigating best ways to acquire good back links for my custom web hosting company and clients sites including
After 12 years in this business I am beginning to believe that all you need is a product that folks want and thousands of backlinks, and a search marketing budget on an old site.
I have some older sites want to buy some?
Keep on doing your good thing, take care have a great day.
Hi Jim and others,
My name is Michael Shearer and I am a marketing analyst for an online university as well as sole proprietor to my Internet Business Consulting Firm, Net_Experienced at I was referred here from Rand’s Top 50 list over at SEOmoz. Very good reading thus far; I too like the nitty gritty of link building. Mucho gratification. Thanks for the intelligence you’re providing.
Hey! My name is Ken, and I’m currently building http:// acsportsbooks. – – com/. I first stumbled onto your site a few days ago reading about DMOZ. Now I’m back here reading about domain aging. (Google loves your site.)
Anyway, I want to say that this blog is great and has a ton of information for a psuedo novice like me. You’ve been bookmarked :O)
[slightly edited by jim… and btw, your name is Ken….not some gambling phrase…because of that I killed all your links…..glad you enjoy my blog…please don’t spam it. ]
Who am I? I’m a Spiderman. Just joking. I’m an independent SEO consultant…some focus on W3C, on-page, but mainly on backlinks. I research backlinks of sites that rank very well for highly competitive keyphrases. I collect links…harvest them rather….delete them…the cycle keeps repeating.
We work with small to medium businesses to provide cost effective options for website development, optimization, promotion and advertising. We probably don’t charge enough for what we do but when you see the positive impact that you have on a business, and how they can provide for their family, it really makes it all worthwhile.
Sites like this help us to do what we do. Thanks Jim!
I have been in the SEO business for 3-4 for years now. I limit my practice to select clients. I also teach e-commerce strategy, internet business, and Seach Engine Marketing. In my spare time (grin) I am the director of Technology for a medium/large real estate brokerage and I manage their dominant (currently) internet presence.
Hi, i’m Ramon ‘monchito’ Eijkemans, a Dutchman who works with a Dutch SEO company called Onetomarket.
p.s.: I read this blog frequently and make use of your tools section quite often, so please keep them free (or better: make them open-source!)
Hi Jim,
Love the blog.
We are a UK based internet marketing company specialising in SEO, PPC management and consultancy.
We all read the blog on a daily basis. Keep it up,
I am Bret. I am a guy who tries to make a living off his websites. Sometimes I succeed, sometimes I fail, but I guess I try and that’s the important part right? Only if trying and failing still was profitable. In any case, I learn something new every day from guys like Jim, Rand and Aaron, for that, I am grateful.
I am Daniel. I am a writer in SEOsheep’s clothing. I do the copywriting and some of the SEO grunt work for Vizion Interactive in the Dallas area.
Read your blog, engaged in promotion of medical sites
Good luck!
Hi Jim!
I’m meeting with Chuck tomorrow. I love your blog. Everything is so interesting and informative. We Build Pages sounds like a cool place to work. It’s nice to be excited about something new.
Aaaaahh!! I can’t find your big orange RSS feed button!! Oh wait…where are my glasses? –> there’s
Ok. Take 2. argh…
Aaaaahh!! I can’t find your big orange RSS feed button!! Oh wait…where are my glasses? –> there’s
Hi Jim,
I’m an SEO Specialist/editor/writer and fledging designer. I am handling an IT Staff leasing company based in New Jersey, but operating in the Philippines. Its just a baby company, not quite able to stand on its own but we’ll get there eventually… One baby step by baby step…
Just found out about this blog and I’m addicted already! 🙂
My name is Larry and I started a website a couple of months ago – well, it is evolving as many things in life – we are a online nursing education provider and have course with instant certificates for nurses which are accepted in the US, Canada and the UK.
and like others, we are looking to increase the traffic.
Hi Jim,
I met you couple of time at SES conferences. I enjoyed your sessions and your insight into the biz on internet marketing, seo, sem and all the cool tools you guys provide. I am also a blogger where I blog on many different topics, from work to personal, from politics to faith related topics. I will be a frequent visitor to your blog. Thanks for the resources.
All the best.
hello, everyone
i,m a teacher of english in china. i like your blog. i enjoy your communicatioon .
Hey Jim, great blog. I’m the author of Street Smart Internet Marketing” and really enjoy reading your stuff. Keep up the good work!
Justin Michie
Great blog Jim, I’m an SEO consultant from the UK.
Hi Jim –
I’m Debbie and found your blog by reading your ad in the Time-Union. I live in Columbia County, work as a Membership Director for an area Historical Home, and I’m desperate to find another job that is interested in training me for success and that will embrace my creativity and drive. I love the internet and I never even thought about pursuing SEO as a career – I just might apply! My background has been in writing, marketing, law (former paralegal), and administrative assistance. I’m eager to learn a field that is exciting and has no ceiling on success.
You sound like you love what you do! I wish you continued happiness and prosperity.
oops – Times-Union
Just found your free tools section. Thanks for sharing! I have been having fun playing with the top 10 tool right now.
Did you ever organize the SEO canyon pow wow. Email me if you did I would be interested. I am going at the end of April. One of my favorite places in the world.
I’m Mugshot – a little late, but better than never 🙂
Hey Jim,
Wow there’s tons of comments here. You must be doing something right Jim.
If anyone gets down this far I’m Matthew from the San Francisco Bay area and am an internet marketer and work at home course creator.
Hi Jim
Im Paul, a British expat living in Paris, working for the leading European online digital photo development service.
I have a few sites of my own so naturally I am regularly on your blog to keep up with the latest link-building tactics.
Oh and Im also going to be a dad for the first time this September: need to get a bigger appartment 🙂
Hi Jim,
This is Sharad. I am an internet marketing consultant working in Webart Softech, India.
Matt Brooks of SARBRO Solutions here.
I’m a seasoned professional in SEO and Web Design. While I prefer to stay behind the lines of this warfield, I do like this site, and would like to compliment Jim for his work here. I develop website tools and internet marketing tools for the industry.
Hi. Im SEO specialist in Serbia, following some leads to free links at the moment 😉
Hi, I am a SEO specialist in Charlotte NC. Thanks for the link 🙂
Hi Jim
I am Neeraj, I am currently working as SEO in Posin Technologies and very recently I came to know about your blog, and found it very important for me to learn and increase the relevant knowledge in the field of SEO.
Howdy Jim!
I own CMS Website Services, we have 20 folks who develop and customize websites using the seo friendly drupal cms.
I use to watch Pinky and the Brain on Saturday mornings to try and figure out how to take over the world, but alas all their plans failed so I’m hoping your blog gives world take over tips…
how about writing – How Pinky and the Brain Would Take Over the World with SEO, 3 article series of course for more suspense.
Was also curious? Do you remember the first keyword that you ever got ranked #1 in Google for? Mine was: Buy Pottery back in 2001. I thought I had really done something, that was until I did Overture research and discovered that it only gets about 12 searches a month!
Hello Jim! My name is Gustavo Bacchin, I’m Brazilian but live in London, UK since 2003. I currently manage Ladbrokes PLC Search Marketing Department. I also co-founded the first dedicated search marketing agency in South America, Cadastra Search Engine Promotion. The agency has been on the market for 7 years, leading the market in Brazil.
I have a degree in Business Management and online marketing has been always my passion.
And I’m a big fan of your blog! 🙂
My name is Kenny.lee, but i usually use “horisly” as my id.
I come from China, and I found your blog through google search “Supplemental Results”.
I am interested in Internet, and online marketing,as well as seo.
but i am a newer,and i found so many quality articles to learn.
I’m the VP/Controller for an environmental consulting firm in Calgary, Alberta; our website is
I’m just here reading information trying to learn all I can! A definite rookie when it comes to SEO!
Thanks for all the good reading!
I really appreciate the suggestions and techniques found here to optimize the blogging experience. I’ve been writing for several years now and really haven’t had much luck getting others to read my blog. I’ve determined you have to be proactive (as you constantly preach) and this is one of the steps i’m taking. If you and others would like to take a look (or link :0) here is my site URL:
Thanks for the opportunity to comment.. and continued good luck as a pro blogger.
Hmm, I thought I’d commented on this a year or so ago, I guess I didn’t.
I’m a Brit, been over here in the US for over 14 years now. I started off in software engineering, making the switch to SEM a couple of years ago. I’ve worked for the same firm for over 7 years now, and we work with many YP publishers, creating and optimizing their IYP Sites for them.
I do also have a little personal SEM blog that is linked through my name above.
Hi Jim:
I’ve been reading your blog for a while so I thought I’d finally introduce myself. I work with a PPC management, SEO, web design firm, Hanapin Marketing, located in Bloomington, Indiana. We launched our company blog not long ago, PPC Hero ( I have a question for you: I see in your post from yesterday (4/9) that you have an internal training program for your ninjas and you have a belt system to indicate each team member’s progress – well, I am currently putting together something very similar for our company (but something superhero based). I know your business but would you mind dropping me a line with a few details on how your ranking system is structured and this might give me some pointers. Your tips and insight would be very helpful and appreciated!
Thanks in advance for reading this long comment.
Joseph Kerschbaum
Was good to meet you last night at the Town Tavern tanking.
Just a bit about me….I was pretty close to graduating from college, when myself and a couple friends decided to go see the Dead….and decided to finish out the summer tour of 1995. From there, hitchhiked from the parking lot of Soldier Field to Yellowstone, then Bozeman, MT to see Widespread Panic.
Washed dishes, toiled as a hotel ‘gopher’, worked on the ski hill…..and decided to go finish school!
Finished school and became a raft guide….before a brief stint in the corporate world.
Accidentally I found myself as a ‘marketing director’ of a rafting company with NO budget.
The Internet (and keyword stuffing Alta Vista!) became my friend, and the rest is history….leading me to open my own small business. Slowly but surely, my business has grown (much thanks to my patient wife and kids!), in part from reading and applying the plethora of information the SEO/SEM community openly shares.
I’m a white hat (and sometimes a few light shades of grey) SEO and qualified Google AdWords Professional. I’m currently a senior consultant and partner in an online marketing agency based in Pittsburgh, PA.
I’ve flown under the radar for a while but decided to start a personal blog after attending pubcon 2006.
I most often post on forums and blogs under the username pittbug.
Hi, my name is Tim I’ve been running a personal finance website in the UK for over 5 years.
Completely self taught and enjoyed top 5 rankings on Google for ‘credit’cards’ and ‘loans’ until ‘Florida’ took it’s toll a couple of years ago…
Now blog about finance and ‘stuff’ as well as continuing to market a couple of finance sites and my new SEO services site.
Jim, congrats on a great site…thank you!
I am a small business owner in the UK and a reluctant SEM. I do it because nobody else wants to do it.
A big part of what I do is finding good links…and creatively figuring out how to get them. Quite an interesting puzzle!
Heard you speak last week at SES NYC. Great stuff! I liked your “tell it like it is” approach. The information was very helpful. I definitely plan to check this blog often.
Mike Caldwell
Musician Booking Service
My name is Michael Dixon and I run Dixon Servicios LingüÃsticos, SL (, a Spain-based multilingual translation company. We spend quite a bit of time and effort on researching multilingual search engine optimization and I find your blog of great interest.
Keep up the good work
I am a System Administrator and new to SEO and i like your approach in sharing knowledge with peers. Keep the good work, by the time let me search for some more blogs with good tips.
Best Regards
I’m a software programmer interested in and internet marketing. I found your site yesterday while doing some research. 🙂
Hello Jim! A magic blog with articles from 2005 that I still find useful reference. Just spent an hour or two again going about the site.
You helped me come up with a few ideas of my own today, still, after months of visits. But I think, enough research! I’ve got customers work I’m supposed to be doing…
I just started a new website called The Shih Tzu Store and am beginning the arduos task of SEO. Finding your articles and guidance extremely helpful though.
Thanks again!
Hello, my name is Catherine Potts. I am the Lead Link Strategist for Search Mojo, Inc. located in Charlottesville, VA. I peruse this blog during my regular journey through the SEO blogs.
I was recently in NYC for the SES conference and was able to hear some good speakers and learn some good stuff. I’ve been amazed at how large this industry really is and how little people who aren’t in it really know about it, even though it’s something most people encounter everyday while online. Interesting!
Hi, my name is Alex and i was work at as web designer and web developer.
I also do a SEO analyst. I like this blog and this community people.
Hi Jim nice to meet you.
I think im 322nd??
I’m just a regular guy from the San Francisco Bay Area, I own a few websites one of them being where people can buy a text ad link for a great price.
I like to do promotions as well.
Hi Jim,
I run a company that helps organizations handle online marketing, advertising and registration for their events. We’re launching a unique service soon and I am doing some research to determine how “hosted content pages” works. I’d be interested in a conversation, as it seems you’re the expert.
Hi Jim,
I’m an agent for commercial artists, that is illustrators who work in advertising and publishing. Our background over the last 25 years has been mostly in print, but our work is used more and more on the web.
You can view these artists’ portfolios at:
Hello Jim,
I started my online business a couple of years back. I’m just getting started with SEO and all the benefits associated. I know i’m late in the game. Better late than never!
Please take a look and I’m always open to suggestions!
Hi Jim
I am new to internet marketing , but I m bit cofused with too much information .
Thank you for running such a blog. The articles are here more than helpful for me. I believe same is for others like me
I am an internet geek with creative ideas or at least that is what I wish to be! I thought the dot com boom era was long gone, but some of the sites like,, etc. (and of course other dot come boom survivors) have created a fresh burst of energy in the dot com space. So I am constantly thinking of ideas that will be creative enough to sustain a website. But it is easier said than done. Whatever idea I could think of is already there! I am also looking for partners whom I can work with in terms of coming up with these creative ideas for the web and I am ready to put up a good team work with anyone interested. If you are interested please email me at [email protected]. Personally I like Google, but as a website owner Google isn’t the best thing you have got, since for a website owner, most if not all the money a website can make has to be given to google. Of course search engines are an essential part of the web, but on the other hand, individual sites have lost their appeal pretty much in the search engine era. All websites are at the mercy of search engines (I like in that sense since they are a community of people promoting good websites) and people use these search engines as a website harvester and don’t show any kind of loyality to individual websites. Only a very few websites could break out this trend and can come up as popular ones and the others are left to bite the dust. So how do we solve this issue? Any ideas? Again is a good idea in that direction. But I am sure there are other ideas out there also.
So what other problems are out there that haven’t been solved by the web as of now? What are the new trends and ideas on the web end? I would be thinking in those lines and welcome any ideas that anyone could share. Again my email is [email protected].
Personally I am an optimistic guy and take things +vely.
I’m from Minsk (Belarus)!!
Only on your blog i have found an answer on really hard question:
How to get out from google supplemental results?:)
I’m working in Qulix Systems – custom software development company, and I really hope that after reading your blog I’ll forgive about problem with Google Supplemental Results!!!
Thank You!!!
Do I need to introduce myself too?
Well,I’m Richie and a directory owner.
Jim,you do have a great blog and I’ve learnt a lot from it.Keep it up!
Hi Him,
My name is Erdal Gul and i have a search engine marketing company called Websem (
You have a great blog. I am following and reading your articles and they are really interesting. I also use your tools on
I like your blog, its very informative and very well written. The light hearted way of getting to grips with important matters, is a nice alternative to the somewhat serious nature of SEO.
I have slight critisism, and that is your title ‘Jim Boykin’s Blog’ is grammatically incorrect English. It should read ‘Jim Boykins’ Blog’, the apostrophy indicating that the blog belongs to Jim, rather than Jim Boykin is a Blog which is what your title says at the moment.
I am sure that you are not a blog, so you might consider changing it. ; – )
Bytheway, I am Mike Carter and am a contributor to the Web or Dead SEO blog (amongst other things).
Sorry Jim, ignore that last comment. I have just checked, and you are right. I have a very red face.
Hello Jim,
I am Prashant & I’m very new in SEO. I want your Support & suggestions for it…..
Hi Jim,
I am also an internet marketing specialist who specialize in page optimization and search marketing techniques. I have years of qualified experience and am the owner of (
Hello Jim. My name is David, and I look forward to reading all of the articles and posts on your site here.
Hi, the name is M.T. aka The SEO Blogger or SEO Blogger–for short =P. Anyway, I just wan to introduce myself and would llike to point out: WHERE IS YOUR RSS Jim?
I try to subscribe but having a hard time ‘searching’ for a feed. What kind of blogging platform did you use?
Anyway, one last thing, do you also go by Jim ‘Straw’?
Hey Jim and friends,
I’ll be #338 (ish). 🙂 I’m the owner of a web design, SEO and marketing firm in Los Angeles. SEO has become a passion of mine in the last 7 years or so, but I’ve been doing it since the beginning, although it wasn’t much of a challenge back then. I definitely enjoy reading your blog. Great tips and insight. Take care.
– Scott A.
aka WebGeek
Yo Jim,
Been reading for blog on and off for a while, and I say – you are clearly the link building master.
You you blog is not only a extremely informative read but also a great resource to other needed information. I refer to your site like a SEO encyclopedia.
I’ve enjoyed your blog for a while now and wanted to stop by and introduce myself and my company, Purple Trout, LLC. We are a search engine optimization consulting firm in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Keep up the good work!
I’m just normal PC user who works for an traveling agency.
I have created some blogs and also working hard in tiles business.
I have recently looked into your company and must say am very interested in what you do. I have been with 4 SEO companies that have yet to deliver so needless to say have become very skeptical about this industry. I must say that the information and tools that you have are a great help for someone like me.
My name is Shahryar Ghazi. I work as a Web/Database Developer.
I was just surfing and came across this site when I was reading a post on copyblogger. I like the blog, haven’t made my way through much to be honest, but the link to Mahalo’s site made me giggle.
I’m not really an SEO, I just write content for the blogs and such, but I have had to learn quite a bit, as the content I write is about SEO. Not a pro by any means but I have found that sitting in front of a computer all day is beginning to require a trip to the eye doctor…..I always told my mom I wanted glasses.
Keep up with the great posts and I’ll be sure to make it a regular read!!
I would like to introduce InPage Incorporated A company that has developed a new form of online advertising.
InPage takes online advertising to a whole new level, by providing television-style, full motion, full-screen, full sound adverts that appear in the ‘white space’ between pages. InPage is a complete ad management and reporting solution rolled into one powerful product.
InPage is not an interstitial in the traditional sense.
By definition interstitial is something “in betweenâ€, but that is where the InPage relation stops. While InPage does inject advertising between pages, it takes advantage of the white “dead†space between pages, that existing interstitial advertising can not take advantage of.
Existing forms of interstitials place a page, between two pages creating additional white space.
To represented graphically:
Current Interstitial advertising
Page 1 ïƒ White Space ïƒ Interstitial Page ïƒ White Space ïƒ Requested Page
display time not guaranteedïƒ
Hi there jim, i have a concern over my website, cause i had my indexed in google,yahoo though with lesser pages on yahoo but suprising my backlinks had more for yahoo and google as 0, why is this so? i am open to answers on my email [email protected] if anyone can answer me, thanks!
Well…my name is Cody and I know not NEARLY enough about SEO, but I’m finding it fascinating and am enjoying learning a little about it. I’m really more into the medical field, but the whole internet thing is a hobby of mine.
Hi Jim,
I’ve been using your tools for about 2 years. You held the door for me as I was fleeing back into the Garage in Seattle last Tuesday (not that I expect you to remember that!) I was too chicken to say hi and introduce myself then.
I’ve been working in internet marketing running online lead generation programs for a hybrid direct marketing advertising agency in Kansas City. I’m also one of two search marketers in our agency. Most of our clients are in one specific niche and we’re currently working to increase all online efforts.
I like LOLcats, and I don’t care if people make fun of me for it. (we can learn some lessons from My favorite keyboard shortcut is Ctrl + U.
I have an old web site that I worked on a few years ago that I practically abandoned. Only this week I came back to it, and found that the old Google adsense ads had posted $0.74, which I find pretty amazing for an abandoned, un-seoed website.
I finally have some free time, and I want to start ramping my site back up. I’ve contacted the server owner to grant my access back, but I still have so much to work on. What do you think I should do about SEO development, practically coming from nothing? Also, does anyone have any ideas about a good company that I could use server space from? My reason for abandoning it last time was that I got busy, and that my friend with the web server kept changing access to it, making it difficult to keep up accessing it.
Dave Nofmeister
Hello Mr. Jim, The name is sam casuncad an i am from the Philippines. Glad to be one of your visitors even if i have been dubbed lately as a spammer by one of our colleagues in the SEO arena.
I am also a newbie but i love hunting down prestigious people in the SEO community and read their blogs a lot. I also love reading the engineer’s blog (google gadgets) by matt cutts.OOOPppps i gues i promoted him in here (or spammed again).
Hey there Jim,
My name is Pedro Sttau and I work for a Web development firm located in Portugal (
I came across your blog almost by mistake, but I must say, am very pleasantly susrpised regarding what I have read so far.
Hi Jim
Andrew Here
Hi Jim,
My name is Chris. I’m into business web development and related topics.
Aventre Marketing is an Atlanta Internet Marketing company that specializes in small to midsized businesses in the United States. The company offers a wide range of services from web design to SEO and SEM to logo design and print advertising design. The key role of Aventre Marketing is to serve as a single source supplier so that companies can have on-demand marketing services through which all products, items or services have the same look and feel. Check us out at
Thanks Jim for your great insight and invitation.
I am Chris Paul, President of I have been helping others start and grow Internet Businesses since 1994. My core competency is to help individuals or companies add Income streams to their web businesses, sites, projects, or blogs through a variety of methods.
I am a consultant and partner developer also specializing in creating UniqUe Internet business models, branding, Internet Marketing strategies, lead generation and online sales systems.
I’ve been blessed with 15 years (prior to the Internet) of some incredible experiences in Advertising,PR Agencies, and Venture Capital firms. In the last two years I’ve personally partnered in a few new Internet incubator projects (some still in development) that I’m excited to use all of experiences to build.
