Browser Settings

Agent Properties
Internet BrowserOthers browsers
Accept Char. Set:N/A
Accept Encoding:gzip, br
Accept Language:en-US,en;q=0.5
User Agent:CCBot/2.0 (
Your (Client) IP address:
Your Hostname:
Local Settings
Via Proxy IP:N/A Your Proxy:N/A

See how to use Browser Settings

This utility gathers useful information about your web browser, including platform, IP Address, Browser Name and more!

The Browser Settings tool(by Jim Boykin) will tell you information about your current internet browser.  Find out which browser is your default browser, your current browser resolution, whether it recognizes plugins, has cookies enabled, etc, so you know the capabilities of your internet browser.

If you like this tool, please Plus it, Like it, Tweet it, or best yet, link to it - Jim