Roger Montti (Martinibuster) Joins BOTW Guys!
As reported on the Best of the Web BOTW Blog – Martinibuster is going to BOTW! … we are pleased to welcome Roger Montti as the newest member of the BOTW executive team. …Roger will be acting as BOTW VP of Verticals. Our newest offering, BOTW Verticals (beta) will serve as an online resource for users to […]
The Google Gods Speak to Us about Link Building.
The Google Gods (in our heads) Speak to Us about Link Building. Brandon Cornett has a nice article called “The 10 Commandments of Link Building” I just read on ISEdb. Brandon also gives a nice tip under #6 “Thou shalt be creative” …Then it dawned on me. There were hundreds, possibly thousands of websites out there […]