I will add your link Jim to one of those projects which is prenatal at the moment (in that momentarily its sort of designed as a web portal not a blog ) but soon to be born… is about The Nets Best Things about Blogs and we will offer a user polling/ ranking application soon.
I hopped on to your blog to get some good ideas on Linkbait. I head up the marketing for
I really enjoyed reading your blog. My name is Scott Seong, and I’m an IT consultant with Telecom background. I found a web hosting company in 2003 (, and now own a web hosting resource site. I have recently acquainted with SEO, and started to use SEO skills when publishing web pages. Without search engines, no one will read my articles that I’ve gathered over the last several years while running a web hosting company. To achieve SEO effort, I have added a section in my website to discuss SEO topics.
I have wide variety of interests in technology, and try to learn and use new techniques whenever possible.
Hi, I work for the research center in Italy and I’m very interesting in IT.
Hi Jim,
I’m president of a new search engine.
Paris Roussos
Hello Jim,
Been reading & enjoying your blog for some time. Thought it was about due time I formally “introduced myself” here.
Love the site. It’s among my favorite blogging resources. I’m just starting my first real venture into the world of blogging and online entrepreneurship with my website Zen Zoomie’s Place: Chronicles of a (Wannabe) Pro Blogger. I’m hoping to be able to turn my love for writing, learning, and sharing information into a full-time job. Websites like yours make the process of getting up to speed quickly SO much easier–thanks again.
Hi there. I’m on the SEO team at my dog beds site – a company. There’s my plug! I’m enjoying you blog and appreciate all the helpful info on here. Thanks again!
I work for a major aerospace company and am looking to quit my day and move to tahiti. Some one told me i could do that if i became a high and might SEO so here i am. They all so said that i have to do everything that Jim does to get there so this i my first stop every morning (well not the first i do go to the little room and get my coffee first) but then its right to here. And yes i have a new SEO related blog at Some interesting post of shortcut i tried to take and the shortbus results that they produced.
Hi. My name is Laurie Williams and my Web Design and Internet Marketing company provides Search Engine Marketing serivces to businesses of all sizes. We focus on the highly competitive legal industry, professional services industry and technology companies.
I follow your blog as part of my daily iGoogle and
You caught my eye with the “booked through 2007” post. Just thought I’d throw out there that our Internet Marketing company is not currently booked through 2007!!! ha! So feel free to direct others to us.
Seriously, congratulations! I wish you continued success.
Hi Jim, great content you have here. I am the CEO of a web design agency called 3eleven Creative; where we provide web, graphic, print design and seo services.
My name is Justin and I was referred to this blog by Wheel after meeting him in Ottawa. My website is
Hi Jim:
I must say, when I first heard about the link ninjas, it really cracked me up. Not that ranking highly in search engines is funny or anything, as we all know, it’s serious business. I am the CEO of Seo Design Solutions a Chicago based search engine optimization company with a strong emphasis on organic Seo. Your blogs are always on topic, informative and useful, I’m sure you have worked very hard to get where you are and if it is of any consolation to you, I am proud to see someone so humble blazing at the top 10 of Google for thousands of terms. Your guys are everywhere for just about anything related to internet marketing, ranking, website optimization, etc… Keep up the great work.
I am the owner of a Canadian Rental Real Estate listing site.
I also met Wheel, a great internet marketer who was sharing his thoughts with a group in Ottawa.
He suggested we hook up to Jim Boykin’s info.
It looks like I have just found another great resource.
Thanks Wheel, Thanks Jim!
Hey Jim! My name is Jonathan Dingman and I’m the President of Fireside Media LLC, which specializes in New York City SEO and SEM. We have and are continuing to develop internal tools to really help make our firm stand out in the SEO industry.
Maybe I’ll see you at the next SES in San Jose!
About seven years ago, I created a web site called “Marketing Survival”. Although it’s experienced sort of a roller coaster ride on Google for keywords such as “marketing tools”, “marketing strategies”, and “marketing letters”, I now have #1 Google rankings for “real estate marketing tools” and “real estate marketing strategies”. A few weeks ago I had a number 3 or 4 spot for ‘marketing tools’, but then it disappeared from sight for that particular phrase. Frustrating! That’s happened a couple of times.
Anyway, my site has a ton of content about small business marketing topics, and I also sell sales letter templates, newsletter startup kits, marketing plan software, public relations planning software, business proposal software, and marketing books.
Your site is a wealth of knowledge on SEO and Internet marketing. I’m going to have to sit down and devote a bunch of time to absorbing some of this good stuff.
I build and maintain websites and do aggressive web and street promotions for other small companies. My latest client is, my first adult site client.
Oral Seymour, relatively new to SEO and PPC. currently have a few clients…mostly small businesses. (I’m trying to walk before I can run)
I’m from NY, like you guys….:)
I started a small company, OS Industries, that does, design and custom open source programming
I work as Content Editor for a premier Hyderabad based firm and keen to get friendly with friends from across the world, particularly English speaking from Western nations. Keen to become pally and share good times. Look forward to hear from pals from West
I am from Jakarta, Indonesia. Nice website and content. I am a newbie and still learning about SEO and stuff. My website is :
Im the owner of which specialises in holiday rental advertising worldwide. The site has been up and running in earnest since March 2007. Its hard work getting traffic into your site unless you want to pay the bucks to use adsense.
So, Im hoping to learn more on organic seo from this site.
Nice site Jim.
Thanks for the introduce yourself platform.
My name is Jeff Phillips and I am the Founder and Co-Owner of CAD Website Design
I have just recently found your blog (I know, I must have been living under a rock) but there are so many out there. I liked the article about dead links pages, and I will have to continue to read about how to get on the good links pages. My site has those dreaded links pages, and I should probably work on eliminating those pages.
Hi Jim!
I’m from Chihuahua, Mexico and I am starting a SEO company called “NetMarketing Mexico” here in my city, I can tell you that it’s difficult offer the SEO services to companies that don’t know too much about Internet marketing, but I’m doing my best.
I’m a person who likes to learn new things and I think that SEO/SEM it’s a good opportunity to be learning for a while.
Hello Jim
I am Ravi Ranjan, I am currently working as Sr.SEO in Broadway Infotech and recently I came to know about your blog, and found it very important for me to learn and increase the relevant knowledge in the field of SEO.
Hi Jim
I landed up here from and really love the idea of having people introduce themselves … and would like to know how to implement this particular page ..:)
I recently started blogging and am still learning and would be coming back to read and learn more of your articles …
a very nice site!
I’m Edward and I am web host. I make companies kick ass and be cool. SEO is weird and Jim is my SEO-SUPER-HERO! If they ever make an action figure of him. I will buy 2. One to give to a young SEO kid, and the other I will keep in mylar so that in 20 years it’ll be worth gillions!
Hi Jim,
Thanks for your articles. This is my first post to any type of seo communities or such. I learned of the phrase seo last month from my web designer who’s still in high school. I guess I’m tired of shelling out thousands of dollars on yellow pages and pay per clicks etc. Like anything else, Business is a learning experience.
Well one of the 1st articles I read was your “Tips for finding the best pages to get links ” I appreciate your openness to share quality information. I think that’s rare. Other than that I like the home grown feel of your site. My company is Adkins Bee Removal. Im trying to 301 redirect to Adkins Bees getting rid of “removal” because we also do not for profit honeybee pollination, keep bees, and other bee activities. This will also allow us to create more back-links to pages with higher pr.
Though I’ve been in business for 8 yrs now, my web page is only a month or two old. You may get a kick out of this, today in Google we went from #240 to #8 for a search on “bee removal” don’t ask how, or why, i have no idea. The site isn’t that great yet, it has no pr that I can see, and I haven’t created many back links. My only guess is it could be from old yellow-page directories like Yahoo and such, we went in and updated our listing with an actual website thus perhaps creating old back-links?
Although i am now afraid to do the 301 re-direct. I joined this community to ask that specific question, though I haven’t the chance to brows around enough to know where to post. Anyways, thanks again for your information Jim.
This is Aaron Newton from Demonz Media, which is a web design company based in Sydney Australia. I was researching link baiting and ended up here.
This is David Bayer from DataBanq Media. Thanks so much for your pioneering in the Internet Marketing space. Great content, deep insight, and an all around nice guy. Keep up the work!!
I’m Dipankar Subba and I will go full-time doing Internet Marketing from Oct 1, 2007. So good times ahead.
My husband & I are new to SEO – but we are fast learners. I saw your site listed on so figured I’d take a look. 🙂
Hi, my name is Nicolae Ganea and I come from Bukharest, Romania.
I work for my company and I present my website
Hi Jim
Swede (34) living in Norway. Used to work as CEO for Tele2 in Norway. Founded an online printing company last year –
I highly appreciate all your online “lessons” and supplementary comments from other readers. I learn a lot thanks to all of you!
Hey,Iam Dmitri. I am a photographer. I just recentrly discovered internet,believe it or not…and now can’t stay away. 🙂
To me SEO is still not understandable so I’m trying to get it quickly but don’t actually understand the key things.
hey guys,
wanted to say hi and thanks for all the useful 411 involved with Jijm boykin. I actually quit working for an SEO company after 3+ years and have started my own. I would like to add my websites. So here’s a shameless plug!  and
I was in 626 and you were in 624 at the Marriott SES San Jose. You were my knight in shining armour just before the Google bash, and I bumped into you again at the searchbash. Drop me an email any time! Hope San Francisco was awesome… and I’m sooo glad you got your wallet back 🙂 – L
I’m the developer of WP Text Ads, a free plugin that lets bloggers sell text link ads directly to advertisers. This way, they pay no commissions.
I’m learning SEO as well as I can, and sites like these are great! I’ve applied some of the techniques to my shopping site TicTap,
Hello i am Zeeshan i am working in kapataru comutes, i want o learn more about SEO i am new in this fied
I am iliyas patel, i am SEO expert in a compnay in india, I want to leart more about this SEO and SEM techniques and grow myself in this field
iliyas patel
I am Nadia, i am SEO expert in a compnay in india, I want to leart more about this SEO and SEM techniques and grow myself in this field
I am shayari and i love to read Jim’s blog.
I manage a lot of blogs related to fun and entertainment and often visit this blog to learn internet marketing.
I am Jagan, SEO and Webmaster working in since 1998, i like to read this blog
Hi, Hello, Greetings…..
I’m the AdMainiac from AdMain UK (coming soon AdMain Europe). I tend mainly to work on behlaf of clients, and like to have a read on what your all saying about current trends, algo’s, link building, Google goona getcha etcetera.
sometimes I find some absolute pearls of wisdom contained in these pages, sometimes not, what ever is written by Jim seems to be almost on the button, so take heed you seo’ers out there.
Hi Jim,
Who am I? OMA (one-man-army) would be brief decription. In detail, work as web marketing specialist in one company, freelance administering linux web servers, seo-ing, etc. etc…
Anyways, nice blog you have here…i found it by accident and for sure i’ll be back 😉
have a nice day
Hi Jim,
I am Kausik Dutta, have been doing SEO since 2003 and owner of I read your blog very frequently.
My name is Marek. Learned about SEO about 2 months ago and “forced” to do SEO since then. For my 2 websites only. mia:ny – Nowy Jork dla turystów – the most important one;)
And thanks for great info!
Hi Jim,
I’m a SEO/Web Analytics specialist. I work on a number of personal projects. Currently working on a web marketing classifieds website. Just discovered your blog. Great stuff. Looking forward to sending a few backlinks your way!
Hi there – my company, Tribal Core, provides internet strategy and web marketing services in Ventura County and Santa Barbara, California. I’ve been really impressed with the openness and communication at WeBuildPages, and love the competitive backlink tool. Keep up the great work!
Hey Jim!,
Thanks for allowing us to introduce ourselves! I am Ryan, head of SEO and Dev. at an online credit card company, You offer a great blog here in which I check atleast 3 times per week. The information you provide is priceless. Great work Jim, thanks again!
Hi Jim,
I am a SEO guy, can’t say a specialist :). But i work for a SEO firm and i am a SEO manager there. Especially do SEO/SEM and work hard on my team to get the sites to top in Google. Have got some sites on the top and i’m happy that i have achevied some goals. Well, i like your blog……..Great info here.
Hi there Jim,
I just finished reading the SEO book by Aran Wall, thats great too!. I am working on a website selling scarfs, hopefully I can get it higher in the search engines using your advice. I’ll keep you posted. Its
Hi Jim,
This `introduce yourself` thing is great and fun, never seen one before. I am SB, I am a net investor in new online concepts, we develope 90% of our projects inhouse.
I know nothing about SEO, thats why I am here, just reading internet to learn more. To prove you that, I have a website with over 1 million unique users a month. I only earn double digits a day from the ads, which is not much I think……….
Hey Jim,
I’m Dennis a webdesigner/php guy from holland, and I try to learn a little bit about seo to promote some sites I built in my spare time.
I like your blog, it has some good advice. So keep posting so I can keep reading.
Been doing SEO for years but still novice.
Hi, I am a freelance SEO and Internet Marketing Specialist. I Just came across your site not too long ago. I am enjoying your blog and I am already impressed with some of the SEO tools offered…. Thanks
My name is Brian and I am the owner of If anyone is looking to start their own search engine optimization and search engine submission online business then please go to
I used your SEO tools and they gave the best result as i expect for any tools and i hope you will give the best SEO tools and their importances in future.
Hello, I run which is a business directory that does video marketing listings for the local area business (amongst other things). Thanks for the SEO tips!
Hi Jim,
Just found your site and love the ideas…been reading some of your 2005 posts. In particular the idea of becoming an editor at DMOZ. You said you doubted it was worth the trouble. The other idea that caught my eye was the fact that you said to remind you to write a piece on “How to help Wikipedia’s information†from you post back in 2005
“SEO via DMOZ is very 2002 – 2003ish, What’s “related†but more 2005ish is getting links within Wikipedia….remind me, I’ll have to do a “How to help Wikipedia’s information†post.)”
Would love to know if there’s something that is more 2007ish that I should be doing.
All my best,
Hi, my name is Serge. i work for offshore development company. I manage web design studio site and some blogs. Thank you for giving a chance to intriduce myself.
I am ashish.I like seo and hence i research a lot about changing trends in seo industry.
I often provide consultation to clients as how to structure their site for seo and how to increase link popularity.
I am Stephan Miller, and affiliate marketer and webmaster for an ecommerce site finally going full force at blogging and social media to see how this will impact my online efforts.
I am Iris Jackson, i am new and wanted to know more about seo i am working on my blog to increase rank and found your site.
My name is Cotton Rohrscheib, I am a web developer and co-founder of Pleth Networks, LLC, an Arkansas Based, managed hosting provider. We also specialize in email solutions with spam and virus protection. My primary development language is php, but I have recently started looking at ColdFusion. I also run a blog, My business websites are: and
I also attended Jim’s SEO session at HostingCon in Chicago this year.
I am an owner of an anger management organization. I also have a website and ran across your blog while searching for new ideas to help improve my website. thanks for some good information.
Ari Novick, Ph.D.
Hey Jim. Love your site and find it a real fountain of SEO knowledge. Keep up the good work.
SEO Specialist, Expedia Inc
Hi I’m Daryl, young Irish Web Designer and SEO. Finding it tough to keep up with changes in the algos, causing my site to go up and down the SERPs like a ping pong ball. Working for at the moment.
Hi Jim,
We met at a WMW event years ago, and you kindly paid for my dinner (I paid you back of course 🙂
Good to see you doing well, love the tools, and the pic of you at the top.
Me? Still an SEO wannabee, and trying to sell my suits online!
Hello Jim
I’m a search engine optimiser from New Zealand and run a small seo part partime. For my full time job do the small thing for a company in Christchurch.
BTW – Please don’t go under the radar, your posts are gold.
Hi Jim,
I’m ex-programmer. Now learning internet marketing and hoping to be successful in the near future. Find internet internet marketing kind of troublesome and full of uncertainty. its environment let a lot of work at home wannabe living in the dark for a long time before realising the reality of internet. so would like to find a way to provide some kind of services that would not waste a lot of people time and money to succeed online.
still gathering those info. with small capital i need to do it slowly, steadily and patiently. still a lot to learn on this biz especially seo. really enjoy seo maybe because of my programming background. hope can get the necessary seo knowledge from your blog. thanks for having me here.
Hello Jim,
I am reading your blog from a very long time but came to know abt this page today only..
Anyways i am an Internet Marketing Consultant and just love to explore new SEO related topics.
Hi Jim,
My business partner has pulled me into the fascination of SEO and your take on how the internet works in general. I have already learned a lot from your postings and look forward to learning more.
Hi Jim,
My name is Vincent Felicinao and I look forward to interviewing with your company. I have read alot of what you do and I love all your new ideas. I am looking forward to becoming an internet marketing Ninja.
Hi Jim,
My name is Vincent Felicinao and I look forward to interviewing with your company. I have read alot of what you do and I love all your new ideas. I am looking forward to becoming an internet marketing Ninja.
Hi Jim. Thx for your blog.
Now i just try to make my own blog.
You can see it at
I was doing some SEO research and ended up on this blog… think I’ll stay a while
Hello Jim,
I am reading your blog from a very long time but came to know abt this page today only..
Anyways i am an Internet Marketing Consultant and just love to explore new SEO related topics.
Hello Jim,
Im a new reader of your blog, I actually just found it yesterday. But its one that I will be bookmarking. Most of it is related to my type of work. Im also a Link Builder/Off-Page SEO. I spend most of my days either promoting my sites or link building from my service Thanks for giving me the chance to introduce myself, I look foward to learning some new things from your blog!
Hey Jim,
This is a really interesting idea. I may just copy this on my own site… you allow users to interact with you – offer value, a free link, and make them remember you as well.
I do online marketing, working in PPC, SEO, with Fortune 500 companies and small business owners. I have a couple of my own businesses, and love to hear new ideas.
Rick here from Just wanted to let you, and apparently others, know about our new site. If you do any work with writing articles as part of your SEO strategy, we help make the article-writing process easier by automating the sign-up and submission process. We also provide tools that allow you to write your article so that a unique version will go to every article site — thus avoiding duplicate content penalties.
You can sign up for free and check it out, but you can’t actually do any submissions. If you sign up for an account (Jim… not the rest of you), let me know your user login and I’ll give you a 100 free credits so that you can give it a proper test drive.
Hi Jim,
I am Tulika. I am into internet marketing – interactive and social media marketing at Infovedics. I am a recent reader of your blog and find your posts on SEO very useful.
Hello Jim,
Neat idea.
I am me. I’ve been this way for 34 years. I hope to continue being this way for quite some time more.
From what I’ve read about you, I imagine I will be spending quite some time here at least.
Have a good day.
Hi Jim
I just recently found your site, and was just reading your post about link ninjas vs link baiters… Quite funny 🙂
About my self.
My name is Lars Bachmann, im from Denmark, and working with SEO and webdelevopment in a small advertising company.
I did my first SEO about 5 years ago, and been working as a professionel SEO for the last 3 years.
Im 30 years old and i have my own personal blog, where i write about SEO, Searchengines and all other kind og “geeky” stuff.
Im looking forward to read some more articles from your blog archives.
Jim, I met you briefly at PubCon last week and am new to your blog. I’m a usability consultant in Chicago (coder by habit, and psychologist by training) who has the crazy notion that SEO and usability can actually complement each other. Looking forward to hearing what you have to say, and I hope you don’t make good on your threat to disappear from the blogosphere.
Hello. My name is Paul Mulder. I’m based in Melbourne Australia, and work in finance.
I really have very little knowledge about SEO stuff, altough it’s something that I’ve recently become interested in. I only landed on this website for the first time a few hours ago and can see myself as becoming a regular visitor; there certainly is wealth of handy stuff here.
My name is Steve Baik. I’m based in California, and currently run two websites related to credit and finance. My main site is I have over 8 years in the finance/mortgage industry, with over 5 years in SEO and link building.
I am still learning, but feel I have a lot more to learn.
Hi All,
I am a web designer cum SEO.
Nice to be part of this community..
I am already a fan of Jim and his articles..
I have optimized a lot of sites through the knowledge i gained from this blog..
Sher Singh
Hi Jim,
My name is Tyler and I’m the new Link Ninja at Databanq Media. I’m learning a lot from your techniques and blogs, keep up the great work.
Watch out though, a new Link Ninja is on the prowl.
First Of all, Thanks to give this Platfrom to introduce Internet professional with You and rest of the world
I’m Bidyut, a Indian Blogger, I’m a SEO professional in The Inida, as well as I’m doing from more than a Hundred more (pro)bloggers and Internet profissionals whose feeds I subscribe.
I started my Freelance Search Engine Optimizer BLog , almost Two month ago, If you have time, please visit, a blog in on SEO, Internet Marketing, Social Media Promotion, Search Engine Marketing and related stuff.I have almost 7 years IT experience and have recently (last couple of years) started to actively enter into the SEO/SEM field. Its suprising me that how many SEO skills are inherent in good web development practices who Build good, well structured pages using standards compliant code and half the battle is already won in search engine search ranking!
Keep the good work you do here.
Best wishes,
Hi Jim, I just stumbled upon your blog and love what I’ve been able to read so far.
Who am I? Most people know me for my work as an abstract painter but I attribute so much of my success to how I’ve marketed myself using joint ventures.
I’m looking forward to reading more of your stuff. Take care & happy holidays.
marti garaughty
I just learning SEO for my own sites. I just started
I hope to learn from your blog and site. Thanks for valuable tools.
Hi Jim et al-
Run a web development agency specialising in flash game design based outside of London- Particularly interested in SEO related issues right now so thanks for the expert advice!
Festive greetings-
I’m a freelance web designer who sweats this seo stuff!
Hello I’m Bilal Qayyum, SEO Expert doing search engine optimization and marketing since 1998 🙂
Hi! Jim, I a new blogger…i am still learning about SEO. Thanks for sharing about all this stuff. I love reading about your blog and site, i love the tools that you shared with us, although i know that it’s still going to take long before i get PR but reading your site and learning i know i’m going to get better.
I am blogging about technology nothing about SEO but i need to learn to get PR.
I am Raghavan a hardcore SEM enthusiast from India. I like your blogs and the questions that you put forward to the corporate. MY expertise is ecommerce and goal conversion. Hope I learn more valuable points from your blog and thanks for having this section really helpful to know people. 🙂
Hi Jim,
I saw your posts on Local Internet Marketing. I feel one of the problems that is holding back local businesses in marketing online is that they are confused and frustrated. They are confused by this new media, which is very alien to them. They are also frustrated because they do not know how to proceed.
That is why we created the Local Online Marketing Association – a resource to educate local businesses on how to succeed online. By teaching simple techniques and strategies you can not only get local businesses to participate online, but you can also help them reap the awards of connecting with local customers. You can learn more about LOMA at
Fred Waters
I read the whole story about you. I am inspired, I am a newbie and just started making websites. Its a long way to go for me. Thanks for sharing all info of yours and SEO
My name is Anie, I work for a SEO company in India as Webmaster/SEO. We work for all large, small/medium businesses and companies.
I am in the Internet Marketing biz and I read your blog and I think you provide a great service to the SEO community.
Hey, Jim! I LOVE what you guys are doing here! Your blog is extremely educational and worth spending a lot of time on. I have home value report site ( where I am in charge of link building and I also teach link building with ProspectMX in Lancaster, PA. Your website allows me to stay on top of the game and was a reality check.
Thanks again.
My name is Scott Salwolke and I’m a SEO consultant out of Dubuque, Iowa. Right now we’re close to setting a record for the most amount of snow in our community in one year. It makes me glad that most of my work is done on the Internet. And that there are blogs like this where I get to meet other people in the industry.
Hello, I’m a newbie trying to learn what seo is all about.
485 Responses
I’ll even start this out.
Hi, I’m Jim Boykin.
I consider myself an Internet Marketing Specialist, specializing in obtaining links for Search Engine Optimization. I’m also the CEO of We Build Pages –
I’m Rand Fishkin. I’m also in the Internet marketing game, with a focus on organic SEO. I’ve got a background in usability and web design and I’m the owner and operator of
Ok, I’ll go second. (Why does this feel like an AA meeting?) I’m a software/systems consultant in the field of Fibre Channel, SCSI, and Linux Device Drivers. Just about anything real-time embedded.
I’m really fascinated by the SEO process and dabble in writing stupid little utilities that nobody will use because they’re buried six feet deep on the last page of Google.
Ok, how about third?
Me 4th!
My name is Lea {hi Lea!} and I’m an Australian-based web developer.
I support the internet presence of small-to-medium businesses, which means I’m a jack of all trades for anything to do with the web and I wish they would stop asking me questions about their email clients 🙁
Anyway, SEO (for want of a better name) is probably the most fun part of What I Do for people, so your blog is of interest. Why I even had a rant here a week or so ago! {blush}
I’ve been in the web stats tracking business over 6 years now. While my business has matured well over the years there are still massive improvements I’d like to make in nearly every aspect of the service. My focus has been bouncing between keeping the server network alive, building/improving the service, maintaining support and running day to day business. Quite a delicate balance! Do I ever loose sleep over it at night? Don’t we all?
My name is Scott… I started my Internet marketing company in 1997, and developed it throughout high school and college… having graduated a few years ago. We’re a small firm in Boston… 10 people now.
I consider myself an online marketing specialist with expertise in search engine marketing and expressing brands online. We have a diversity of clients in our “active client†roster, including a Fortune 100, mid-sized public companies, and small businesses (Yahoo Store E-commerce owners, high-tech companies, etc).
I’m Dave Child (a.k.a. ILoveJackDaniels) and I’m an internet marketing consultant with Propellernet ( in the UK. I’m also a web developer.
Like the site, Jim – you’ve got some great information here.
I’m an IT consultant with a quite broad background. I’m focused on SE friendly Web development and Web outlets of ERP systems. I fulfill the architect role best, so I prefer to get involved in an early stage, but nowadays it seems that I’m mostly hired when the engines have banned, ignored or penalized a site already. I’m working as subcontractor and for my own clients across the globe as well. When I’ve the time I write pamphlets on linking, crawlability, database design and related topics. Oups, Jim may I link out that much?
My name is Alex, i work for a SEM company in Spain as Webmaster/SEO. We work for small/medium businesses, and also for damn-big-companies.
Take a look:
Hi Jim. Enjoy your blog. I’m Mark Sceatsf rom New Zealand & run a web marketing called Viz Marketing. Focus is on search engine optimisation & PPC management. Always fid your thoughts on link building useful. Happy New Year.
I am a software developer with a stack of ideas for products that keep piling up. Quite varied languages – my favourites are PostgreSQL and PHP.
I am 50% of (note blank main page at present – sorry.)
I am a novice with SEO, however am good at coming up with things that are impossible. (very simple – start with “how do I make this possible” instead of “this cannot be done”)
A year ago I wrote some unusual web tracking software purely because I was told it could not happen. (I am about to release this month finally – other work keeps getting in the way)
Something else I have on my design list is a system by which you can find out all the links Google knows about for a site (well 99.9%), instead of just what they tell you. Jim you have convinced me this should be freely available when I build it – your free tools here are AWESOME.
PS – thanks for turning off the nofollow, Jim! I hate how SPAM caused us to ditch part of what makes blogging so great…
Hi, I’m Brian, and I’ve been full-time in SEO since March 2004 – so I’m pretty recent to the party.
My company is, which is run with a sole-trader mentality, and targets small business and start-ups, who have small budgets and need help online.
Also run as a business resource site.
First ambition is to save the world; second is to be a traditionally published fiction writer. 🙂
Well Jim went first, but Howard went twice, so I guess this is 6th? but whos counting….
My name is Jason, and I’m a software developer from Australia. I’m working on starting a blog type site (, and I follow Jim’s posts to keep an eye and ear on the SEO world.
Happy 2006 everyone!
hi everyone
my name is Rustum and i am doing company registration services from Malaysia and my website is
Well, I am from Bulgaria. I am in the internet marketing field for 2 years now. My main focus is on Organic SEO and Link Building (50/50). I am currently working for one of the leading Bulgarian internet companies. Before that I had about 4 years of experience as a freelance web developer and designer. I also have some background in software development, server administration and networking.
I consider SEO to be one of the most difficult things in the web (if done right). For me a good SEO-er/SEM manager should have:
1. Excellent knowedge in Web Design, Internet marketing and SEO/SEM specific stuff (things that you do not learn in any other area listed here);
2. Very good knowedge in Linguistics, Psyhology, Web development, Server Administration, Network Tehcnologies;
3. Good knowedge in Statistics.
Very good level of general education is also important, I think it gives you a way of seeing the “big picture”.
I still do not consider myself a SEO Expert (although I have some pretty good results in my portfolio) but I try to never stop improving my knowedge in the areas listed above.
Jim’s Blog is on my list of 30 or so carefully chosen blogs that cover SEO, SEM and Internet Marketing. And yes, I read them on a daily basis, when possible.
I am also a regional editor in the Multilingual Search blog (I cover Bulgaria, of course).
my is Johannes, but i prefer my nickname “Jojo”. I am from a little town in Germany. Mostly I am working on my own web projects, blogs and such stuff. I am also working on an german SEO ebook and I am planning on distributing it at the “Aaron Wall”-way. At the moment I have 20 pages and I plan to publish the first version with 30 pages somewhere later this month.
I am although thinking about taking 1 or 2 clients for a little variety of my life later this year.
My German SEO blog:
Hi Jim!
Long time reader. First time caller. 🙂
I’m currently the Director of Search Marketing for a rapidly growing software company. But over the course of my career, I have held a lot of different positions under the auspices of “Internet Marketing.”
I write a blog on “Improving Customer Experience (ICE).” It’s been a little neglected as of late but my New Year’s resolution is to get it rolling again.
My background is in usability/user experience and Internet marketing.
Last year, I was very interested in tagging and RSS as a potent combo for improving search engine visibility. I even wrote a tag generator that allows you to create tags for Technorati,, Flickr, and Furl. Since my blog is an open-source app, I need to build that into my blog as well this year. But for now, it is free for all to use and enjoy.
My other New Year’s resolution is to try to quit being such a lurker in the SE community. I’m going to do my best to contribute more this year. Perhaps this is a small first step. 🙂
Keep up the good work Jim.
Who am I? How did I get here?
My name is Josh and I manage all organic SEO for a Boston-based B2B site. We have a similar model to LendingTree – submit one form and be connected to many suppliers on business products and services, like Copiers for example.
I’ve been trying to figure best practices for SEO for about 3.5 years now. Thanks for all the great thoughts you’ve shared so far, Jim.
My name is Andy Pull, and I just started working as an Internet Marketing Specialist for The Step2 Company last September. I’m definitely new to the game, and learning every day.
I also love to create sites with notepad and GIMP. My latest scheme is to get on the Amazing Race with an online petition at I’d love every bit of word-of-mouth advertising I can get!
Jim, I love your blog.
I am a web designer/programmer from Canton, Ohio also SEO novice. Been deep for a few months now but still sitting back and watching before jumping in. You, Jim, have the esteemed privilege of hosting my first SEO blog comment. Congrats!
Hey there Jim,
My name’s Peter, and I’m down here in Atlanta Georgia. Currently juggling a few gigs. During 9-5, I’m a principal at SearchIgnite, which is a Centralized PPC Keyword Management application for Google, Yahoo, MIVA, Kanoodle, and soon to be MSN AdCenter. Outside of that, I play around with several SEO sites like Atlanta Walkabout, and Planet BnB. Love this blog though. One of the few I visit on a daily basis.
Hi, I’m Dan Kramer. I’m the author of the cloaking software program “KloakIt”, as well as owner of a couple of e-commerce ventures. I’ve been your client since just after the Orlando WMW conference. I’ve been in “the business” since around 1996, and learned SEO the old fashioned way — by making it up as I went along. Remember the good old days when InfoSeek was the SEO’s best friend?
Love your blog, Jim. I think it’s one of the best SEO blogs out there, and if you read carefully, there are some real gems in here.
Programmer (about 10 languages), Web Designer (all kinds of combinations), Silicon Valley dot commer, Startup Entrepreneur, net coding since early ’95. prior to that Electronics Technician in US Navy out of Yokosuka, Japan (traveled Asia).
Current things include my main blog at Diggers Realm and it’s counterpart Inside Online Advertising, where I analyze how changes on Diggers Realm directly affect revenue.
Love your info Jim!
greg hartnett here. i am the president of BOTW, an activist, husband and father of two, and general dissident.
I’m a fellow internet marketing specialist focusing on organic SEO.
I own a marketing/advertising company based out of Las Vegas (but living in Tennessee)
I’ve been developing websites professionally for 6 years and have been doing SEO for 2.
I’ve just now started my own blog at
Hi, my name in Martin Muller and I come from Prague, Czech Republic.
I work for travel agency which offers accommodation in Prague hotels and hostels at .
I also write Prague photo blog .
Hi, I’m Bill Hartzer. I’ve been doing SEO since 1996. I live outside of Dallas, Texas and and the search engine marketing manager at MarketNet, a Dallas, Texas based interactive full-service web design, development, and SEM firm.
Glenn here, from New Hamburg, Ontario Canada, which BTW has North America’s largest operational waterwheel (thus my online ID of ‘wheel’). The waterwheel is completely useless, it just spins around and around. Doesn’t power anything or generate electricity. And I don’t think it draws any tourists either – I mean who’d go even 2 minutes out of their way to see that?
I do insurance websites and related software.
(Whew! Got my blog spamming duties out of the way early today!).
Been knocking around the web since 1998, beats working for a living.
Into blogs at the moment, bouncing around the niches, amazing what happens when you start a blog a day.
At the moment Model Trains are my thing. model trains
I really think a blog on Blu Tac is the next big thing.
Dear Jim,
I am Murugan Ranganathan, CEO of Square Brothers Information Technologies, Chennai, India.
Our main business is Web Hosting and planning to start SEO services shortly.
I visit this site to hear about your crazy ideas 🙂
I’m a directory developer and operator. I own WoW Directory and WoW Yellow Pages and I’m the business manager and partner in Skaffe and Sporge Directory. I read your blog daily. It’s important to us to keep up with the latest SEO news so we can better facilitate our users and submitters.
My name’s Erin Mahoney and I’m a newcomer to your blog, Jim. I’m the SEO Editor for, and I also publish Chill Out LA, a guide to Los Angeles day spa and yoga deals. And as long as we’re allowed to indulge in a bit of self-promotion, my guidebook Walking LA: 36 Walking Tours Exploring Stairways, Streets and Buildings You Never Knew Existed was recently published by Wilderness Press. Thanks very much for inviting us to share! 🙂
Hey there Jim!
I’m a voice-over actor, juggler, and SEO lackey. Nice combination, eh? I try to use my website to get more clients for voice over.
I blog. I SEO. I CEO TopRank.
I’m a web developer/internet entrepreneur, currently focusing on developing premium domain names. I’m working hard trying to make up for all the lost time I was a user and not a creator.
I also own and run a blog (click my name) covering (I hope this doesn’t set off any duplicate content filters — same list I posted on another blog):
– Contextual Advertising
– Search Engine Optimization
– The Domain name market
– Online Community building
– E-commerce & conversions
– E-mail Newsletters
– Laws pertaining to online publishers
– The online industry in general, sales, acquisitions, and mergers.
The blog is primarily a way for me to remember all the important things I’ve read while giving me some public recognition (which leads to the occasional consulting job.) I’ve also been called an “internet expert” by Brendon Sinclair who wrote Sitepoint’s Web Design Business kit, which I certainly appreciate.
I market property all over the world and have been reading your blog from the start. Your SEO tips and techniques are great and you have a very REAL thought process….from this
I have decided to start my own blog, as people are so full of crap in my industry and I want to give my perspective on it all.
BTW Nice to meet you in Vegas!
Hi! I’m Max from Moscow (Russia). I started SEO in 2002 promoting only one online gambling site. Now I’m a black hat SEO thanks to all russian spammers mentor GreenWood.
Hi Jim,
I’m what Todd would call SEO3.0 (3 for being a latecomer and 3 for being based in the third world) but I’ve been dabbling on all things Web since 1998.
Been focused on SEO for the past 2 years and have been evangelizing this part of the world on the beauty and wonders of SEM via my blog and the SEO Philippines blog and mailing list.
Your blog and Todd’s are daily destinations. Same goes with the toolsets you’re sharing with the rest of the community.
PS: with a little link peddling, this could be the next milliondollarpost…everyone will then be fighting to be on it 😉
Hey, Jim. Great idea for an entry!
I’m Brian, founder of Scoreboard Media Group, an SEO consulting firm to the corporate environment. Wasn’t originally the niche I had my heart set on, but I had enumerable contacts within Fortune 1000 businesses from a previous life and those became SEO/SEM clients as I donned my search engine marketing hat.
Recently, I took a hiatus from new clients at Scoreboard, to assume a gig as a Marketing Director for a Bay Area media start-up. Gotta wet my beak on the 2.0 money! In doing so, I’ve also found myself directing prospective clients to the SEO biz to the Webuildpages crew as you guys are probably the only firm I feel comfortable doing so.
Great blog and perspective over here. Good luck in 2006!
Hi Jim,
My name is Carl. I’m from Montreal, QC. I sometimes describe myself as an SEO specialist but mostly I do all the webmastery stuff most webguys won’t touch with a ten foot pole. People often say “oh, just ask Carl, he’ll fix it”. This is the cause of my intermittent ulcer. That and clients that ask “Pourrais-tu nous concevoir un site bilingue?”
I started reading your blog one day in October and I haven’t missed a day since. Great insight into the subtleties of SEO, a down to earth attitude and news-you-can-use is what keeps me reading.
Hi Jim,
I am a web analytics and SEO consultant in Cleveland. I focus more on the web measurement side of things, but I enjoy SEO and appreciate the community has formed around it.
Trying to get my employer to pay for a trip to SES in Feb. so hopefully I can meet some folks.
Hello Jim,
I’m an Affiliate Marketer :slash: Professional Internet Junkie :slash: Wannabe Successful SEO and Google Train Derailer. All that and a blog or two too! 😉
I’m a big fan of Todd’s so that automatically transferred to you (guilt by association kinda thing).
Love your blog!
Hi Jim,
Am based in London and have been doing seo/web dev since late 90s. Can normally be found in the bar at most pubcons. 🙂
Tony Spencer here in Raleigh, NC. Programmer turned SEO back in the good old Viagra days of the late 90’s. Can usually be found sharing a pint with Mike Nott at the bars at the pubcons. 🙂
Hi, I think I’m #40 or something…If anyone gets down this far i’m George Zlatin and i’m pretty new to this wild and exciting SEO game. I started about a year ago working on my own e-commerce store and now I work at a professional SEO firm in downtown Chicago learning from some of the best in the biz. Ain’t life grand.
Hi All—
I work for the same aforementioned Chicago firm, and have been in the game in one way or another for about as long as there has been a game to be in. I have also just launched a new blog and site, Paperclip Marketing (get it— it’s funny, right?). I’m still working out the kinks, so please don’t hold it against me– I’m not a real programmer, and have done the whole thing by hand. I certainly welcome your comments and suggestions on it.
Hi I’m Spencer Hoyt and I manage a team of SEO professionals in Louisiana. I like Jim’s blog and his insight into the SEO field. It is a must read on a weekly basis for me. Keep up the good work!
I am the CTO of an excellent SEO and Internet Advertising Company.
Jim is one of the best SEO experts in the world, that is why I like reading what he has to say.
You certainly attract some interesting folk here, Jim. I’m an Internet Marketing Consultant based in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. I’m also a moderator on the Cre8asite Forums.
My name is Ammon Johns, I live in Brighton, UK, and I’ve been into web promotions since 1995, taking the title of “Internet Marketing Consultant” back in ’97 to show that while I am well known for SEO, its only a tool in the bag, not the whole bag.
I’m one of the Administrators at the Cre8asite Forums, a regular speaker at the Search Engine Strategies events, and was one of those who helped found the Search Marketing Association.
I was recently labelled as an ‘original gangster’ (!) of SEO by Rand, which actually made me laugh aloud when I read it. I’ve certainly been called worse things. At the first ever Pub Conference in 2001, London, I was referred to as a “grandfather of SEOs” by a couple of folks who said they’d learned the trade from someone who claimed to have learnt it from me in turn… Made me feel ancient.
Hi! I’m Gradiva Couzin and I’m writing a book about SEO… a down-to-earth approach for busy types. Uh-oh, I hope my co-author doesn’t read this, I’m supposed to be working on the outline for Chapter 8. Anyway, our companion site is Your SEO Plan (does your comment take HTML? I hope so). There’s not much on the site right now but more to come (we’re way too busy writing – ahhh deadlines)! Your blog, of course, has been a great resource. Maybe there’s even a free signed book for you here somewhere! Thanks,
Hey Jim,
I feel like a loser here, everyeone seems to have done something cool or is on their way to an achievement while I’m a just turned 17 year old who is currently scouting out SEO news at 3:30 am hoping his parents won’t wake up.
Well I’m proud to say I just began SEO a few months back while still studying in high school. I currently run one main site (the website I put in) while trying to open up as many as 20-30 new sites in the coming few months.
I hope to make a reasonable income before I graduated high school. 🙂
I’m John Scott. Best known as the sultry voice of Bugs Bunny, I’ve recently been moonlighting as a cigarette smoking coffee drinker.
OR, I’m the guy that runs v7n, offending the pompous and preaching anchor text and links, and marketing before SEO.
I’m also a fan of Jim’s. He’s a cool guy to hang out with. 🙂
Im James Duggan. Im jack of all trades and master of none…..yet – doing a bit of everything search engine related PPC and basic SEO.
Howdy! My name is Brian Gilley & I started an SEO company about 4 years ago called Our main business has not (until the new site launch expected this month) been in the signing SEO clients area, with the exception of just a handful.
We’re looking to change all that soon and are adding a host of SEO services including newer LSI methods, content writing, ‘real’ link development with authority hubs, and even some web design using virtually all CSS.
Enjoy your daily findings and thoughts Jim. Very intuitive and insightful.
I’m Jarrod Hunt; Internet Marketer and Web Developer for the past 9-10 years.
I also run a few websites, one of them being
I’ve always been impressed with Jim’s focus on quality when it comes to his link building techniques, and his blog is one of the most interesting in the industry.
Keep up the great writing and link building Jim. I hope to see you at a conference someday. We’ll have a few drinks and discuss links 😉
I’m Nick Wilsdon, MD of e3internet. I started SEO back in 2000 but now only consult in-house on our own web production projects. I’m a big fan of your work Jim/Todd and will hopefully be catching up for a beer this year at one of the shows.
I manage the online advertising for a major airline.
I’m Mike Pedersen of Perform Better Golf. I have been online for over 6 years with several golf trainingwebsites.
I’m an info junkie when it comes to learning SEO, online marketing and branding.
I’ve been working online for just over 2 years now. Started out with no html knowledge or anything. I love it all, love my job!
I love poker, play about 3 hours a day and am presently working on Poker Baron (If anyone wants to write about poker, I’m willing to pay for articles!)
I learned all I know about SEO because I once hired a lame SEO company that didn’t do their job – didn’t even mention linking.
Lucky for me I know how to read and surf the net and found out what I needed to know to get started.
This blog great, Jim. It’s a daily read for me.
Ever make a post only to go back and read it and turn bright red when you see the typos?
This blog GREAT! 🙂
I’m an SEO blog ‘lurker’. I own a SEM company called Search Sandbox specializing mainly in paid search. I continue to practice and refine my natural SEO skills and am slowly seeing better results. While I’m pretty late to the SEO game, I believe there is always room for quality people who perform quality work.
Hi I am rather new to SEO with only 1-2 years of part time work under my belt. Currently focusing on helping some Non Profits (yep for free) It feels good and frankly chasing clients for fees is something that really sucks. Jim great blog Thank you for the insite and information.
I am Nadir, SEO for as a Project Manager, I also blog here I have been doing SEO for less than 1 year now and I try to read as many blogs as I can, including yours. Thank you!
Hi Jim,
my name is also Jim 🙂
I am an SEO and Web Developer from Sweden. I own and operate My speciality is link building but I also do the rest of the SEO, but not PPC.
Hi Jim,
My, what long thread you have!
I’ve been in SEO for a few years now, although it was originally under a pseudonym since I started as a sales rep for a premium content development company. No one knew my name was really “Abhilash”, they just thought I was the brown guy with an extraordinarily westernized name…
I’m now OUT of the SEO consulting game (for the most part) and doing in-house work full time for a great cause (albeit competitive space)–Substance Abuse Treatment for people with addictions/alcoholism (like plenty in this industry! :).
I recently went to see Jim for a link training (and pub crawl) over at his NY headquarters. Was very impressed. Great work, Jim, I want to wish you all the success in the world (except mine ;)!
Enjoyed your story and your articles. Good luck in the future.
Hi Jim
I’m Vinnie to my friends and run a new media company named Southbourne Internet Ltd. We have been building full scale portals and smaller sites for many years even long before Southbourne Internet started.
Our current project is SearchandGo ( which is a special features portal still in its beta stage and will roll out live in the next few weeks with a mobile web ready directory and some new services never before seen in portal and directory authoring.
My main role for our company is SEO and project authoring. Why am I here? keeping up with the industry news…
Hi Jim,
I’m George, I’m based in Manchester, UK and I’ve been doing organic SEO since late ’98 – with nearly the whole last year out on sabbatical. I was two years into a Law degree before that, but the first SEO thing I did went straight to #1…yeah, I was hooked instantly. I became SEO manager for a web design and marketing company with overall responsibility for UK clients, and for European SEO strategy (well, Germany and France, but European sounds better) when there were co-ordinated campaigns to orchestrate.
But I’ve only been back in the game a couple of months, so I’m somewhat rusty and chasing SERPs so I can have something to bang on about.
Anyway, you have some very good ranks there, good luck to you…
Hey Jim, how are you? It’s nice to meet you online. Funny, I knew the name and was sent this blog from a good friend and partner Tom and then immediatly realized that I have done alot of talking with people from webuildpages in the past, and it is nice to finally put a face with the company.
I’m sure you have seen me around, and we may have even spoken in the forums around the web. I was a very long time user of seochat. Not there much any more really since the main members are gone, but I do still pop on there once in a while… I’ve gone off to try and build my own community ( so that has kept me pretty busy as seo forums are difficult to build a quality following. Stop in once in a while, it would be great to have you on there!
I’ve been doing seo for years now and it’s funny because when you really know what to do, you wind up creating your own projects that work and get lost in a shuffle of do I really want to do seo for others, or do I just want to do it for myself… Especially when projects grow.. But seo is an exciting business and it’s alot of fun to watch and learn. SO I continue to help others as much as possible without taking awy too much time from my own passions.
Well, just wanted to say hello since I saw your introduction post…. Congradulations on the new addition to the family. Children change so much in your life, so you are headed for a whole lot of fun with that… See you around the web!
Hey I am Christoph from good old Europe – Vienna / Austria – that’s where you get Schnitzel – no Kangaroos here 🙂
Working with SEOs, Marketing folks, studying marketing at night and all kinds of crap… still pretty good programmer and database guy – built 1 TB databases 10 years ago 🙂 … a few years pure software project management where enough to return back to real work 🙂
I am Bob A Smith, and I come from meery old england, got into this internet marketing game about a year ago and just can’t stop, have found it very adictive and enjoyable to say the least.
Currently studing at Uni, software enginnering and marketing as an optional module.
I am currently the CEO of this webstore:
Where I am currently adding products to help other internet marketers, and I am currently trying to get as many as possible in one useful place, with free offers for people who make an account and signup to the newsletter.
i am bachodi, writing about the things happening around. newly started, want to write about books, music, movies. and also want to publish photographs i shot.
Hi, I am SmallFry. I have had this problem… no no thats not what I wanted to say. Well I chose the nickname because when I decided to quit avoiding blogs like the plague(old fear of the unknown) I felt like a small fry in an ocean of big fish. I have 30 pages open all from jumping from blog puddle to blog puddle.
When I got laid off from MCI/Worldcom(I used to maintain the fiber backbone(including uunet) that we all depend on) I thought I would start my business online. Well the results of that are 5 websites of my own in various states of being updated or abandoned. Jack of all trades, BSN degree inventor and ideas person but not a salesman and oh so weak at marketing. I think my latest idea could really be a big thing with the right marketing and if the concept was maybe rewritten better(grammer and conciseness not a strongpoint). You said I could plug it just not sure how. Either way if one of you gets bored and wants to critique it, its at LOL if nothing else it will end up as a website of my favorite sites after all who can find anything in their favorites lists anymore? :):)
I am the presellpageman – and I am doing pre sell pages! A lot of them…
Apart from reading Jim’s great blog I just created a reference site on presell pages. This site is dedicated to providing in-depth information about the pros and cons of presell pages, bringing together search engine experts and a great inventory of sites to host advertorial content on.
I currently have 300+ sites to do placements on – and there are some real gems within – having 100s of .edu backlinking domains… yummy yummy…
So if you wonder why text link won’t work anymore
(because your ad hosting sites were note below the radar?!?), then I encourage you to checkout articles and recommendations from fellow SEOs at the presellpageman site.
Great blog.
could you tell me which software are you using?
I mean the Blog script.
I am a webmaster of, I wanna to work at home.
But I think there are many need to study.
I’m a little embarrassed it’s taken me so long to introduce myself since I visit this blog so often (sorry Jim), but here it goes.
I’m Jason Hendricks, and I’ve been marketing websites as long as I’ve been designing/operating them, which is a little over eight years. I became narrowly focused on SEO about five years ago, and haven’t looked back since.
I currently own and operate a few dozen sites, offering products and services ranging from DVD duplication to personalized children’s books. I also offer marketing and e-commerce consulting services to local clients, but consulting definitely doesn’t occupy the majority of my work day.
I met Jim about a year and a half ago at SES Chicago, and have trained with Jim and his team a couple of times when I felt like I was in a link building rut. They really opened my eyes to some creative concepts for link building, and I highly recommend their services to anyone feeling frustrated as I did.
OMG I feel like a fish out of water………..I am a middle-aged retired mom trying to make a living at internet marketing. I’m an average pc user with no formal training and I’ve been working for the last 6 months building my site. (I am about ready to go out and play in traffic !!!) Can anyone direct me to free information that will help me make sense of all this? I salute you, Jim!
Happy greetings everyone from Music City, USA. Running a new Yahoo Store, trying to learn the e-commerce, seo, internet advertising biz.
Hey Mike, given that Matt Cutts is the big google guy , I like your web sites name “cutting mats” 🙂 first thought about a fun name 🙂
I’m me, a legend in my own mind, potentially sub-optimal open mindedness at it’s finest.
Been in computers since ’75, my uncle was a computer designer dealing with bit slice processors that worked on the TVA siesmic gear, Alaskan Pipeline sensors and then some, so I picked up some interesting intel early on.
Done many a software startup including one that the dark overlords of Lotus (now IBM) purchased in the early 90s.
I’ve coded everything from microcode using hex and octal keypards, eproms, OS drivers and plug-ins, application software, ecommerce products, telephony and then some.
I’m often considered a jack-of-all-trades with a computer or a journeyman, your pick.
If if can be done, I’m here 😉
Obviously my quest for knowledge building ecommerce software in ’96 led to SEM/SEO and one of the first ecommerce products that incorporated those concepts into the core code to make it easy for customers.
To sum it up, been there, done that, been idle a couple of years and looking for a new challenge.
I know it exists!
I’m just a missionary in Thailand who does some pro-bono web design on the side for non-profits. Very new to this whole web marketing game.
Hi Jim, from Western Australia.
I have spent probably 30 mins browsing through your blog & enjoyed the posts in it. It’s somewhat along similar lines to what I have planned for my own blog/website ( so it’s nice to see a picture of the future, if you know what I mean. 🙂
I work for one of Australia’s top SEO/SEM firms, based in Perth, the capital city of Western Australia. My favorite internet marketing activity is setting up and managing Google AdWords PPC campaigns for clients. BUT, I also do hands-on SEO, write content for client websites, dream up ways to make money from their web traffic and generally try my hardest to persuade them that having a 5 page website full of Flash is gonna make it tough to reach #1 on Google for any significant keywords!!! 🙂
Just to fill in my “spare time” 😉 I also have 15+ personal websites up and running, where I experiment with all sorts of fun net technology and marketing ideas. I make money from Google Adsense, affiliate programs and other such fun things as well. All-in-all, a great practise ground for my day job! 🙂
Keep up the good work.
Eran M.
Yes , Ive dived into the deep end of Internet marketing. Well I think I have! It makes me angry to see all the cr*p websites out there trying to sell you hens teeth.
I had the notion one day that I would try and promote a site , any site… Get it up on the web and see where it would go…
Well its getting there.. Im trying not to spend any money ( apart from hosting ) and perhaps , maybe perhaps and possibly , I might make some $$$ at it.
Ive signed up for Google Adsense and any number of “FREE” Search Engine Submission sites..
Im learning all at PR ( not the 90’s idea of PR obviously…. Yaw! Mawn !) and how many websites get Higher in Googles Rank , and how some people would kill their own pet Labrador to get up higher and all about SEO and Scraper Sites and Links and Link and Links and more links…..And then some more Links….
Ive setup a site called Sparks Flying.. and I want people to “Catch that Spark while it flys”…. ( Its all I could think of… !)
Im trying to see if I can drive some people ( I might hire a big bus and get people there..) to the site using various methods…
Thinking that paying $10 for 10,000 visitors of traffic a few weeks ago was the best thing since sliced bread has since left a tang of disdain in my mouth… I mean HELLO? What was I thinking.. Ive found lots of sites that let you sign up and run a web page in the background.. but really.. its not doing you any favours..
In fact I found out through distance learning ( me reclined back in my chair in shock) that Google Adsense makes some form of calculation for CPC ( Cost per click i believe? – correct me if im wrong please!). Lets do it like at school:
If I have 1 visitor and 1 Click – Good
If I have 10 visitors and 5 clicks – Better
If I have 100 visitors and 2 clicks – worse
If I have 10000 visitors over 3 weeks and clicks like tumbleweed rolling around a western..
Trés Mal! ( Im not french , im just trying to get across how bad it is..)
So these sites offering traffic ( unless they can prove they have someone interested in your site and not sitting there with lots of browsers open caring less ) are actually quite useless ( Unless you can convince me otherwise!)
Right , Im off to see if Ive made my first million , I’ll be in touch..
Feel free to visit me anytime – You might need to knock hard on the door 🙂
So Jim , sorry about that crazyness but i just thought I should let you know 🙂
Great Site , keep up the good work!
Hi Jim,
Just discovering this blog… Wanted to go fishing today… I think that I will instead spend my sunday devouring as most of your posts and tips as I can !
So I’m Pierre, and I work almost full time on this passion of mine which are the USA. The rest of my working time being dedicated to Venice, Italy.
All the best.
Hi Jim. I’m glad I heard of your site through SEO Book…Guys like you make guys like me look smart.
– Rob
Hey Jim. Adding myself as the 81st post. Wow- I hope to have such a following someday.
Hi Jim – I’m just happy to have made the Top 100 of “introducees” to your site. I look forward to the banquet in 2020 when all of us pioneers are honored for the foresight to jump on your bandwagon early. 😉
I’m like Lea de Groot (#4 with a bullet) in that I, “I support the internet presence of small-to-medium businesses”; with a focus on how to use this fantastic tool to leverage their presence either through their site or the effective use of email marketing. With the help of guys like you and Aaron Wall I’m slowly building my knowledge of SEO marketing and link building. Thanks for this great resource.
Hi Jim, my name is Karl Ribas and I’m a search engine marketer at All Web Promotion, a Chicago based SEM company. In addition to the many hours I spend at work each day, I also maintain my own SEM related website / blog. I spend most days working on client projects and most nights working on my own project… if you want to call it ‘work’.
I’ve been a reader of your blog for months now and enjoy it very much… sorry that I’m just now getting around to introducing myself. I’ve also had the privilege of catching a few of your speaking gigs at past SES conferences, and enjoyed them as well.
When I’m not working, I enjoy gaming (consoles, not PC), reading (usually marketing or scripting related), and poker (both playing and watching). However… not working is a rarity.
Thank for making this such a great resource. Keep up the great work!
Hey Jim,
I sat next to you (on your left) at dinner in Beantown at that fancy restaurant (I forget the name) where we played “price is right” and the Polish guy won.
Hi, this is May and I live in Malaysia.
Your blog is listed in the top 5 blogs on internet marketing and that was where I found you. I am a starter in this arena so you can say I am a newbie and so have alot to learn.
I like your blog as its content rich and interesting. I will continue to login frequently. I don’t have any area of specialization but I would like to ‘coach’ and teach in the future.
I have the rights to a Mastermind recording from East (orient perspective) and West (western perspective) contributors from all over the world on the philosophy from the book ‘Think and Grow Rich’ by Napoleon Hill. You can get your Free book from my site.
This website will go live from June 2006 onwards, as we are still working on it.
Check out this website :
Hi Jim,
I’m a soon to be attorney who is interested in internet legal issues and small business development. Found your site while working on a relative’s website and I’m addicted.
I am Chris, I spent 7 years in the eBay, refurbished computer business and made good money but found doing blogs, aff programs and ppc stuff paid me just as much with fewer headachs!
Sorry Jim, you can delete that comment… my computer’s acting pretty wonky right now 🙁
Anways, I don’t remember for sure how I found your blog (perhaps via the SEO Book blog,) but I’ve bee reading it for the last month or so, as I attempt to educate myself more about internet marketing.
My wife is a stage-IV cancer patient, and most of last year was spent blogging about our plight as newlyweds fighting cancer, plus general cancer news etc… I am still amazed at the incredible people I’ve met through blogging – it’s the best support group a person could ever find.
At the turn of this year, after deciding that cancer was already eating up enough of my life, I reluctantly gave up my web site, and moved to more commerical/fun endeavors… these days I write at Church of the iPod, and also at Electric Guitar Review.
I have found that as far as blogs are concerned, really enjoying what you write about makes all the difference. Anyways, I’ve learned a lot about SEO from your blog, and like you, I’ve decided it’s time to remove NoFollow from my WP blogs…
Perhaps this is the cancer caregiver in me talking, but I think NoFollow actually puts MORE power into the hands of spammers – by allowing them to dictate how we link-out from our own web sites.
I’m not playing that game anymore.
Hi, I’m Marius from Lithuania, Internet marketing and SEO start-up.
I found this blog through the “Deck” network.
It is already long time ago I started reading Alistapart blog, as a very good source for webmaster related info, and hopefully this blog will become a good source for SEO news and updates.
Good luck!
Hi im SEOidiot (Or Paul both are good) I like to farm adsense and doodle…. thats pretty much me !
Erik from Los Angeles
I recently bought an e-book about doing business online I went to a blog site and found yours
I am in the health and wellness business marketing products that can improve your health and make you allot of money along with meetinginteresting people along the way
Just some guy with a website:
I also manage the website of the Asian Art Museum in San Francisco.
Hi Jim,
I’m Marco Neves (or theMage), a Portuguese Blogger, I’m here learning from you, as well as I’m doing from more than a Hundred more (pro)bloggers and Internet profissionals whose feeds I subscribe.
I started, almost a month ago, a blog in Portuguese on SEO, Web Devel and related stuff.
Keep the good work you do here.
Hi Jim,
I’m a Web Developer and SEO from Lancashire in the UK. I have almost 10 years web development experience and have recently (last couple of years) started to actively ‘skill up’ on the SEO/SEM side of things. Its suprising how many SEO skills are inherent in good web development practices. Build good, well structured pages using standards compliant code and half the battle is already won!
I run a site called highly-visible which documents my endevours on the web, it contains blog posts and articles (coming soon) on all things web and SEO.
Hi Jim,
In the process of leveling to 200 on Anarchy Online (sci-fi mmorpg), I been using the nick Halfdeck all over the place just to keep my arrogant self in line. I started two years ago promoting adult sites, and ever since my site got wacked by Google, I’ve been reading SEO blogs to remedy the situation (which will hopefully happen.. one of these days). Your blog happens to be one of my favorites. Thanks for all the insights.
I’m Jonny – in Saigon but from the UK originally. I run a price comparison service that donates all its profits to charity, and have done for the last 3 years – but on a *very* part time basis!
I am Joe aka Mr SEO. I do a podcast that teaches others SEO. I am also a published writer. My site is full of articles and information. I enjoy meeting and talking to people. If you guys have any SEO question feel free to come by an ask. 🙂
Hi Jim,
I saw you speak at Boston’s PubCon and thought you were great. I’m and Internet Strategist for Sitening. Besides doing SEO, SEM, web development, and information architecture, we also have some great, free SEO Tools –
David Saunders from Huntersville, NC via San Francisco CA and native England.
I’ve been doing SEO since 1997 – probably for the same reason as almost everyone else – fascination and the thrill of CHANGE!
I’m Adam Christie. I’m based in Scotland. I do freelance SEO work and also consult for a company called Netpromote Ltd. I’ve been doing it since the dominance of Infoseek and Excite. Things have changed a bit since then and I just hope I’ve managed to change with them.
Today I’m searching for a meta keywords tag that I dropped under my desk – I copied it from a competitor’s site and I figure if I just tweak it a little it might just help my client’s ranking. 😉
I’m Nickie, a Home Stager in Los Angeles. I really don’t know diddly about SEO or anything technical, but the only marketing I use for my business, other than word of mouth is the internet. Somehow I stumbled across your blog and have found it extremely helpful, fun and a bit addictive.
So I’m here daily checking it out, grateful for the tips and info you and others share. Thanks to blogs like yours and others like it, I’m learning what a great tool it is and how I can also use one to share info with others.
And besides that, you guys share some pretty good recipes and take some nice photos to boot… Great pix of your last trip!
I’m Bruno from small country in Europe, Croatia. I do everything, from web design, PHP/MYSQL CMS aplications to SEO for croatian market.
Hi, I’m Tony Wright, one of the founders of Kinetic Results, LLC, an interactive marketing company. I’ve been in the SEO and SEM game for more than 7 years now, working with everyone from Fortune 5 companies to small start-ups. I met Jim at SES in New York last year and have intermittently been reading this blog since before then when we were scheduled to be on a panel at PubCon together (I didn’t make it…go Google Zunch and read about the shakeup to understand why). I enjoyed Jim’s company at SES New York (that Irish Pub almost did me in) and look forward to more events (I’m speaking in San Jose…and drinking there as well). Keep up the Blog, Jim!
Howdy! The names Eric and I’ve been studying various internet marketing concepts in depth for over two years now. We are currently re–branding our internet marketing site to focus more on marketing and brand incorporation as well as introducing all the wondeful internet marketing concepts to the little guys. The internet is changing how business eveywhere operate and it’s time for us all to “evolve”!
Yo! Kid Disco comin’ at ya from the OC. I am currently the in-house Internet Marketing Specialist for a multi-billion dollar, worldwide, information conglomerate. I also have my own projects in the works and hope to be able to retire with them by the time I turn 30.
Aim high, shoot higher! 😛
My name is David Wallace and I own SearchRank, a full service search marketing firm. I have been designing and marketing sites since 1997 (wow almost a decade now).
A bit late to this because I didn’t read Jim’s blog back in January when this was originally posted but I do now! 😉
Hi all
Been interested in SEO for quite a while now, but still a novice! I have, however, used the skills I have learned to start an online health and nutrition store specialising in the alkaline acid balance. specialising in the alkaline acid balance – and things are looking good!
Cheers Jim and all the others out there who are sharing their knowledge!
Hi Jim. I’m Jason Murphy, working out of Las Vegas. I suffer from information overload and may start a non-profit group to support fellow sufferers. I think out all things SEM, I enjoy link building the most and PPC the least. Mostly I like to produce websites and make them work.
My name is Lalvir and I manage all organic SEO for a India Based
Search Engine Optimization Company
This thread is a great idea. It’s a great snap-shot of the audience and their specializations.
Most of my experience and ongoing efforts with SEM has been, and is, dedicated to the growth of Wholesale Furniture Brokers. Wholesale Furniture Brokers is one of those companies that most people dismissed before it even began. “Who’s going to buy furniture online anyway?” Luckily, a few thousand customers and 4 years later, persistence has triumphed over doubt.
SEO is a lot of work! Our team has grown to include a dedicated PPC specialist and a dedicated organic specialist.
Best of luck to everyone & keep up the great blog Jim!
PPC Analyst. Chicago. Frustrated Cub Fan.
Igor M. …….. President, CEO, COO, CIO, CIA, KGB …. oh wrong way. 🙂
Internet & Traditional Marketing Director for a NYC company. When I have time I consult and write in my blog (
I enhance how people find and transact with your online business through analysis.
Here’s two I’m working on:
Stayz is a business my company bought four months ago, based in Dural (outside of Sydney – kind of) – well it’s a farm, and there’s goats and everything. I’m on The Farm one day each week, but the rest work in an office on a wharf overlooking Darling Harbour in Sydney… Noice! 🙂
Love your blog big fella.
My name is Michael Kanehl and I am operating a retail website for Picnic Baskets for almost a year now. Enjoy your blog
Hello – I’m an interactive marketing manager, Web micro-prenuer and Editor of
Website Services Magazine. I really
enjoy the blog and look forward to more great posts!
Quick Introduction, I’m Peter Young, one of the directors of E-Gain New Media, a full service web agency specialising in Search Engine Marketing.
Keep up the good work
I am a dietitian/nutritionist from Greece. I started my first website about 7 months ago for fun and now I own about 20 of them. The funny thing is that none of them is about nutrition. I visit here from time to time and I must say there are some really good advices to be found in this blog.
I’m one of the directors of Cue Blocks Technologies, an Indian company specializing in Assistive Business Expansion services and Internet Marketing.
I’m from Malaysia, just started out in Web biz part time.
Hi Jim,
This is Manish from India. I am an Engineering Student, Web designer and SEO. I have been practicing SEO for quite some time now!!
Well I am the owner of a site dedicated to Engineering students… and have a blog called Manish’s Internet Marketing Blog
I really love to meet people and make friends…
Best regards!
My name is Jim too. I have a computer science degree, but i’m now spending most of my time managing website design projects and seo projects. i work for
Hey Jim,
great blog. I have a Internet marketing website, It pretty much covers make money online stuff.
Come and check it out if you get time 🙂
Hello Jim. My name is Dale King. I’m the owner of, a new Internet Marketing website that caters to newbies and intermediates. By the way, great blog! Keep up the good work!
I am a business builder and team leader in a growing international marketing company. I market and sell my products and recruit online as well as in my local community. I’m always looking for new people interested in making positive changes in their lives.
From my about me page…
So, who am I? I’m Jon Anderson, just a regular guy trying to get ahead in life. I’m a husband, father and son. I was born near the end of the baby boomer generation. I’ll be turning 50 this year.
I was high school dropout at the age of 17 that graduated college within 18 months with a degree in business 10 years later. I’ll post details in my “education experiences†post. A military man that was nearly kicked out of the Navy during my first enlistment for disciplinary problems that went on to a successful career, ultimately retiring as a Senior Chief Petty Officer. Details will be in the “military experiences†post. A failed salesman in the 70’s, now currently a top sales producer for Schwan’s Sales Enterprises. Details on these will be in the “sales experiences†and “Schwan’s experiences†posts.
I’m James Silvester, I’m a young Website owner and Entrepreneur from the United Kingdom and I am interested in SEO and Internet marketing. Came accross this blog through google and it looks very usefull.
I am Seth Bemertnik, the CEO and co-founder of LinkExperts and author at the Text Link Blog.
I love SEO, text linking, and everything around it – always up to chat.
Hello to all I am nameete working in I am interested in SEO and Internet marketing. I came accross this blog through google and found it to be very interesting.
Hi, my name is Mike Dammann, many of you know me from somewhree. I kinda know Jim from v7n and love the “/cool-tool” – his other ones are not too shabby either. Anyways, my new seo forum is one of the projects I’m working on … still stuck with clients ….
Hello everyone, My name is William, I just found this place and love reading everyones inroductions. I have spent the last year creating and starting my own business. I have been in the insurance industry for about ten years and finally saved a little cash and took the big step and branched out on my own. The name of my company is Inc. I have spentso much money on start up cost that I cant really afford to drop hundreds of thousands in advertising. I was wondering if anyone had any ideas for me and my start up???? I would like to know where I can link my page to and other pages that would except a link of my site on theirs. Please visit my website at and I am open to all suggestions and comments. Thanks William
Hi Jim, I’m Jon Payne. I’m the owner of Ephricon Web Marketing – – an internet marketing firm that focuses on SEO for Lead Generation sites (mostly professional services – i.e. lawyers, accountants, etc.) especially those in or around the state of Maryland (we’re in Baltimore). Full-time its pretty much myself at the moment, and I have a few part-time and contract people as well. I like to keep things small so I can make sure I am able to keep tabs on everything myself.
I have a drastically neglected blog at and like most I have a few ventures of my own.
I used to be relatively active on some forums – High Rankings, DigitalPoint, SEW, others but lately have decided that I’d rather spend more time “doing” and less time blogging and posting in forums – I have difficulty maintaining a balance between the two!
Ken here but I usually go by the name 59ideas.
I’m searching and learning how to improve my website visitors and increase revenue and I found your blog from link on blog from link on blog. (You know how that happen)
Very informative and I’m going to follow it more closely.
Aloha, Erik here. I am relatively new to the whole blogging scene and internet entrepreneur. I have been blogging for 7 months and started a blog network that is currently without a name. Some may say I’m a little late to the party and blog networks are on the way out but you never know until you try. Right?
I’m also working on a couple of break out site ideas that may or may not formulate themselves within the next year.
I live in Hawaii, work for a bio-tech company here on island, and love hanging out in the waves.
Great idea to allow introductions. I’ve met some new bloggers and learned things about bloggers I have ben following for a while now.
Hello everyone,
My name is Tonii, and I am working on a fun experiment to drive the value of my website ( from $1 to $4,194,304. To do this, people’s perceived value of this website needs to double 22 times, hence the name 2^22, or “2 to the 22”. How do I do that? I need to create buzz & traffic to the site! Essentially, this is an experiment to prove empirically that buzz does worth a quantifiable value!
I love the content of Jim’s blog – I think it will help me tremendously to reach my goal.
Live from Austin, Texas! I’m a realtor, Craigslist furniture sales guy, and am just getting ready to get a site up for my “Start Your Own Housecleaning Business” guy.
I know there’s money to be made on the web AND deliver good product/service. I’m just trying to figure out HOW.
Hi Jim, this is David from Melbourne Australia, marketing consultant to medium sized business, specialising in b2b marketing. Trying madly to keep up with the pace of change in marketing, in consumer behaviour, in the technology that has such an impact on it.
Also fascinated with the whole new breed of snakeoil salesmen that this new environment has given birth to…your blog is a great read.
Hi, I’m just an other guy looking on tips from gurus on how to improve my site and to make a difference the coming months. Found Jim’s site to be very interesting.
Hi Jim,
I’m Patrick. I work as an Affiliate Manager at I just took a quick look at your recent posts and I think I’m gonna give your blog a try for a while as it seems quite interesting!
Hi – my name’s Jonathan Kirk; I run a language translation services / technology company called Elanex, and if you’re interested you can read more about me in my profile. I’m just starting out in the internet marketing space, having focused on offline marketing for the most part so far. Thanks for a great website – I’m learning a lot from your posts!
Hi Jim – my real name is Elymar. I’m a Filipino web marketing consultant. I create my personal ‘Isulong SEOPH’ SEO Comic strips . I also write about Gadgets and Philippine Entrepreneurship.
Hi, I am George Anderson. I a the first global provider of anger management facilitator certification, DVDs, books, and training material. I am a novice relative to the internet. However, given the niche market which I represent, I have been able to use the internet to increase my presence worldwide.
In the next two weeks, I will be featured in the London Sunday Times.
Hey I’m Mike, I got a forum search engine and I blog sometimes. Also I like reading your blog :p
– Mike
I’m Gordon and I am an SEO in the loans and life insurance sectors, managing a group of websites for a UK finance organisation.
I specialise in link building, ethical SEO and conversion analysis. If it’s right for the customer it’s right for me. Plus a bit of SEO tweaking…
I am Kedar started my presence on web with Job sites around 7 years back and very recently I have started Cool Gadgets. I do SEO and web marketing from last few years. Its really unique thing to start this section Introduce You to blogging world. I am from India and dont know much about USA, but I know if there is any unique thing people Patent it. Why don’t you patent this idea?
i’m nick pang, principal partner at CE Buys, LLC. specializes in search engine marketing, global strategies, organic and paid search strategies.
I just started a brand new on-line service with AI expert system for medical diagnostics on-line
Hi, I’m Tim Nash, I work for a University in the UK both providing technical support for a large department and as a part time lecturer in Internet technology and in paticular IR, Knowledge management and SEO.
btw, are you coming out with some new tools, Jim? 🙂
– Mike
I am Abhishek Tripathi, a young SEO enthusiast from India. 🙂
Specialise in Link-Building and xhtml/css development. And also work on other prospects of SEO.
Started off with working on SEO for my own sites, slowly gained the market’s flow and went ahead.
I run – a web-based SEO Company specialising in all kinds of Internet Markerting and SEO services.
I’m Lee, from Melbourne Australia, study at the moment but still looking for part time job, my blog:
Hello Jim,
My name is Anthony st.angelo. I am From USA
I sell things on ebay, I design flash logo’s and webpages, I just started My own web hosting company, and I got to your website by learning about SEO’ing My website.
I started off SEO my website by submitting my site to Jim westergren list of 500 directories, I’ve got 300 links so far all free.
And by reading everything I can find about SEO, ie this blog, which by the way is a very good resource, thanks.
I sell web hosting at Decent11HosING for $3.99/mo – 15000MB space, 300GB bandwidth /mo, domains $5/yr:
Hi Jim,
I’m D.
Specialize in building social communities (content side). Never had anything to do with seo…. Trying to learn a bit now…
If you’re good at building communities, you may achieve seo wise what others are trying thru link building, naturally. and not even know how you did it 😉
– Mike Dammann
Greeting all Boykinites! 🙂
Laurence Flynn chiming in here. I am the CEO (for want of a better word) of web hosting company HostNexus ( We have been around for 5 years now and used to do well in the serps (when it was easier to fool Google, lol) but lately finding it tough in our competitive industry. Theres around 20 of us now, 3,000 clients and over 100 servers and want to make the push into the big league.
Which is why we are Jim’s latest customer. 😉
Hi Jim and all,
I have been into seo since 96. I consult and do seo for a few clients in addition to my own sites.
It’s lonely over here in Brisbane Australia and I need some seo friends badly.
Thanks Jim for the ideas over the years, hope to meet you someday (if your ever in Oz please look me up).
Ben Wilks
Associated purely with SEO, SEM & email marketing since 2001, I work as an IT & Internet Marketing Consultant in Pakistan. Catering mostly to small & medium sized business, I also offer off-shore services to foreign clients.
I just came across Jim’s blog and found it very valuable.
Looking forward to keeping in touch with other SEO & Internet Marketing specialists:
Best regards,
I remember archie and veronica, muds and such. Been working on / off the web since Geocites was known as Beverly Hills Internet.
I’ve been focusing on SEO for the last 2 years and both love and hate the complexity. It’s sad that it is not something more understandable to the general public since the engines have some major commonalities that perhaps all should know about. Ultimately their own largely unpublished ‘personalities’ (algos) will perhaps never be publicly known in great depth. So you’ll never have a true licensing program the way you might have for building a house, electricians, etc.
Well, here’s the real post of introducing myself. If you have read the above post, that’s the kind of aricles I write at my blog website at where I discuss those websites that have the potential to be worth BILIONS or at least hundreds of MILLIONS in the future.
I would like to form a community of like thinking groups/individuals whos interest or work evolves around this topic.
Those with REAL PRACTICAL ideas on how to make a website popular so it can earn tons of MONEY are welcome to submit their stories to me on my submit stories or submit links link at the TOP of my blog page.
Croatian web promotor and designer …lives in Zagreb, Croatia ..loves dogs and old cars
Hi Jim – I am Allen 🙂 and represent OrganicStats. We specialize in helping small businesses optimize their web sites to gain a better ROI. Focused on optimization, usability and analytics.
Main site:
Blog about the above topics:
I went to school at U of Albany so I know your area quite well and look forward to meeting you at an event soon.
I´m a german web promotor and programmer …i´m living near Düsseldorf …my favorites: girls and cars
Since the job market here is depressed, I am trying to start my own business online and finding it very tough going. I could probably build more links if I quit searching the internet for tips to rank better in Google and finding cool sites like this one. I am also wondering why searching for “shaved door handles” brings up results that have nothing to do with cars.
Oh I live in Vancouver WA
Hi Jim,
I am CJCM, new kid on the blog and the whole internet marketing stuff.
An IT project manager, I just got involved into this blogging stuff and have been enjoying it.
My site ( just barely a month old, but if you are still around (and if I am still around too :)) say by 2010, by then it would have tons of linkbacks (i hope) so dont forget to bookmark my site so you dont have to spend all those nights looking for vintage site 🙂
Joke aside, I really like your idea…TQ for sharing.
Hey Jim.
Jeese it has been a few years since I have seen you (in person anyway). I have always loved learning from you and try to read up on your blog at least once a week. That said, I can’t believe I haven’t left a post in “Introduce Yourself” until now. Seems I am much more a reader/learner than a poster.
You know (I think you do!) that Mike and I have been big fans of yours for YEARS. What impresses me most is: your willingness to learn EVERYTHING possible, to sometimes MAKE MISTAKES – and acutally adimit that you did =), your willingness to ASK OTHERS their opinions on things, and finally your willingness to share your knowledge (at least to a point). So thanks for all that and just keep being you and KEEP UP THE AWESOME work!!
Leann =) – Increase Ranking, Leanns Designs
I’ve been running several small commercial websites for years now, so I’m involved in everything related to design, advertising, and SEO. I actually found your blog because I was looking at successfull blogs to see see how they are set up. I’ll be starting my own blog soon (in fact it’s the url I’ve left here), and I have a very clear idea on my content but I’m completely new to everything else blog, i.e. trackbacks, ping, rss feeds, etc. I’m sure I’ll have fun figuring all those ubiquities as I go along.
I’m Cecilia. I’m from Brazil. I have just started building websites. I am realy interested in SEO, although I know nothing about it yet.
My site is
I’m Michael, born and raised in the northwest, right now living in Missouri. I’ve been a student of SEO for several years, working mostly with my own startup companies. I run, a Do-It-Yourself SEO solution. I am a programmer, golfer, runner, and above all a family man.
I´m Robert Toth and I offer search engine optimization, search engine submission and link building for top placement in search engines.
Also offer free SEO tools:
Website analysis,
meta tag generator,
search engine submission,
search engine position checker
SEO books,
link popularity checker.
Link building services
Hey everyone. I’m the Austin SEO Guy.
That’s name the name my parents gave me … just the name I use with my website and blog. I am a full-time SEO by day, and an SEO educator for Austin, Texas companies by night (under the cover of anonymity).
My website and blog are available at:
Hi Jim,
I’m Christian Arno from, a translation services company in the UK. I’m very interested in how online marketing practices change in different countries, and enjoy your blog.
Hi Jim et al,
I’m Will Scott, my company is Search Influence I’ve only been dedicated to small business website promotion since the turn of the year, but I’ve been in the industry since 1995 mass-producing small business website and internet yellow pages.
We offer packaged SEO and promotion to small businesses – it ain’t art and we don’t promise to make them rich, but for most small business web sites a little bit goes a long way.
Jim – I enjoy your writings, and admire your reputation in the industry (Rand Fishkin always says such nice things in his writing and speaking).
If anyone wants to send a little love my way, link to Search Influence with the text “website revenue” – I’ll happily return the favor.
Finally, I just launched a new tool – it’s a simplistic re-packaging of the Marketleap tools plus PR and Alexa ranking. I’d love feedback if anyone wants to recommend additions or changes –
It’s certainly not as cool as:
but one has to know their audience – most small businesses get lost in cool, what they really need are sales, and that’s what our business is about.
All the best,
Hi, my name is John Persson.
I am reading absolutely everything you write Jim, keep up the good work. I’m CEO for my own webbased business.
Therefore I am very interested in things like SEO, AdWords, Split Testing and so forth. Besides having my own retail online business, I also do some consultacy work for others.
My name is Ryan and Im a slave to a pizzeria. I have a fascination with learning computer networking but with a baby boy and college costing a fortune Im left reading about other’s success stories. Damn you all!! …..just kidding
Im also an Upstate New Yorker as well…..Saratoga Springs.
Hi Jim,
I am a real estate broker in Florida. I work on my website and was referred to your post regarding link quality over link quantity. Sure was eye-opening. Happily married for 36 years, Father of 2, plus a son-in-law and grandfather of 2 super little guys.
Hello Jim,
My name is John Rodriguez from I am 24 years old and a business owner, a husband and a father (yes I started young… don’t wory my daughter is only 3 months old). Any who I have local online marketing business where I do SEO and pay per click management for small businesses. I enjoy reading your blog and using the free tools on
John M Rodriguez
Hi Jim
My name is Joe Thompson and I’ve recently started up a small business by myself and am interested in anyones opinions out there and thoughts on it! and yours Jim!
Its hard work getting the word out and some good feedback on a low budget so wondered as your a web marketing guy Jim if you had any thoughts?
Take a look its at
Cheers all!
Hi Jim,
This is interesting reading. I have worked on large ecommerce projects and video streaming to mobile phone on the infrastructure and service wrap side for large telcos. I have started my own company whose website is and have had a go with a local website for Norwich England which provides ecommerce online shops, directories and blogs amongst other things. I don’t want to pay google adwords and have been busy creating links just like these all over the place. My error of judgement was trying one of these link exchange schemes, but luckily I caught on in time.Â
Hi Jim,
I have hve my own website all about Ireland called I have managed to get it to a PR4 and have struggled to get above this. I have found your info on linking strategies very informative and will try these out in the next few months.
I run that provide manual directory submission,article submission,link building, web market research service
The information here helps me a lot
I like this strategy of asking and get this type of feedback. I am able to tell where blogs come from but rarely get feedback.
This is an effective way of getting e-mail addresses and other data for your own marketing.
Thanks for your site.
FYI, I don’t ever plan to use this info for marketing…it’s just nice to have a thread where people can say “Hi” and tell us a bit about themselves.
Hi! I’m Jonathan Casuncad and I’m from the Philippines. I own SEM Pros and have been in the SEO/SEM game for a little over 6 years now. 🙂
Hi Jim and all his fans,
Just recently came across the site and a great read it is – congrats 🙂
I’m a UK guy living downunder in Oz at the moment and spreading the word of SEO and SEM to queenslanders. I have been working on web sites since the mid 90’s and now taking in as much as possible on SEO. I can be contacted on
Keep up the great blog Jim.
Hello! I’m Neo. I’m from Brazil. I have been around for a while, but I I haven’t learned much about Search Engine Optimization yet.
My site is . Come and visit it!
Since I have been reading and enjoying your blog for a while, I thought it might be an idea to let you know who is behind the “Bjorn Solstad aka basicus” comments.
I am currently the “tech-guy” in Devenia Internet Marketing, witch is a 2 persons firm located in Poland. We run a variety of websites, and also work for clients – mostly in Norway. I am norwegian by the way, but my wife forced me to move here with her (kidding).
I am a pretty lazy guy, so I have just gotten a fully automatic keyword/serps-checking system up and running that actually gives pretty accurate (plus/minus 3 positions results). That system makes it possible for us to take on pretty heavy link-building projects without having to employ people.
Anyways, I find your blog both interesting and funny to read Jim 🙂
How do you always find theses great ideas?
As a junior SEO/IM consultant, I can only dream of having in the future the same kind of prestige that is associated with your name.
My name is David, from Montréal, QC.
Tell me next time your in town, I’ll invite you for a drink 😉
Since the days of AOHELL, I’ve been playing around on the Internet, developing websites and programming for companies big and small.
Most recently, I’ve started a web design / development company catering to US and European design and marketing firms wanting to offshore some production.
Just teamed up with an SEO expert and all my sites are now developed with SEO, as well as W3C, as forefront considerations.
Still working on the content, but come check it out:
Im Justin, and Ive been making websites for about a year now. Im really interested in SEO and plan on doing online marketing as my job when I graduate college this year. I’d like to snag a job working at a SEO company right out of school so I can learn more about white hat as well as black hat SEO. I live in Ohio and Im a diehard Buckeyes, Browns and Cavs fan.
Hiya All!
I am Prashant, from Pune, India. I currently work as a SEO/SEM Manager. I am intrested in Internet Reserach & Web Strategies.
Jim, if your planning an India visit anytime, please do let me know.
I’m Rob from Albany NY. Long time reader, first time poster. I run a non-traditional real estate company here in the Capital District. My website can be found at I built the site from the ground up and continue to be both fascinated and frustrated by the SEO game.
Hi Jim,
I own two companies both focused on Internet marketing. One competes a little with you — it’s called Vertical Measures and is an Internet marketing company helping companies get higher search engine rankings by providing affordable search engine optimization consulting and quality link building.
The other is called MediaChoice and we have a patented recommendation technology that we license to consumer sites.
Thanks for letting us talk about ourselves!
I am George Allen and all I want to do is travel. Stop this talk about work!
Enjoy your life, do nothing and relax by the ocean.
O, ya… just forgot to mention about all that work I do for the Iberostar message board.
Have a wanderful day. It’s time to go back to the beach.
SEO, with a site at Full suite of SEO services.
hey Jim and gang- We just opened up our meta search community at – our idea is that it’s better to “search with many”
We’re focusing on the community, learning fast, and would love to recruit your insights, hard criticism, and soft support! Come say hello.
Hi Jim,
I don’t know much about blogs except for the fact that I’m just experimenting around to see if putting a blog on my site at would be a good thing. For what I do know about blogs, I think yours is pretty. I spent alot of time checking things out.
I’m a pretty new blogger at: It’s only a hobby, but I wouldn’t mind learning a few tricks to make a little money.
I have beem reading your blog for a while now, and thought that now is the time for me to introduce my self.
I run a small Internet Marketing firm in Norway. And work for small clients in Norway.
Anyways if you have any other questions please let me know, otherwise i see you on the blog Jim.
Hi Jim,
Very good reading here. I’m enjoying it, and implementing your ideas into my business blog, Very competetive field, but I believe an independent blog can beat big Adwords & SEO spending.
Thanks again for the information,
I am reading your blog now. 😉
Hello, here to read you blog and find out a way to promote my own uk shopping site that is eshop600 and I hope to lean from your site, going to take me ages to read thu all your posts but its a fantastic site.
Keep on doing what you are doing.
Hi Jim
Very recently I came to know about your blog, and found it very important for me to learn and increase the relevant knowledge in the field of SEO.
Its a great chance to know about you. I am a Jr. Business analyst and I found it to improve my career knowledge.
Thanks and Regards,
Hi, Jim
I’m a new blogger. I’d like to learn some tips about SEO, and I think your blog is a very good source for that.
Keep doing the great job you’ve been doing.
9 Nov 2006…Hello…I’m a 71 year old author with 2 very good books; judging by reviews and emails from some of the readers who bought 1000 of each. DARK CARIBBEAN–DEADLY MEN is my true story in a 500+ word book…THE McKANNAHS is a historical western novel in a 350+ page book.
My Aussie webmaster is upgrading my website now.
How can I get traffic to my website and with little money…since I have little?
I hope to accomplish this by early 2007…I’m having a new hip put in on Dec 5, so will be down a few weeks, but in spring I will be touring in my small ‘modified’ Toyota Dolphin motorhome doing book signings.
I’m leaving from North Georgia for Florida on Monday to attend a few book signings, but will be back in 10 days for pre-op…I hope you have some suggestions for me by then.
Hey Jim,
my name is Christian and I am a german SEO blogger. I subscribed to your feed when I found those nice linkbuilding articles.
Nice work and thanks for everything I´ve learned from your articles so far,
I’m Tock from Malaysia. Currently doing internet marketing and website design in a webdesign company,
Hi Jim
I am reader of this blog from last few months. And have read & like your articles about link building & link baiting. I am SEO Expert from India. And recently launched a seo blog to provide SEO Ebooks related information. If you have know about good seo books then just inform me.
Hi, I’m Dan
Owner/Director of, I basically help small business owners stay in business by making sure they’re not missing out on lost sales because of poor website design and online marketing.
Just had to drop a line to say what a great blog – and what an even better photo of Jim! Spot on!
Hi, I’m a looser but try to do something with computing stuff for some time.
Hi Jim, I’ve done some search stuff, you know adding metatags and making sure I had the right keyword density. I’m also always trying to improve my Page Rank and I check it everyday. I only get site wide links from good Page Rank pages. I bold, italicize and underline my keywords, all 20 per page. I’ve really done some good linking in farms and web rings. I think I’ve got this down pretty good so I’d be willing to help you out. Let me know.
Hi Jim,
I’m Dave at, East Sussex in the UK. Been doing Search Engine Opimisation inhouse for a year or so. Started with onsite stuff, but have got much more into social networks now.
Made loads of money for my bosses through targetted traffic, so I thought it was about time to make some money for myself by setting up on my own. Best they don’t find out just yet though! Thanks for all of the advice on your site. It makes life a lot easier for us newbies!
Hi Jim,
I’m an intermediate Internet marketer and all about free internet marketing. I’m currently optimizing my website:
After all, optimization is an on going endeavor. I’m also branching into other streams of income. I’ll let you know how it goes.
Hi Jim, my name is Paul Bruemmer. I began performing web and search related activities in the mid-1980’s and by the late ’90’s was writing ClickZ’s first search engine optimization articles. Since then I’ve been addicted to search marketing and I’m afraid it has rubbed off on the entire family (in a good way). I love your passion for search and willingness to share with the search community; in my opinion, you have some of the best tools available for performing the granular analytical aspects of SEO. I’ve had the opportunity of providing search marketing services for some of America’s biggest such as NASDAQ and some of the smallest too. What I’ve learned is that there are fundamentals in our profession that apply to big and small alike; the fundamentals you appear to be teaching and helping others with are right on target and represent authentic and professional SEO skills. Thank you for giving me the opportunity of introducing myself and best regards. – Paul
Hello Jim
I am GR Rajesh Kumar, from Chennai India. I call myself as you do – an internet marketing, usability, SEO and people enthusiast. Besides my own site –, I also own a web design and development company named – UsableDesign (
I am a great fan of Johny Depp. How about you?
Hi jim,
I am Hiren tanna From Hyderabad, India. A seo and a web designer since last 2 years . mostly i visit your site through search engines only . while searching for some seo tips etc… my site is
And i think its time now to subscribe your feed.
Hi –
My name is Tim from Michigan. I started doing websites part-time about a 1.5 years ago at the suggestion of a friend who had some long established sites and discovered Adsense. I’m about 5 years from retiring from my regular job and hope to develop my main sites – and – into a small business that can provide a decent supplemental income source.
Came upon your site by chance and have to say your tools are among the most useful I’ve found. Wish I’d found your site prior to buying an “SEO tool” that doesn’t do have as much as your free tools. Thanks
Hey Jim,
I work for More Mobile Internet and we are working on getting our website on the top rankings in Google. Your blogs help us out, thanks. If you ever need High-Speed Internet Anywhere, check us out.
Maybe I should wait a couple of weeks to commnt on the year mark of this post.
I run
We have clients of all size and specialize in Local Search both Organic and Vertical.
hey Jim,
This is Krunal (Seoindiaweb DP ID), of 21 studyin in last year of commerce program and into seo since 3 years. i regularly come on your blog and seofaq as well..
Hi. My name is Nuno. I’m a SEO consultant in Portugal, and the name of my company is precisely Search Marketing –
I enjoy reading your blog, and I come here very often. Very good quality posts and always entertaining. Thanks.
I am in northern NH in the USA. I run Survival Topics
a website about wilderness survival.
I have learned alot from your blog and look forward to every new post!
Hi and thanks for the useful posts (some of which I agree with, some I never knew and some I’m not so in agreement with!).
We are a small technology company based in Ireland and look forward to your future posts.
Hi Jim
I’m Susan Hallam, and I provide internet marketing strategy consulting and training in the UK, and am managing director of Hallam Communications Ltd.
You can view my website and blog at
Hi Jim
I own a small business that get’s most of it’s business online. I got tired of paying for poor web results and figured I could do better on my own. SEO blogs are all I have for breakfast lunch and dinner now! Thanks for the tips!
Hi Jim,
Love reading your blog. You’ve been super helpful in my plans for the launch of my own blog.
I decided it was time for someone to put together an authoritative resource to track the buzz around the re-introduction of Silicone Breast Implants.
You would be amazed how many women do this each year.
I’m also prone to comment on other women’s issues, but the posts so far have been purely related to the Silicone buzz.
BTW, congratulations on the birth of your son!
Very best,
I’m into seo/sem stuff, i also like to design web sites and i’m studying to become a programmer. I have an org. set up for my brother who was in a bad car accident 5-20-06. I’m toying around with a new website atm…. … i produce music and do a bit of djing… i work for a fantastic company
Cheers everyone!!
From San Diego CA
Best Regards,
Tim R
I am Nikitin Nikolay and all I want to do is work. i am doing company from Russia.
hi Jim
My name is Krish Purnawarman, from Bali, I love SEO and Analytics, its an addition…
I am a hawk on the internet, reading and implementing, testing and analyzing. I totally agree about your posts in Supplemental results, which is how I got here in the first place. Youre the first to post some brilliant anwers on this topic…you said it..its all about quality content. More about me, can be access on my site Thanks for making this Blog…
rumblepup here. I walk around from room to room asking dumb questions from very smart people. Other than that, I’m a web enthusiast, web marketer, and web entrepreneur who does not sell SEO services, but I play and SEO expert on tv.
I swear my comedy is getting weirder everyday.
Hello Jim. I won’t lurk anymore.
Hi Jim & Friends! I’m interested in SEO, a game where the rules are forever changing. I’m getting better at the on-page optimization but am now concentrating on the off-page links that make the big difference. It’s frustrating to have a better written, more relevant page being out-ranked by a site with a better page rank.
Best wishes
Bruce Wilson
Jim, I have been a consultant for a couple of years. Live in Syracuse. Been designing websites off and on for 10 years, database stuff, started doing some ASP programming 5 or 6 years ago. I was an IT Manager most of the time – all Windows.
Anyway, I had always ended up writing for the companies I worked for (b/c it seems like nobody can write). I started doing hard marketing for a company I worked for a few years back. Had a knack for it. Went the consultant route, opened my own biz, all the hours I can handle but only a few clients…ended up doing a bit of everything. Been dabbling with SEO, Analytics, and Internet Marketing for the last year but primarily for one or two companies.
I actually met you at the SESNY conference outside the party…believe I smoked a cigarette with you (only do so when I’ve had a few drinks)…details hazy.
I’m bored with my clients and diverse duties (especially the things I don’t like doing), so I’m dropping over half my billable hours to start up a couple of websites and blogs. Finally going to develop my own business’s website and go about getting some business focused on a few areas of Internet Marketing.
Getting back into serious research mode, so I’m reading your site. Excellent. I especially appreciate the web hosting post I just read. I’ve struggled to find good hosting. I have come to the painful conclusion that it is because I need Windows – I can’t function without it. I do have some basic sites on Linux, and they have been fine – even though the same hosting companies were absolutely horrible on the Windows side. I am going to research the hosts that you approved.
In getting websites, blogs, and other content-based websites going…I would like to ask a few questions to you and the forum since I am researching tools of the trade to get going. I am looking for an assortment of tools to do websites/apps, content managment, articles, directories, blogs, e-commerce, etc. Priorities: search engine friendly, easy as possible, cheap or free (unless they are awesome). I see you use WordPress for your blog – I plan on doing the same.
Since I need to move away from Windows and ASP – do you have any recommendations on alternatives? Ruby, Joomla, PHP, anything else? Any all-in-one solutions???…anything requiring no/little knowledge of programming???…would be willing to part with some money if I could find something easy. I can hand-code HTML and CSS no problem – but I’d like an easy visual tool to build and manage sites (along with dynamic functions and database interaction), so that I can concentrate on marketing, writing, and business rather than programming.
Also-since I may not be smart enough to ever figure out linux….what is the best way to take advantage and manage linux hosting w/o knowledge of linux.???….heard cPanel mentioned.
My name is Razvan Rovinaru, I’m from Bucharest, Romania and I am an Internet Marketer for a little over a year now.
I am a big fan of your blog, and want to congratulate you on your success as you are a true inspiration.
I love niche marketing and affiliate marketing and I’m working hard to get my blogs as up as I can in Google’s Rankings.
Take Care !
Hi Jim!
I am Aleksey from Ukraine. I lead my blog for russian speaking part of Internet population. There are many interesting articles from our foreign comrades. And I am trying to deliver their profit to our people translating these articles. All copyrights are reserved.
Hi Jim!.
You are a wise guru, and a guiding light in the murky world of SEO. I’ve just set up my own business , and information like yours helps me sleep better at night.
I’m doing website design at the moment but really want to get into SEo and marketing.
Thanks for helping out the little men out there.
My name is Tim Linden and I run (free traffic exchange). I heard this was the “place to be” to learn about link building, so I’ll be subscribing!
Hello Jim,
I operates online news portal Elres Magazin and can you topic over WordPress and SEO.
Hi Jim,
I’m Shannon your friendly neighborhood anger management teacher. I actually own 5 anger managment education centers in Los Angeles.
Good to meet you.
Shannon Munford
Daybreak Counseling Service
Hello Jim,
Great blog, and I really love your tools.
Keep it up.
I guess I should had also introduced myself Duh!
Well Giorgos Kontopoulos from Chios Greece.
Web developer/designer trying to get into the web marketing arena.
Hi everyone. Love the site. Just stumbled on it yesterday. I am part of a team that is trying to promote an online shopping mall which is more like a video game than anything. People who shop there can walk into and out of stores and pick up items within the store, as well as play video games in the arcade. The link is I hope you all can come and check it out.
Again, great site and I have already learned a lot!
Hi, my name is Andy Redfern
I have background in all aspects of new media for around seven years and hail from the UK.
My domain is
Its nice to read well thought out blog like yours which has fresh content on a wide variety of subjects. Keep up the good work Jim!
Andy Redfern
Why can’t things be easy, I wish there was a really simple guide to SEO without getting into too much detail. Anyway I’m a web designer, here is my web site . Im from Scotland and the SEO industry has really started to kick off here. I’ll be keeping a good eye on it
Hi, my name is Jaswanth Jain
I have good experience in web hosting, domain registration, web designing, and seo business my website is
I would really like to get some promotional ideas prospective which can help my business model get on going.
I started out in IT a good while ago working on all manner of RDBMSs. But after 15 or 16 years they went from being fun to being tedious and I decided to “jump tracks” to Web development. Well, HTML tags kept me entertained for a spell but then I got interested in design, and from design, to me at least, the natural progression was search engine optimisation and marketing. So right now I’m trying to absorb as much about SEO and SEM as I can. Unfortunately, standing on the outside looking in it didn’t seem all that complex… WRONG!!! My Web site and my SEO knowledge are both very much in their infancy and I am keen to improve both so anything anyone can tell me will be greatly appreciated.
Hello my name is Arif, I live in sunshine state. I work for the largest database company as a Database admin. I am 35 and finally have realized what I want to do in life. I want to be a internet marketing guru like Jim :). that expalins why i m here.
Now only if i could find a mentor. I would appreciate if anyone can point me to the path i should take. I want to build template based/out of box websites and market them using tools provided by Jim. (I work from home office, have lots of time to play on web)
Hi my name is Jeff I run a small web hosting / design business in Italy, I moved here from the UK about 5 years ago, used to work for a marketing company and decided to “free” lance. Ive been lurking about for about 2 years and still hav’nt written a comment, habits will change!. I believe that in the right neighborhood and 20 good links you can get on the 1st page of (go*gle) for “most” key phases.
Hi Jim
Just subscribed
About me? I am an internet marketer and am also in the process of putting together my own related startup in the monetization niche
Hello, I’m Mel (23)
Internet marketer, future medical student, business owner, graphic designer, basketball player, human behavior researcher (informal), snowboarder (very amateur), American-Idol watcher, (wanna be) signer, capitalist, seminar presenter, student, writer, movie goer, above 21, below 30, Starbucks addict, Californian, etc etc.
Thank you for insights.
~ mel
Melvin Ram
Volcanic Internet Marketing Company
(916) 743 9369
My name is Jonathan, I am actually interested in working for you! I love your philosophies, and I must say I agree with them. I am a firm believer in “Quality” not “Quantity”. You seem to have a fresh outlook on the internet as a whole, and its productive uses. I am an artist first and foremost, an alternate thinker of sorts, I went to college for fine arts, but don’t really want to be a “starving artist”. But honestly the whole “ART” thing has given me the opportunity to take a step to the side and see things clearly from a different angle. I sent all the necessaries via email already, but just wanted to introduce myself personally to “the man himself”.
Hey Jim, your blog is awesome. Brand new to this SEO stuff and boy is it mind boggling. I am a web developer who has worked extensively in PHP for about 8 years. The past 3 years I have worked full time as an ASP.NET developer while working on part time PHP stuff.
Here recently, Xmas Eve of 2006, I launched an experimental site called Its a result of my frustration with people who park like poo. It gives good parkers the ability to expose bad parkers and an attept to initiate communication with them using some clever homemade parking tickets. I think its going to be a lot of fun.
I am using a book called SEO: An Hour a Day to try and build a good size community. I am blogging my progress as I go chapter by chapter through the book. Tonight I will be covering chapter 3 of the book which can be viewed here:
Keep up the good work!!
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
ps. I found your site through and am glad I did. Your stuff rocks and is quite easy to read.
Hi, Jim, love your work, and nice picture too.
I’m really looking forward to putting some of your insights into practice. I’ve recently launched a site that to my surprise and delight has received some very gracious and enthusiastic responses. A few folks (one a book publisher) have even gone so far as to say it’s among the funniest things they’ve ever read. I’m not sure it’s worthy of such acclaim, but appreciate it nonetheless.
In any event, the problem I’m facing is that traffic is pretty much being generated entirely from word of mouth at this point. I’d love to get the site better status on search engines in the event there are others out there who might enjoy it.
For what it’s worth, it can be found at The concept is pretty simple. I send postcards to people I don’t know. (Yes, I know it’s crazy, my apologies).
Thanks again, and best regards.
Jim…I like your work as well. Maybe we can add some value to your visitors as well.
The purpose of is to provide entrepreneurs, small business and individuals with an in depth review of tools for success. visitors can report back their experience with the programs and provide a ranking on how they feel the specific program worked for them. Users provide the actual rankings and placement of the different programs.
Beginner SEO.
I’ve lived on this blog for the last 24hours!
Thanks so much…
I’ve been a reader for months. Great work, views on SEO and other things in life. I love your outlook and opinions. We reference your work at – Dave
Hi, I just discovered this site. I have been doing SEO for years and work for a search marketing firm in Atlanta. I am also the owner and operator of
Hello Jim. I’m working as a link builder/webmaster staff in an outsource company here in the Philippines. I find your site through my boss who suggest to me that if I want to learn more about link building I should read what you are posting in here. And honestly, it helps!
Howdy Jim,
My name is Jon West and I’m one of the younger SEOs in the field. You can do some reading up about me at and
Great blog, have a good one!
My name is Mom Chan. I have been doing SEO for the last 6 years. Normally, I’m a reader than a writer.
Jim, I read your blogs/articles a lot and thanks for keep sharing all the good things.
Glad to see everyone here. 🙂
All the best,
Hi Jim
We specialise in search engine optimisation in Nottingham, UK . We also teach Google AdWords and advise on internet marketing by concentrating on keyphrases that convert.
Hi, My name is Al Augustin and I’m new to the SEO game. Currently I’m a new Link Ninja for a web publishing company out of Guelph ON, Canada named Geosign Corporation. I came across your page while reading blogs to obtain info in the world of SEO.
Hi Jim
Just started investigating best ways to acquire good back links for my custom web hosting company and clients sites including
After 12 years in this business I am beginning to believe that all you need is a product that folks want and thousands of backlinks, and a search marketing budget on an old site.
I have some older sites want to buy some?
Keep on doing your good thing, take care have a great day.
Hi Jim and others,
My name is Michael Shearer and I am a marketing analyst for an online university as well as sole proprietor to my Internet Business Consulting Firm, Net_Experienced at I was referred here from Rand’s Top 50 list over at SEOmoz. Very good reading thus far; I too like the nitty gritty of link building. Mucho gratification. Thanks for the intelligence you’re providing.
Hey! My name is Ken, and I’m currently building http:// acsportsbooks. – – com/. I first stumbled onto your site a few days ago reading about DMOZ. Now I’m back here reading about domain aging. (Google loves your site.)
Anyway, I want to say that this blog is great and has a ton of information for a psuedo novice like me. You’ve been bookmarked :O)
[slightly edited by jim… and btw, your name is Ken….not some gambling phrase…because of that I killed all your links…..glad you enjoy my blog…please don’t spam it. ]
Who am I? I’m a Spiderman. Just joking. I’m an independent SEO consultant…some focus on W3C, on-page, but mainly on backlinks. I research backlinks of sites that rank very well for highly competitive keyphrases. I collect links…harvest them rather….delete them…the cycle keeps repeating.
I am the owner of a small but rapidly growing Internet Marketing company in Atlanta, GA –
We work with small to medium businesses to provide cost effective options for website development, optimization, promotion and advertising. We probably don’t charge enough for what we do but when you see the positive impact that you have on a business, and how they can provide for their family, it really makes it all worthwhile.
Sites like this help us to do what we do. Thanks Jim!
I have been in the SEO business for 3-4 for years now. I limit my practice to select clients. I also teach e-commerce strategy, internet business, and Seach Engine Marketing. In my spare time (grin) I am the director of Technology for a medium/large real estate brokerage and I manage their dominant (currently) internet presence.
Hi, i’m Ramon ‘monchito’ Eijkemans, a Dutchman who works with a Dutch SEO company called Onetomarket.
p.s.: I read this blog frequently and make use of your tools section quite often, so please keep them free (or better: make them open-source!)
Hi Jim,
Love the blog.
We are a UK based internet marketing company specialising in SEO, PPC management and consultancy.
We all read the blog on a daily basis. Keep it up,
I am Bret. I am a guy who tries to make a living off his websites. Sometimes I succeed, sometimes I fail, but I guess I try and that’s the important part right? Only if trying and failing still was profitable. In any case, I learn something new every day from guys like Jim, Rand and Aaron, for that, I am grateful.
I am Daniel. I am a writer in SEOsheep’s clothing. I do the copywriting and some of the SEO grunt work for Vizion Interactive in the Dallas area.
Our website is
I blog at whenever I can.
Read your blog, engaged in promotion of medical sites
Good luck!
Hi Jim!
I’m meeting with Chuck tomorrow. I love your blog. Everything is so interesting and informative. We Build Pages sounds like a cool place to work. It’s nice to be excited about something new.
Aaaaahh!! I can’t find your big orange RSS feed button!! Oh wait…where are my glasses? –> there’s
Ok. Take 2. argh…
Aaaaahh!! I can’t find your big orange RSS feed button!! Oh wait…where are my glasses? –> there’s
Hi Jim,
I’m an SEO Specialist/editor/writer and fledging designer. I am handling an IT Staff leasing company based in New Jersey, but operating in the Philippines. Its just a baby company, not quite able to stand on its own but we’ll get there eventually… One baby step by baby step…
Our website is
Just found out about this blog and I’m addicted already! 🙂
My name is Larry and I started a website a couple of months ago – well, it is evolving as many things in life – we are a online nursing education provider and have course with instant certificates for nurses which are accepted in the US, Canada and the UK.
The url is —
and like others, we are looking to increase the traffic.
Hi Jim,
I met you couple of time at SES conferences. I enjoyed your sessions and your insight into the biz on internet marketing, seo, sem and all the cool tools you guys provide. I am also a blogger where I blog on many different topics, from work to personal, from politics to faith related topics. I will be a frequent visitor to your blog. Thanks for the resources.
All the best.
hello, everyone
i,m a teacher of english in china. i like your blog. i enjoy your communicatioon .
Hey Jim, great blog. I’m the author of Street Smart Internet Marketing” and really enjoy reading your stuff. Keep up the good work!
Justin Michie
Great blog Jim, I’m an SEO consultant from the UK.
Hi Jim –
I’m Debbie and found your blog by reading your ad in the Time-Union. I live in Columbia County, work as a Membership Director for an area Historical Home, and I’m desperate to find another job that is interested in training me for success and that will embrace my creativity and drive. I love the internet and I never even thought about pursuing SEO as a career – I just might apply! My background has been in writing, marketing, law (former paralegal), and administrative assistance. I’m eager to learn a field that is exciting and has no ceiling on success.
You sound like you love what you do! I wish you continued happiness and prosperity.
oops – Times-Union
Just found your free tools section. Thanks for sharing! I have been having fun playing with the top 10 tool right now.
Did you ever organize the SEO canyon pow wow. Email me if you did I would be interested. I am going at the end of April. One of my favorite places in the world.
I’m Mugshot – a little late, but better than never 🙂
Hey Jim,
Wow there’s tons of comments here. You must be doing something right Jim.
If anyone gets down this far I’m Matthew from the San Francisco Bay area and am an internet marketer and work at home course creator.
Hi Jim
Im Paul, a British expat living in Paris, working for the leading European online digital photo development service.
I have a few sites of my own so naturally I am regularly on your blog to keep up with the latest link-building tactics.
Oh and Im also going to be a dad for the first time this September: need to get a bigger appartment 🙂
Hi Jim,
This is Sharad. I am an internet marketing consultant working in Webart Softech, India.
Matt Brooks of SARBRO Solutions here.
I’m a seasoned professional in SEO and Web Design. While I prefer to stay behind the lines of this warfield, I do like this site, and would like to compliment Jim for his work here. I develop website tools and internet marketing tools for the industry.
Hi. Im SEO specialist in Serbia, following some leads to free links at the moment 😉
Hi, I am a SEO specialist in Charlotte NC. Thanks for the link 🙂
Hi Jim
I am Neeraj, I am currently working as SEO in Posin Technologies and very recently I came to know about your blog, and found it very important for me to learn and increase the relevant knowledge in the field of SEO.
Howdy Jim!
I own CMS Website Services, we have 20 folks who develop and customize websites using the seo friendly drupal cms.
I use to watch Pinky and the Brain on Saturday mornings to try and figure out how to take over the world, but alas all their plans failed so I’m hoping your blog gives world take over tips…
how about writing – How Pinky and the Brain Would Take Over the World with SEO, 3 article series of course for more suspense.
Was also curious? Do you remember the first keyword that you ever got ranked #1 in Google for? Mine was: Buy Pottery back in 2001. I thought I had really done something, that was until I did Overture research and discovered that it only gets about 12 searches a month!
Hello Jim! My name is Gustavo Bacchin, I’m Brazilian but live in London, UK since 2003. I currently manage Ladbrokes PLC Search Marketing Department. I also co-founded the first dedicated search marketing agency in South America, Cadastra Search Engine Promotion. The agency has been on the market for 7 years, leading the market in Brazil.
I have a degree in Business Management and online marketing has been always my passion.
And I’m a big fan of your blog! 🙂
My name is Kenny.lee, but i usually use “horisly” as my id.
I come from China, and I found your blog through google search “Supplemental Results”.
I am interested in Internet, and online marketing,as well as seo.
but i am a newer,and i found so many quality articles to learn.
You can contact with me through my blog:, or my site:
I am glad to meet you here.
best wish…
Hi gang! I’m Joanne from Calgary, Alberta
I’m the VP/Controller for an environmental consulting firm in Calgary, Alberta; our website is
I’m just here reading information trying to learn all I can! A definite rookie when it comes to SEO!
Thanks for all the good reading!
I really appreciate the suggestions and techniques found here to optimize the blogging experience. I’ve been writing for several years now and really haven’t had much luck getting others to read my blog. I’ve determined you have to be proactive (as you constantly preach) and this is one of the steps i’m taking. If you and others would like to take a look (or link :0) here is my site URL:
Thanks for the opportunity to comment.. and continued good luck as a pro blogger.
Hmm, I thought I’d commented on this a year or so ago, I guess I didn’t.
I’m a Brit, been over here in the US for over 14 years now. I started off in software engineering, making the switch to SEM a couple of years ago. I’ve worked for the same firm for over 7 years now, and we work with many YP publishers, creating and optimizing their IYP Sites for them.
I do also have a little personal SEM blog that is linked through my name above.
Hi Jim:
I’ve been reading your blog for a while so I thought I’d finally introduce myself. I work with a PPC management, SEO, web design firm, Hanapin Marketing, located in Bloomington, Indiana. We launched our company blog not long ago, PPC Hero ( I have a question for you: I see in your post from yesterday (4/9) that you have an internal training program for your ninjas and you have a belt system to indicate each team member’s progress – well, I am currently putting together something very similar for our company (but something superhero based). I know your business but would you mind dropping me a line with a few details on how your ranking system is structured and this might give me some pointers. Your tips and insight would be very helpful and appreciated!
Thanks in advance for reading this long comment.
Joseph Kerschbaum
Was good to meet you last night at the Town Tavern tanking.
Just a bit about me….I was pretty close to graduating from college, when myself and a couple friends decided to go see the Dead….and decided to finish out the summer tour of 1995. From there, hitchhiked from the parking lot of Soldier Field to Yellowstone, then Bozeman, MT to see Widespread Panic.
Washed dishes, toiled as a hotel ‘gopher’, worked on the ski hill…..and decided to go finish school!
Finished school and became a raft guide….before a brief stint in the corporate world.
Accidentally I found myself as a ‘marketing director’ of a rafting company with NO budget.
The Internet (and keyword stuffing Alta Vista!) became my friend, and the rest is history….leading me to open my own small business. Slowly but surely, my business has grown (much thanks to my patient wife and kids!), in part from reading and applying the plethora of information the SEO/SEM community openly shares.
Ramble is over….again, good meeting you.
I’m the KGen developper and i would like you to look at it and tell me what you are thinking about it’s SEO FF addon !
I’m a white hat (and sometimes a few light shades of grey) SEO and qualified Google AdWords Professional. I’m currently a senior consultant and partner in an online marketing agency based in Pittsburgh, PA.
I’ve flown under the radar for a while but decided to start a personal blog after attending pubcon 2006.
I most often post on forums and blogs under the username pittbug.
Hi, my name is Tim I’ve been running a personal finance website in the UK for over 5 years.
Completely self taught and enjoyed top 5 rankings on Google for ‘credit’cards’ and ‘loans’ until ‘Florida’ took it’s toll a couple of years ago…
Now blog about finance and ‘stuff’ as well as continuing to market a couple of finance sites and my new SEO services site.
Jim, congrats on a great site…thank you!
I am a small business owner in the UK and a reluctant SEM. I do it because nobody else wants to do it.
A big part of what I do is finding good links…and creatively figuring out how to get them. Quite an interesting puzzle!
Heard you speak last week at SES NYC. Great stuff! I liked your “tell it like it is” approach. The information was very helpful. I definitely plan to check this blog often.
Mike Caldwell
Musician Booking Service
My name is Michael Dixon and I run Dixon Servicios LingüÃsticos, SL (, a Spain-based multilingual translation company. We spend quite a bit of time and effort on researching multilingual search engine optimization and I find your blog of great interest.
Keep up the good work
I am a System Administrator and new to SEO and i like your approach in sharing knowledge with peers. Keep the good work, by the time let me search for some more blogs with good tips.
Best Regards
I’m a software programmer interested in and internet marketing. I found your site yesterday while doing some research. 🙂
Hello Jim! A magic blog with articles from 2005 that I still find useful reference. Just spent an hour or two again going about the site.
You helped me come up with a few ideas of my own today, still, after months of visits. But I think, enough research! I’ve got customers work I’m supposed to be doing…
I just started a new website called The Shih Tzu Store and am beginning the arduos task of SEO. Finding your articles and guidance extremely helpful though.
Thanks again!
Hello, my name is Catherine Potts. I am the Lead Link Strategist for Search Mojo, Inc. located in Charlottesville, VA. I peruse this blog during my regular journey through the SEO blogs.
I was recently in NYC for the SES conference and was able to hear some good speakers and learn some good stuff. I’ve been amazed at how large this industry really is and how little people who aren’t in it really know about it, even though it’s something most people encounter everyday while online. Interesting!
Hi, my name is Alex and i was work at as web designer and web developer.
I also do a SEO analyst. I like this blog and this community people.
Hi Jim nice to meet you.
I think im 322nd??
I’m just a regular guy from the San Francisco Bay Area, I own a few websites one of them being where people can buy a text ad link for a great price.
I like to do promotions as well.
Hi Jim,
I run a company that helps organizations handle online marketing, advertising and registration for their events. We’re launching a unique service soon and I am doing some research to determine how “hosted content pages” works. I’d be interested in a conversation, as it seems you’re the expert.
Hi Jim,
I’m an agent for commercial artists, that is illustrators who work in advertising and publishing. Our background over the last 25 years has been mostly in print, but our work is used more and more on the web.
You can view these artists’ portfolios at:
Hello Jim,
I started my online business a couple of years back. I’m just getting started with SEO and all the benefits associated. I know i’m late in the game. Better late than never!
Please take a look and I’m always open to suggestions!
Hi Jim
I am new to internet marketing , but I m bit cofused with too much information .
Thank you for running such a blog. The articles are here more than helpful for me. I believe same is for others like me
I am an internet geek with creative ideas or at least that is what I wish to be! I thought the dot com boom era was long gone, but some of the sites like,, etc. (and of course other dot come boom survivors) have created a fresh burst of energy in the dot com space. So I am constantly thinking of ideas that will be creative enough to sustain a website. But it is easier said than done. Whatever idea I could think of is already there! I am also looking for partners whom I can work with in terms of coming up with these creative ideas for the web and I am ready to put up a good team work with anyone interested. If you are interested please email me at [email protected]. Personally I like Google, but as a website owner Google isn’t the best thing you have got, since for a website owner, most if not all the money a website can make has to be given to google. Of course search engines are an essential part of the web, but on the other hand, individual sites have lost their appeal pretty much in the search engine era. All websites are at the mercy of search engines (I like in that sense since they are a community of people promoting good websites) and people use these search engines as a website harvester and don’t show any kind of loyality to individual websites. Only a very few websites could break out this trend and can come up as popular ones and the others are left to bite the dust. So how do we solve this issue? Any ideas? Again is a good idea in that direction. But I am sure there are other ideas out there also.
So what other problems are out there that haven’t been solved by the web as of now? What are the new trends and ideas on the web end? I would be thinking in those lines and welcome any ideas that anyone could share. Again my email is [email protected].
Personally I am an optimistic guy and take things +vely.
I am having a SEO Company Website Your blog is really good for SEO tips. Nice blog.
Hi Jim!!!
I’m from Minsk (Belarus)!!
Only on your blog i have found an answer on really hard question:
How to get out from google supplemental results?:)
I’m working in Qulix Systems – custom software development company, and I really hope that after reading your blog I’ll forgive about problem with Google Supplemental Results!!!
Thank You!!!
Do I need to introduce myself too?
Well,I’m Richie and a directory owner.
Jim,you do have a great blog and I’ve learnt a lot from it.Keep it up!
Hi Him,
My name is Erdal Gul and i have a search engine marketing company called Websem (
You have a great blog. I am following and reading your articles and they are really interesting. I also use your tools on
Greetings from Belgium
Erdal Gul
SEO Consultant
Hi Jim,
I like your blog, its very informative and very well written. The light hearted way of getting to grips with important matters, is a nice alternative to the somewhat serious nature of SEO.
I have slight critisism, and that is your title ‘Jim Boykin’s Blog’ is grammatically incorrect English. It should read ‘Jim Boykins’ Blog’, the apostrophy indicating that the blog belongs to Jim, rather than Jim Boykin is a Blog which is what your title says at the moment.
I am sure that you are not a blog, so you might consider changing it. ; – )
Bytheway, I am Mike Carter and am a contributor to the Web or Dead SEO blog (amongst other things).
Sorry Jim, ignore that last comment. I have just checked, and you are right. I have a very red face.
Hello Jim,
I am Prashant & I’m very new in SEO. I want your Support & suggestions for it…..
Hi Jim,
I am also an internet marketing specialist who specialize in page optimization and search marketing techniques. I have years of qualified experience and am the owner of (
Hello Jim. My name is David, and I look forward to reading all of the articles and posts on your site here.
Hi, the name is M.T. aka The SEO Blogger or SEO Blogger–for short =P. Anyway, I just wan to introduce myself and would llike to point out: WHERE IS YOUR RSS Jim?
I try to subscribe but having a hard time ‘searching’ for a feed. What kind of blogging platform did you use?
Anyway, one last thing, do you also go by Jim ‘Straw’?
Hey Jim and friends,
I’ll be #338 (ish). 🙂 I’m the owner of a web design, SEO and marketing firm in Los Angeles. SEO has become a passion of mine in the last 7 years or so, but I’ve been doing it since the beginning, although it wasn’t much of a challenge back then. I definitely enjoy reading your blog. Great tips and insight. Take care.
– Scott A.
aka WebGeek
Yo Jim,
Been reading for blog on and off for a while, and I say – you are clearly the link building master.
It’s a pleasure to sign in and say hi.
Keith Holloway
BTW, I am a guy born in 1971 with a 2 year old son that runs a succesful Internet Marketing Company in Toronto, ON, Canada. The coincidence was a chuckle.
You you blog is not only a extremely informative read but also a great resource to other needed information. I refer to your site like a SEO encyclopedia.
Sincere thanks,
I’ve enjoyed your blog for a while now and wanted to stop by and introduce myself and my company, Purple Trout, LLC. We are a search engine optimization consulting firm in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Keep up the good work!
I’m just normal PC user who works for an traveling agency.
I have created some blogs and also working hard in tiles business.
I have recently looked into your company and must say am very interested in what you do. I have been with 4 SEO companies that have yet to deliver so needless to say have become very skeptical about this industry. I must say that the information and tools that you have are a great help for someone like me.
My name is Shahryar Ghazi. I work as a Web/Database Developer.
I was just surfing and came across this site when I was reading a post on copyblogger. I like the blog, haven’t made my way through much to be honest, but the link to Mahalo’s site made me giggle.
I’m not really an SEO, I just write content for the blogs and such, but I have had to learn quite a bit, as the content I write is about SEO. Not a pro by any means but I have found that sitting in front of a computer all day is beginning to require a trip to the eye doctor…..I always told my mom I wanted glasses.
Keep up with the great posts and I’ll be sure to make it a regular read!!
I would like to introduce InPage Incorporated A company that has developed a new form of online advertising.
What is InPage?
InPage takes online advertising to a whole new level, by providing television-style, full motion, full-screen, full sound adverts that appear in the ‘white space’ between pages. InPage is a complete ad management and reporting solution rolled into one powerful product.
InPage is not an interstitial in the traditional sense.
By definition interstitial is something “in betweenâ€, but that is where the InPage relation stops. While InPage does inject advertising between pages, it takes advantage of the white “dead†space between pages, that existing interstitial advertising can not take advantage of.
Existing forms of interstitials place a page, between two pages creating additional white space.
To represented graphically:
Current Interstitial advertising
Page 1 ïƒ White Space ïƒ Interstitial Page ïƒ White Space ïƒ Requested Page
display time not guaranteedïƒ
InPage Advertising
Page 1 ïƒ InPage Ad ïƒ Requested Page
fixed display timeïƒ
Hi there jim, i have a concern over my website, cause i had my indexed in google,yahoo though with lesser pages on yahoo but suprising my backlinks had more for yahoo and google as 0, why is this so? i am open to answers on my email [email protected] if anyone can answer me, thanks!
Hey guys!
New to this blog. I have a site at
Hope to gain some knowledge!
Well…my name is Cody and I know not NEARLY enough about SEO, but I’m finding it fascinating and am enjoying learning a little about it. I’m really more into the medical field, but the whole internet thing is a hobby of mine.
Hi Jim,
I’ve been using your tools for about 2 years. You held the door for me as I was fleeing back into the Garage in Seattle last Tuesday (not that I expect you to remember that!) I was too chicken to say hi and introduce myself then.
I’ve been working in internet marketing running online lead generation programs for a hybrid direct marketing advertising agency in Kansas City. I’m also one of two search marketers in our agency. Most of our clients are in one specific niche and we’re currently working to increase all online efforts.
I like LOLcats, and I don’t care if people make fun of me for it. (we can learn some lessons from My favorite keyboard shortcut is Ctrl + U.
I have an old web site that I worked on a few years ago that I practically abandoned. Only this week I came back to it, and found that the old Google adsense ads had posted $0.74, which I find pretty amazing for an abandoned, un-seoed website.
I finally have some free time, and I want to start ramping my site back up. I’ve contacted the server owner to grant my access back, but I still have so much to work on. What do you think I should do about SEO development, practically coming from nothing? Also, does anyone have any ideas about a good company that I could use server space from? My reason for abandoning it last time was that I got busy, and that my friend with the web server kept changing access to it, making it difficult to keep up accessing it.
Dave Nofmeister
Hello Mr. Jim, The name is sam casuncad an i am from the Philippines. Glad to be one of your visitors even if i have been dubbed lately as a spammer by one of our colleagues in the SEO arena.
I am also a newbie but i love hunting down prestigious people in the SEO community and read their blogs a lot. I also love reading the engineer’s blog (google gadgets) by matt cutts.OOOPppps i gues i promoted him in here (or spammed again).
Hey there Jim,
My name is Pedro Sttau and I work for a Web development firm located in Portugal (
I came across your blog almost by mistake, but I must say, am very pleasantly susrpised regarding what I have read so far.
Hi Jim
Andrew Here
Hi Jim,
My name is Chris. I’m into business web development and related topics.
Aventre Marketing is an Atlanta Internet Marketing company that specializes in small to midsized businesses in the United States. The company offers a wide range of services from web design to SEO and SEM to logo design and print advertising design. The key role of Aventre Marketing is to serve as a single source supplier so that companies can have on-demand marketing services through which all products, items or services have the same look and feel. Check us out at
Thanks Jim for your great insight and invitation.
I am Chris Paul, President of I have been helping others start and grow Internet Businesses since 1994. My core competency is to help individuals or companies add Income streams to their web businesses, sites, projects, or blogs through a variety of methods.
I am a consultant and partner developer also specializing in creating UniqUe Internet business models, branding, Internet Marketing strategies, lead generation and online sales systems.
I’ve been blessed with 15 years (prior to the Internet) of some incredible experiences in Advertising,PR Agencies, and Venture Capital firms. In the last two years I’ve personally partnered in a few new Internet incubator projects (some still in development) that I’m excited to use all of experiences to build.
I will add your link Jim to one of those projects which is prenatal at the moment (in that momentarily its sort of designed as a web portal not a blog ) but soon to be born… is about The Nets Best Things about Blogs and we will offer a user polling/ ranking application soon.
I hopped on to your blog to get some good ideas on Linkbait. I head up the marketing for
I really enjoyed reading your blog. My name is Scott Seong, and I’m an IT consultant with Telecom background. I found a web hosting company in 2003 (, and now own a web hosting resource site. I have recently acquainted with SEO, and started to use SEO skills when publishing web pages. Without search engines, no one will read my articles that I’ve gathered over the last several years while running a web hosting company. To achieve SEO effort, I have added a section in my website to discuss SEO topics.
I have wide variety of interests in technology, and try to learn and use new techniques whenever possible.
Hi, I work for the research center in Italy and I’m very interesting in IT.
Hi Jim,
I’m president of a new search engine.
Paris Roussos
Hello Jim,
Been reading & enjoying your blog for some time. Thought it was about due time I formally “introduced myself” here.
I work for Amplify Interactive (, a search engine marketing company in Portland, OR.
Greetings Jim!
Love the site. It’s among my favorite blogging resources. I’m just starting my first real venture into the world of blogging and online entrepreneurship with my website Zen Zoomie’s Place: Chronicles of a (Wannabe) Pro Blogger. I’m hoping to be able to turn my love for writing, learning, and sharing information into a full-time job. Websites like yours make the process of getting up to speed quickly SO much easier–thanks again.
Hi there. I’m on the SEO team at my dog beds site – a company. There’s my plug! I’m enjoying you blog and appreciate all the helpful info on here. Thanks again!
I work for a major aerospace company and am looking to quit my day and move to tahiti. Some one told me i could do that if i became a high and might SEO so here i am. They all so said that i have to do everything that Jim does to get there so this i my first stop every morning (well not the first i do go to the little room and get my coffee first) but then its right to here. And yes i have a new SEO related blog at Some interesting post of shortcut i tried to take and the shortbus results that they produced.
Hi. My name is Laurie Williams and my Web Design and Internet Marketing company provides Search Engine Marketing serivces to businesses of all sizes. We focus on the highly competitive legal industry, professional services industry and technology companies.
I follow your blog as part of my daily iGoogle and
You caught my eye with the “booked through 2007” post. Just thought I’d throw out there that our Internet Marketing company is not currently booked through 2007!!! ha! So feel free to direct others to us.
Seriously, congratulations! I wish you continued success.
Hi Jim, great content you have here. I am the CEO of a web design agency called 3eleven Creative; where we provide web, graphic, print design and seo services.
My name is Justin and I was referred to this blog by Wheel after meeting him in Ottawa. My website is
Hi Jim:
I must say, when I first heard about the link ninjas, it really cracked me up. Not that ranking highly in search engines is funny or anything, as we all know, it’s serious business. I am the CEO of Seo Design Solutions a Chicago based search engine optimization company with a strong emphasis on organic Seo. Your blogs are always on topic, informative and useful, I’m sure you have worked very hard to get where you are and if it is of any consolation to you, I am proud to see someone so humble blazing at the top 10 of Google for thousands of terms. Your guys are everywhere for just about anything related to internet marketing, ranking, website optimization, etc… Keep up the great work.
I am the owner of a Canadian Rental Real Estate listing site.
I also met Wheel, a great internet marketer who was sharing his thoughts with a group in Ottawa.
He suggested we hook up to Jim Boykin’s info.
It looks like I have just found another great resource.
Thanks Wheel, Thanks Jim!
Hey Jim! My name is Jonathan Dingman and I’m the President of Fireside Media LLC, which specializes in New York City SEO and SEM. We have and are continuing to develop internal tools to really help make our firm stand out in the SEO industry.
Maybe I’ll see you at the next SES in San Jose!
About seven years ago, I created a web site called “Marketing Survival”. Although it’s experienced sort of a roller coaster ride on Google for keywords such as “marketing tools”, “marketing strategies”, and “marketing letters”, I now have #1 Google rankings for “real estate marketing tools” and “real estate marketing strategies”. A few weeks ago I had a number 3 or 4 spot for ‘marketing tools’, but then it disappeared from sight for that particular phrase. Frustrating! That’s happened a couple of times.
Anyway, my site has a ton of content about small business marketing topics, and I also sell sales letter templates, newsletter startup kits, marketing plan software, public relations planning software, business proposal software, and marketing books.
Your site is a wealth of knowledge on SEO and Internet marketing. I’m going to have to sit down and devote a bunch of time to absorbing some of this good stuff.
My name is Tino and I live and work in Bolton, UK. I run a number of websites including and
I build and maintain websites and do aggressive web and street promotions for other small companies. My latest client is, my first adult site client.
Oral Seymour, relatively new to SEO and PPC. currently have a few clients…mostly small businesses. (I’m trying to walk before I can run)
I’m from NY, like you guys….:)
I started a small company, OS Industries, that does, design and custom open source programming
I work as Content Editor for a premier Hyderabad based firm and keen to get friendly with friends from across the world, particularly English speaking from Western nations. Keen to become pally and share good times. Look forward to hear from pals from West
pls get in touch with me
[email protected]
I am from Jakarta, Indonesia. Nice website and content. I am a newbie and still learning about SEO and stuff. My website is :
Im the owner of which specialises in holiday rental advertising worldwide. The site has been up and running in earnest since March 2007. Its hard work getting traffic into your site unless you want to pay the bucks to use adsense.
So, Im hoping to learn more on organic seo from this site.
Nice site Jim.
Thanks for the introduce yourself platform.
My name is Jeff Phillips and I am the Founder and Co-Owner of CAD Website Design
I have just recently found your blog (I know, I must have been living under a rock) but there are so many out there. I liked the article about dead links pages, and I will have to continue to read about how to get on the good links pages. My site has those dreaded links pages, and I should probably work on eliminating those pages.
Hi Jim!
I’m from Chihuahua, Mexico and I am starting a SEO company called “NetMarketing Mexico” here in my city, I can tell you that it’s difficult offer the SEO services to companies that don’t know too much about Internet marketing, but I’m doing my best.
I’m a person who likes to learn new things and I think that SEO/SEM it’s a good opportunity to be learning for a while.
Hello Jim
I am Ravi Ranjan, I am currently working as Sr.SEO in Broadway Infotech and recently I came to know about your blog, and found it very important for me to learn and increase the relevant knowledge in the field of SEO.
Ravi Ranjan Singh
I am New to SEO and is Optimizing, a Technology Information Website.
Hi Jim
I landed up here from and really love the idea of having people introduce themselves … and would like to know how to implement this particular page ..:)
I recently started blogging and am still learning and would be coming back to read and learn more of your articles …
a very nice site!
I’m Edward and I am web host. I make companies kick ass and be cool. SEO is weird and Jim is my SEO-SUPER-HERO! If they ever make an action figure of him. I will buy 2. One to give to a young SEO kid, and the other I will keep in mylar so that in 20 years it’ll be worth gillions!
Hi Jim,
Thanks for your articles. This is my first post to any type of seo communities or such. I learned of the phrase seo last month from my web designer who’s still in high school. I guess I’m tired of shelling out thousands of dollars on yellow pages and pay per clicks etc. Like anything else, Business is a learning experience.
Well one of the 1st articles I read was your “Tips for finding the best pages to get links ” I appreciate your openness to share quality information. I think that’s rare. Other than that I like the home grown feel of your site. My company is Adkins Bee Removal. Im trying to 301 redirect to Adkins Bees getting rid of “removal” because we also do not for profit honeybee pollination, keep bees, and other bee activities. This will also allow us to create more back-links to pages with higher pr.
Though I’ve been in business for 8 yrs now, my web page is only a month or two old. You may get a kick out of this, today in Google we went from #240 to #8 for a search on “bee removal” don’t ask how, or why, i have no idea. The site isn’t that great yet, it has no pr that I can see, and I haven’t created many back links. My only guess is it could be from old yellow-page directories like Yahoo and such, we went in and updated our listing with an actual website thus perhaps creating old back-links?
Although i am now afraid to do the 301 re-direct. I joined this community to ask that specific question, though I haven’t the chance to brows around enough to know where to post. Anyways, thanks again for your information Jim.
This is Aaron Newton from Demonz Media, which is a web design company based in Sydney Australia. I was researching link baiting and ended up here.
This is David Bayer from DataBanq Media. Thanks so much for your pioneering in the Internet Marketing space. Great content, deep insight, and an all around nice guy. Keep up the work!!
I’m Dipankar Subba and I will go full-time doing Internet Marketing from Oct 1, 2007. So good times ahead.
My husband & I are new to SEO – but we are fast learners. I saw your site listed on so figured I’d take a look. 🙂
Hi, my name is Nicolae Ganea and I come from Bukharest, Romania.
I work for my company and I present my website
Hi Jim
Swede (34) living in Norway. Used to work as CEO for Tele2 in Norway. Founded an online printing company last year –
I highly appreciate all your online “lessons” and supplementary comments from other readers. I learn a lot thanks to all of you!
Hey,Iam Dmitri. I am a photographer. I just recentrly discovered internet,believe it or not…and now can’t stay away. 🙂
To me SEO is still not understandable so I’m trying to get it quickly but don’t actually understand the key things.
hey guys,
wanted to say hi and thanks for all the useful 411 involved with Jijm boykin. I actually quit working for an SEO company after 3+ years and have started my own. I would like to add my websites. So here’s a shameless plug!  and
I was in 626 and you were in 624 at the Marriott SES San Jose. You were my knight in shining armour just before the Google bash, and I bumped into you again at the searchbash. Drop me an email any time! Hope San Francisco was awesome… and I’m sooo glad you got your wallet back 🙂 – L
I’m the developer of WP Text Ads, a free plugin that lets bloggers sell text link ads directly to advertisers. This way, they pay no commissions.
I’m learning SEO as well as I can, and sites like these are great! I’ve applied some of the techniques to my shopping site TicTap,
I’m also the founder of the ‘I Support Paid Review Disclosures’ movement. http://
Hey Jim..!
Hows it going? LKS reading your blog, I contribute at are active anywhere except for your blog?
Hey guys,
This is Ben with Databanq, just wanted to formerly introduce myself. Big thanks to Jim, Chuck, Jen and crew for all the work. You guys rock!
I was in your talk at HostingCon this year in Chicago, enjoyed it very much. Also have enjoyed your site as well. Thanks.
This is Aditya Kumar Singh. I am a Search Marketing Consultant based in India. I also provide Link Building services through
I’m database administrator and web developer. Somethimes I do Internet Marketing for my clients.
Just another internet marketer.
Been doing SEO for years but still a novice!
Met you at SES San Jose. I mainly focus on paid search marketing, but I definitely have my hand in the natural search marketing cookie jar too.
Hi I’m relatively new to the search engine marketing game. I am the VP of marketing for the Herzing College system.
I am an online marketing consultant with a new blog at
Hello i am Zeeshan i am working in kapataru comutes, i want o learn more about SEO i am new in this fied
I am iliyas patel, i am SEO expert in a compnay in india, I want to leart more about this SEO and SEM techniques and grow myself in this field
iliyas patel
I am Nadia, i am SEO expert in a compnay in india, I want to leart more about this SEO and SEM techniques and grow myself in this field
I am shayari and i love to read Jim’s blog.
I manage a lot of blogs related to fun and entertainment and often visit this blog to learn internet marketing.
I am Jagan, SEO and Webmaster working in since 1998, i like to read this blog
Hi, Hello, Greetings…..
I’m the AdMainiac from AdMain UK (coming soon AdMain Europe). I tend mainly to work on behlaf of clients, and like to have a read on what your all saying about current trends, algo’s, link building, Google goona getcha etcetera.
sometimes I find some absolute pearls of wisdom contained in these pages, sometimes not, what ever is written by Jim seems to be almost on the button, so take heed you seo’ers out there.
Hi Jim,
Who am I? OMA (one-man-army) would be brief decription. In detail, work as web marketing specialist in one company, freelance administering linux web servers, seo-ing, etc. etc…
Anyways, nice blog you have here…i found it by accident and for sure i’ll be back 😉
have a nice day
Hi Jim,
I am Kausik Dutta, have been doing SEO since 2003 and owner of I read your blog very frequently.
My name is Marek. Learned about SEO about 2 months ago and “forced” to do SEO since then. For my 2 websites only. mia:ny – Nowy Jork dla turystów – the most important one;)
And thanks for great info!
Hi Jim,
I’m a SEO/Web Analytics specialist. I work on a number of personal projects. Currently working on a web marketing classifieds website. Just discovered your blog. Great stuff. Looking forward to sending a few backlinks your way!
Hi there – my company, Tribal Core, provides internet strategy and web marketing services in Ventura County and Santa Barbara, California. I’ve been really impressed with the openness and communication at WeBuildPages, and love the competitive backlink tool. Keep up the great work!
Hey Jim!,
Thanks for allowing us to introduce ourselves! I am Ryan, head of SEO and Dev. at an online credit card company, You offer a great blog here in which I check atleast 3 times per week. The information you provide is priceless. Great work Jim, thanks again!
Hi Jim,
I am a SEO guy, can’t say a specialist :). But i work for a SEO firm and i am a SEO manager there. Especially do SEO/SEM and work hard on my team to get the sites to top in Google. Have got some sites on the top and i’m happy that i have achevied some goals. Well, i like your blog……..Great info here.
Hi there Jim,
I just finished reading the SEO book by Aran Wall, thats great too!. I am working on a website selling scarfs, hopefully I can get it higher in the search engines using your advice. I’ll keep you posted. Its
Hi Jim,
This `introduce yourself` thing is great and fun, never seen one before. I am SB, I am a net investor in new online concepts, we develope 90% of our projects inhouse.
I know nothing about SEO, thats why I am here, just reading internet to learn more. To prove you that, I have a website with over 1 million unique users a month. I only earn double digits a day from the ads, which is not much I think……….
Hey Jim,
I’m Dennis a webdesigner/php guy from holland, and I try to learn a little bit about seo to promote some sites I built in my spare time.
I like your blog, it has some good advice. So keep posting so I can keep reading.
Been doing SEO for years but still novice.
Hi, I am a freelance SEO and Internet Marketing Specialist. I Just came across your site not too long ago. I am enjoying your blog and I am already impressed with some of the SEO tools offered…. Thanks
I am a website designer in Marietta, Ga. I enjoy building clean looking websites as well as creative seo techniques.
My name is Brian and I am the owner of If anyone is looking to start their own search engine optimization and search engine submission online business then please go to
I used your SEO tools and they gave the best result as i expect for any tools and i hope you will give the best SEO tools and their importances in future.
Hello, I run which is a business directory that does video marketing listings for the local area business (amongst other things). Thanks for the SEO tips!
Hi Jim,
Just found your site and love the ideas…been reading some of your 2005 posts. In particular the idea of becoming an editor at DMOZ. You said you doubted it was worth the trouble. The other idea that caught my eye was the fact that you said to remind you to write a piece on “How to help Wikipedia’s information†from you post back in 2005
“SEO via DMOZ is very 2002 – 2003ish, What’s “related†but more 2005ish is getting links within Wikipedia….remind me, I’ll have to do a “How to help Wikipedia’s information†post.)”
Would love to know if there’s something that is more 2007ish that I should be doing.
All my best,
Hi, my name is Serge. i work for offshore development company. I manage web design studio site and some blogs. Thank you for giving a chance to intriduce myself.
I am ashish.I like seo and hence i research a lot about changing trends in seo industry.
I often provide consultation to clients as how to structure their site for seo and how to increase link popularity.
I am Stephan Miller, and affiliate marketer and webmaster for an ecommerce site finally going full force at blogging and social media to see how this will impact my online efforts.
I am Iris Jackson, i am new and wanted to know more about seo i am working on my blog to increase rank and found your site.
My name is Cotton Rohrscheib, I am a web developer and co-founder of Pleth Networks, LLC, an Arkansas Based, managed hosting provider. We also specialize in email solutions with spam and virus protection. My primary development language is php, but I have recently started looking at ColdFusion. I also run a blog, My business websites are: and
I also attended Jim’s SEO session at HostingCon in Chicago this year.
I am an owner of an anger management organization. I also have a website and ran across your blog while searching for new ideas to help improve my website. thanks for some good information.
Ari Novick, Ph.D.
Hey Jim. Love your site and find it a real fountain of SEO knowledge. Keep up the good work.
SEO Specialist, Expedia Inc
Hi I’m Daryl, young Irish Web Designer and SEO. Finding it tough to keep up with changes in the algos, causing my site to go up and down the SERPs like a ping pong ball. Working for at the moment.
Hi Jim,
We met at a WMW event years ago, and you kindly paid for my dinner (I paid you back of course 🙂
Good to see you doing well, love the tools, and the pic of you at the top.
Me? Still an SEO wannabee, and trying to sell my suits online!
Hello Jim
I’m a search engine optimiser from New Zealand and run a small seo part partime. For my full time job do the small thing for a company in Christchurch.
BTW – Please don’t go under the radar, your posts are gold.
Hi Jim,
I’m ex-programmer. Now learning internet marketing and hoping to be successful in the near future. Find internet internet marketing kind of troublesome and full of uncertainty. its environment let a lot of work at home wannabe living in the dark for a long time before realising the reality of internet. so would like to find a way to provide some kind of services that would not waste a lot of people time and money to succeed online.
still gathering those info. with small capital i need to do it slowly, steadily and patiently. still a lot to learn on this biz especially seo. really enjoy seo maybe because of my programming background. hope can get the necessary seo knowledge from your blog. thanks for having me here.
Hello Jim,
I am reading your blog from a very long time but came to know abt this page today only..
Anyways i am an Internet Marketing Consultant and just love to explore new SEO related topics.
Hi Jim,
My business partner has pulled me into the fascination of SEO and your take on how the internet works in general. I have already learned a lot from your postings and look forward to learning more.
Hi Jim,
My name is Vincent Felicinao and I look forward to interviewing with your company. I have read alot of what you do and I love all your new ideas. I am looking forward to becoming an internet marketing Ninja.
Hi Jim,
My name is Vincent Felicinao and I look forward to interviewing with your company. I have read alot of what you do and I love all your new ideas. I am looking forward to becoming an internet marketing Ninja.
Hi Jim. Thx for your blog.
Now i just try to make my own blog.
You can see it at
Hi Jim,
Myself Deepak from India. I am an seo in a web development firm
I am a CEO Blogger at Just interested in the SEO field.
I was doing some SEO research and ended up on this blog… think I’ll stay a while
Hello Jim,
I am reading your blog from a very long time but came to know abt this page today only..
Anyways i am an Internet Marketing Consultant and just love to explore new SEO related topics.
Hello Jim,
Im a new reader of your blog, I actually just found it yesterday. But its one that I will be bookmarking. Most of it is related to my type of work. Im also a Link Builder/Off-Page SEO. I spend most of my days either promoting my sites or link building from my service Thanks for giving me the chance to introduce myself, I look foward to learning some new things from your blog!
Hey Jim,
This is a really interesting idea. I may just copy this on my own site… you allow users to interact with you – offer value, a free link, and make them remember you as well.
I do online marketing, working in PPC, SEO, with Fortune 500 companies and small business owners. I have a couple of my own businesses, and love to hear new ideas.
My current little baby is small business consulting, over at About Results Marketing
Hi Jim,
Rick here from Just wanted to let you, and apparently others, know about our new site. If you do any work with writing articles as part of your SEO strategy, we help make the article-writing process easier by automating the sign-up and submission process. We also provide tools that allow you to write your article so that a unique version will go to every article site — thus avoiding duplicate content penalties.
You can sign up for free and check it out, but you can’t actually do any submissions. If you sign up for an account (Jim… not the rest of you), let me know your user login and I’ll give you a 100 free credits so that you can give it a proper test drive.
Hi Jim,
I am Tulika. I am into internet marketing – interactive and social media marketing at Infovedics. I am a recent reader of your blog and find your posts on SEO very useful.
Hello Jim,
Neat idea.
I am me. I’ve been this way for 34 years. I hope to continue being this way for quite some time more.
From what I’ve read about you, I imagine I will be spending quite some time here at least.
Have a good day.
Hi Jim
I just recently found your site, and was just reading your post about link ninjas vs link baiters… Quite funny 🙂
About my self.
My name is Lars Bachmann, im from Denmark, and working with SEO and webdelevopment in a small advertising company.
I did my first SEO about 5 years ago, and been working as a professionel SEO for the last 3 years.
Im 30 years old and i have my own personal blog, where i write about SEO, Searchengines and all other kind og “geeky” stuff.
Im looking forward to read some more articles from your blog archives.
Jim, I met you briefly at PubCon last week and am new to your blog. I’m a usability consultant in Chicago (coder by habit, and psychologist by training) who has the crazy notion that SEO and usability can actually complement each other. Looking forward to hearing what you have to say, and I hope you don’t make good on your threat to disappear from the blogosphere.
Hello. My name is Paul Mulder. I’m based in Melbourne Australia, and work in finance.
I really have very little knowledge about SEO stuff, altough it’s something that I’ve recently become interested in. I only landed on this website for the first time a few hours ago and can see myself as becoming a regular visitor; there certainly is wealth of handy stuff here.
My name is Steve Baik. I’m based in California, and currently run two websites related to credit and finance. My main site is I have over 8 years in the finance/mortgage industry, with over 5 years in SEO and link building.
I am still learning, but feel I have a lot more to learn.
Hi All,
I am a web designer cum SEO.
Nice to be part of this community..
I am already a fan of Jim and his articles..
I have optimized a lot of sites through the knowledge i gained from this blog..
Sher Singh
Hi Jim,
My name is Tyler and I’m the new Link Ninja at Databanq Media. I’m learning a lot from your techniques and blogs, keep up the great work.
Watch out though, a new Link Ninja is on the prowl.
Hi Jim!
I work for Alliance Search Marketing
Search Engine Marketing firm.
Like your blog!
Hi Jim,
First Of all, Thanks to give this Platfrom to introduce Internet professional with You and rest of the world
I’m Bidyut, a Indian Blogger, I’m a SEO professional in The Inida, as well as I’m doing from more than a Hundred more (pro)bloggers and Internet profissionals whose feeds I subscribe.
I started my Freelance Search Engine Optimizer BLog , almost Two month ago, If you have time, please visit, a blog in on SEO, Internet Marketing, Social Media Promotion, Search Engine Marketing and related stuff.I have almost 7 years IT experience and have recently (last couple of years) started to actively enter into the SEO/SEM field. Its suprising me that how many SEO skills are inherent in good web development practices who Build good, well structured pages using standards compliant code and half the battle is already won in search engine search ranking!
Keep the good work you do here.
Best wishes,
Hi Jim, I just stumbled upon your blog and love what I’ve been able to read so far.
Who am I? Most people know me for my work as an abstract painter but I attribute so much of my success to how I’ve marketed myself using joint ventures.
I’m looking forward to reading more of your stuff. Take care & happy holidays.
marti garaughty
I just learning SEO for my own sites. I just started
I hope to learn from your blog and site. Thanks for valuable tools.
Hi Jim et al-
Run a web development agency specialising in flash game design based outside of London- Particularly interested in SEO related issues right now so thanks for the expert advice!
Festive greetings-
I’m a freelance web designer who sweats this seo stuff!
Hello I’m Bilal Qayyum, SEO Expert doing search engine optimization and marketing since 1998 🙂
Hi! Jim, I a new blogger…i am still learning about SEO. Thanks for sharing about all this stuff. I love reading about your blog and site, i love the tools that you shared with us, although i know that it’s still going to take long before i get PR but reading your site and learning i know i’m going to get better.
I am blogging about technology nothing about SEO but i need to learn to get PR.
I am Raghavan a hardcore SEM enthusiast from India. I like your blogs and the questions that you put forward to the corporate. MY expertise is ecommerce and goal conversion. Hope I learn more valuable points from your blog and thanks for having this section really helpful to know people. 🙂
Hi Jim,
I saw your posts on Local Internet Marketing. I feel one of the problems that is holding back local businesses in marketing online is that they are confused and frustrated. They are confused by this new media, which is very alien to them. They are also frustrated because they do not know how to proceed.
That is why we created the Local Online Marketing Association – a resource to educate local businesses on how to succeed online. By teaching simple techniques and strategies you can not only get local businesses to participate online, but you can also help them reap the awards of connecting with local customers. You can learn more about LOMA at
Fred Waters
I read the whole story about you. I am inspired, I am a newbie and just started making websites. Its a long way to go for me. Thanks for sharing all info of yours and SEO
My name is Anie, I work for a SEO company in India as Webmaster/SEO. We work for all large, small/medium businesses and companies.
Take a look:
I am in the Internet Marketing biz and I read your blog and I think you provide a great service to the SEO community.
Hey, Jim! I LOVE what you guys are doing here! Your blog is extremely educational and worth spending a lot of time on. I have home value report site ( where I am in charge of link building and I also teach link building with ProspectMX in Lancaster, PA. Your website allows me to stay on top of the game and was a reality check.
Thanks again.
My name is Scott Salwolke and I’m a SEO consultant out of Dubuque, Iowa. Right now we’re close to setting a record for the most amount of snow in our community in one year. It makes me glad that most of my work is done on the Internet. And that there are blogs like this where I get to meet other people in the industry.
Hello, I’m a newbie trying to learn what seo is all about.